A Half-Century of Nothing

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ Another piece written pre-2007, probably 2005 or 2006. This was taken off an old hard drive that I discovered today while checking some old computers. I wrote many pieces during my time on the forum "e-thepeople.org" which is no longer on the internet. Surprisingly, many of them could easily apply today in 2015.]

A Half-Century of Nothing

If we recap the past half-century of U.S. government, what does it tell us? Have we grown and prospered, improved the quality of life, and ensured a sound future for generations to come? A close examination of where we are today, as a nation, reveals some interesting details of how our government has, and continues, to abuse and misuse its’ power. Looking at the big picture, taking into account, both pros and cons, we can see that the cons out-weigh the pros by a significant margin.

Starting with the economy, without going into every detail of each element, it’s easy to see a declining and troublesome economic base. The Japanese are very close to replacing GM as the leading sellers of automobiles in the U.S. Our energy dependency has contributed to a reduction in spendable income, and has negatively effected the overall economy. Real wages are declining, and the job market is very unstable. The foreign trade deficit is an indication of ill-conceived and executed trade agreements we made with our trading partners.

Our allies, with greatly diminished loyalty to us, are all but silent in support of our international efforts. We’ve lost a great deal of the respect we once commanded from friends and allies around the world. Our international position has weakened in such a way, that it adversely affects many of our diplomatic efforts in dealing with international issues.

Our government has been big spenders to the point of creating the largest national debt in our history, with little, if any hope of reducing it in the foreseeable future. Our social security fund is mere red ink awaiting rescue. We have a space program that is draining the citizens’ taxes, and showing very little return on the investment. The foreign aid program is a give-away bonanza for countries around the world, most of it finding its way into the pockets of a select few, while the intended recipients go lacking.

Conflicts abroad have been total disasters, with absolutely nothing accomplished, and tens of thousands of our soldiers lost. Viet Nam saw almost sixty thousand of our soldiers lost, with no victory, no gain, and untold suffering and disabilities to thousands more. Now, our soldiers are on foreign soil once more, with over two thousand of them lost so far, no end to the conflict in sight, with nothing gained or accomplished, and the suffering and disabling injuries continue to add-up.

We’ve come to a point to where the government can force us out of our homes to enable commercial development, benefiting a select few. Our privacy can be infringed upon at a whim of government, all in the name of national security, for which there isn’t any. Prayer in public schools has become taboo to satisfy a select few. Freedom and justice continue to ring hollow in the ears of those wrongly accused and imprisoned.

What we have, in reality, is the results of a half-century of absolutely nothing beneficial from our government. The government is put into place to lead us, protect us, and to serve in the best interest of the citizens of this nation. From all indications, our government has failed miserably, not only has it failed you and I, it has failed this nation. Soon, if changes aren’t made, patriotism will wane, dissension and hatred will take the place of trust and respect, and a once great nation will become just another country in turmoil.

What will you do the next time a politician ask for your vote, if they’re running for re-election? Vote them back in, or replace them with someone that wants this nation to regain its’ status as a world leader in freedom, justice, liberty, and opportunity?
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Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?
Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
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Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.
Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
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Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.
Same could be said about bringing blacks up to civilized standards. 60 years of fucking nothing.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.

I agree that racism still exists including programs like Affirmative Action. My problem with it is that those who support it say not hiring using race as a factor is wrong yet hiring using race as a factor is OK.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.

I agree that racism still exists including programs like Affirmative Action. My problem with it is that those who support it say not hiring using race as a factor is wrong yet hiring using race as a factor is OK.
I understand exactly what you mean. Back in my working days, I got to see it first hand. No, it's not right. But, many asked for it, and now we see the result.
Blacks have been given many paths to better themselves. They have been given a leg-up in the work place, in education, and many doors have been opened to them in the past 50 years. What more can be done? What would you suggest that we could do to make things even better for them?

When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.

I agree that racism still exists including programs like Affirmative Action. My problem with it is that those who support it say not hiring using race as a factor is wrong yet hiring using race as a factor is OK.

The fact that blacks need it shows a lot about their abilities. It isn't good. They bitch about not getting ahead but then we rig the entire system in their favor. What do they do? They still can't.
When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.

I agree that racism still exists including programs like Affirmative Action. My problem with it is that those who support it say not hiring using race as a factor is wrong yet hiring using race as a factor is OK.

The fact that blacks need it shows a lot about their abilities. It isn't good. They bitch about not getting ahead but then we rig the entire system in their favor. What do they do? They still can't.
I many cases, you're correct. There are some people of all races that can't be helped regardless of how the deck is stacked in their favor.
When I started 1st grade, it was the first year where I lived that blacks and whites went to school together at that particular school. For 12 years through the same elementary, middle, and high schools, we had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, classes, facilities, etc. In other words, we all had the same opportunities. However, there are still people who will say that because I'm white, I had more opportunities through those 12 years as the black students.

I suggest they start within their own communities making things better. Perhaps is the bastard child rate wasn't over 70%, things might get better on their own.
Yes, they've been given opportunities to better themselves. Yes, there's still prejudice and unspoken hatred towards them. Racism is alive and well. But, again, avenues have been made available to them to prosper and elevate themselves.

Avenues that I as a white person haven't been given especially through government programs.
I agree. It's been one-sided.

I agree that racism still exists including programs like Affirmative Action. My problem with it is that those who support it say not hiring using race as a factor is wrong yet hiring using race as a factor is OK.

The fact that blacks need it shows a lot about their abilities. It isn't good. They bitch about not getting ahead but then we rig the entire system in their favor. What do they do? They still can't.

It's like starting a race with a 100 meter head start and still not winning.

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