A guide to official enquiries into Boris Johnson

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Cash for Curtains is now taking on a life of its own. Its strange that such a mundane event should shine such a bright light on tory sleaze. There are now 3 enquiries from different bodies and the hope must be that they can pin one on the fat bastard.

Two of the enquiries can be classed as internal. They will report to Boris and he will decide any actions arising from the enquiry. The new Cabinet Secretary is heading up one of them. Johnson recently sacked the last Cabinet Sec so this guy needs to be careful what he finds. The second enquiry is being run by the Ethics Investigator. The last one resigned when Johnson ignored his findings that the Home Secretary was guilty of bullying. The government paid out a six figure sum in compy instead.

Its a farce. Johnson has set up two enquiries into himself. He could save us all the trouble by just making a statement. The issue here is that he cant do that because he obviously has something to hide.

"Hey Mr Cabinet Sec. Can you investigate how I paid for the renovation of my living quarters please ?"

Its bloody ridiculous.

However, the third investigation by the Electoral Commission is a bit more serious. They have full powers and can impose sanctions. Just as important is that they should also keep the other two investigations honest. The Commission could also drag in the Tory Party as any financial help should be declared and somebody should have paid tax. Johnson should also have declared the help as he was the beneficiary.

Its a big shit sandwich for the tories. They knew that Johnson was a moral vacuum and yet appointed him anyway.

Back in the real world they have just shit on the Grenfell victims, the people of Northern Ireland, the fishing and hospitality industry amongst others this week. In exchange they are about to announce a new royal yacht costing £200m. Life in tory britain.

Cash for Curtains is now taking on a life of its own. Its strange that such a mundane event should shine such a bright light on tory sleaze. There are now 3 enquiries from different bodies and the hope must be that they can pin one on the fat bastard.

Two of the enquiries can be classed as internal. They will report to Boris and he will decide any actions arising from the enquiry. The new Cabinet Secretary is heading up one of them. Johnson recently sacked the last Cabinet Sec so this guy needs to be careful what he finds. The second enquiry is being run by the Ethics Investigator. The last one resigned when Johnson ignored his findings that the Home Secretary was guilty of bullying. The government paid out a six figure sum in compy instead.

Its a farce. Johnson has set up two enquiries into himself. He could save us all the trouble by just making a statement. The issue here is that he cant do that because he obviously has something to hide.

"Hey Mr Cabinet Sec. Can you investigate how I paid for the renovation of my living quarters please ?"

Its bloody ridiculous.

However, the third investigation by the Electoral Commission is a bit more serious. They have full powers and can impose sanctions. Just as important is that they should also keep the other two investigations honest. The Commission could also drag in the Tory Party as any financial help should be declared and somebody should have paid tax. Johnson should also have declared the help as he was the beneficiary.

Its a big shit sandwich for the tories. They knew that Johnson was a moral vacuum and yet appointed him anyway.

Back in the real world they have just shit on the Grenfell victims, the people of Northern Ireland, the fishing and hospitality industry amongst others this week. In exchange they are about to announce a new royal yacht costing £200m. Life in tory britain.

I told you people that this scandal is the one that will take him down if any does. There is nothing that will turn even his most loyal supporters against him like knowing their donations are being misappropriated.

The tone is changing on all of this now. The official line is that we should wait for the enquiry outcome. Hardly a fulsome defence of the moral vacuum. It also turns out that he has a donor meeting the cost of a nanny for his bastard baby.

Another day and another enquiry . This time into blowjobs holiday in Mustique. Who paid for it and what did they get. All pertinent questions for the most corrupt PM since Walpole.
No, I think it will be his old mate Dominic Cummings that will deliver the fatal stab in the back, front, and everywhere else in between. So stupid to blame him for something he clearly hadn't done.
He is due to give evidence to a parliamentary committee shortly. He has already threatened to publish all his e-mails while Johnson's top advisor. I bet Boris is shitting himself as he will know the one person on Earth he doesn't want to do a hatchet job on him is D Cummings, as you can just tell Cummings will do a hatchet job like no other, that will be seen as hatchet jobs go, as a work of art.
boris supports labor.jpg
So current enquiries are -
The House ethics committee are examining whether he lied to parliament, (He did)
And the National Audit Office are trying to find the 48 new hospitals he is always trumpeting. They have found 5 so far.

None of this matters as he is bomb proof until his own MPs turn against him. They are unlikely to do so as their fate is tied to his. So the whole grisly circus grinds on.

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