A Constant Reminder

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ Digging through an old hard drive, I ran across some pieces that I wrote years ago. The items are pre-2007, probably 2005 and 2006. They were originally posted on a forum called "e-thepeople.org". That forum is no longer on the internet. I thought that it wouldn't hurt to re-post some of the pieces here since many of them could easily apply to where we are in 2015.]

A Constant Reminder

Someone once said, “Life is an educator, and that we learn each and every day that we live”. I doubt anyone could argue that truism to be anything other than true. We’re presently at a point in time where that education is needed more than ever before. The events and situations here and abroad are calling on that knowledge with desperation and urgency.

The world is watching as war rages in the Middle East, famine and genocide occurs in Africa, human slave trading occurs around the world, and global warming and environmental issues become more serious. Add to these, the threat of nuclear attacks becoming more serious, religious turmoil, ethnic discrimination, and a worldwide energy crisis taking its’ toll. And, we could add poverty, disease, and rapid population growth in many countries to this list of concerns.

Man, collectively, has the knowledge to deal with and make positive differences in many of the troubled issues presently occurring around the globe. But, because of mans’ quest to obtain and keep power and influence, his thirst for wealth and status, and his religious beliefs, the knowledge he has that can make positive differences is “put aside”.

Through the news media such as TV, the Internet, radio, and newspapers, we’re constantly reminded of our lack of desire to co-exist with the environment and with each other on an equal basis. We’re reminded every day of the death and destruction of war. We’re reminded daily that ones’ religious beliefs don’t always include peace and harmony. The occurrences of genocide and human slave trading reminds us of mans’ misguided and false claims of superiority, his prejudice and hatred towards others, and his inhumane and insensitive nature.

“The Pied Piper of Hamelin” by Robert Browning (1812-1889) is a good example of “why” we’ve gotten to this point. We’ve chosen to follow the wrong leaders, and we’re paying dearly as a result. Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary defines a “pied piper” as “one who entices others with delusive promises”; “an appealing but irresponsible leader”. The dictionary defines delusive as “tending to mislead or deceive: deceptive”. How many “pied pipers” can you name that are presently leading others?

The news media constantly reminds us of our mistakes and global problems, the “Pied Piper” SHOULD constantly remind us to choose our leader or leaders carefully. We’ve followed too many pied pipers in the past and we’re in trouble as a result. Use the education you’ve obtained through “The lessons of Life” to keep you from becoming prey for a pied piper.

This country, and the world, has a great need for leaders with desire and knowledge to make a positive difference. We can support and encourage those that have the same goals as we have. Our voice can make a difference as to whether we have problem after problem or solution after solution. If you know of someone that can make a positive difference, pass that information along to others.

Can you recommend a strong leader for this country? Can you name a pied piper that we should be aware of?

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