Zone1 A group of black teens maul a white women in downtown Chicago

There is plenty of white on white crime. The stat is true. But black commit more violent gun crime per capita than white people. Black's are 17% of the population YET, commit more homicides than whites in totality. Look at the data below from the FBI for 2019. Which race committed the most murders? Which race is only 17% of the US population? Which race has the biggest problem?

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Per capita is used an excuse by whites to deny their problem with crime. Quit citing one crime to make a claim. In that same UCR,, whites led in 27 out of 30 categories of crime, including violent crime. Whites have a severe white on white crime problem. Given the fact that whitee have the most propert, wealth and resources, they should not be committing near the amount of crime they do.
Not true. Look at every successful black man who was raised in white culture, who speaks exactly like white people. He is no different than any of us, other than the color of his skin. Nigerians might be the most financially successful group per capita in the US, even above jews, believe it or not. Culture is what dictates the behavior of humans.

Black Americans have a shit sub culture, so they suck. It's as simple as that.
The vast majority of blacks are thugs and criminals. You're right that they have a shit culture. Much of that culture they so tightly embrace grew out of gang behavior on the streets and out of prison life.

I grew up with blacks, hung out with them, worked with them in clubs and after hours joints - sometimes for days at a time.

Most would steal anything that is not nailed down. And MOST have absolutely no respect for white people.

It's obvious that most of the whites we see commenting on this subject don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Maybe they know an odd black guy here or there, but really, most know nothing about blacks. Most blacks wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

There are some decent, educated blacks but they are few compared to the entire group.

Look at Shitcongo and other cities they are turning into American shitholes. That will give you a far more honest view of what can be expected from these people. Making excuses for them only makes matters worse.

I know Nigerians are supposed to be much better educated and behaved than American blacks, but then, what group isn't? In any case, I never lived with Nigerian blacks so I don't know much about them and have no interest in them.
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Per capita is used an excuse by whites to deny their problem with crime. Quit citing one crime to make a claim. In that same UCR,, whites led in 27 out of 30 categories of crime, including violent crime. Whites have a severe white on white crime problem. Given the fact that whitee have the most propert, wealth and resources, they should not be committing near the amount of crime they do.
No one is citing one crime. You see the data and you choose to ignore it because it doesn't fit this biased mantra you clench onto.
Blacks commit more murders than whites period. Yet, Blacks are 18% of the population. So who has the bigger problem?

And crime regardless of race is a problem. There are entirely too many murders by all races. But when the black community ignores the crimes, ignores the destructive behavior, ignores the gang and urban culture in the big cities, you're guilty by association. You're like the parent who can't believe that your little Jamal is a bully at school. Or you justify Jamal's behavior because there are 3 white kids that bully too so therefore you so no reason to correct the behavior.

One day, the tolerance that society has for all people, regardless of race, to live and act like animals, will stop and the decry of racism from the black community will fall on deaf ears. Maybe not our lifetime, but one can only hope.
Imo blacks are incapable of change. They will NEVER improve.

Their 'evolution' seems to have ended long before they climbed out of their trees. Ridding ourselves of them, totally, is the only thing that will help.

Short of that, blacks will continue to destroy this nation. They're a curse on america.

That's as positive as I can be about this nasty dilemma
I won't go as far as to say "Never". There are absolutely great Black Americans in this country, conservative and liberal. However, their voices are being drowned out by the yelling minority that sit on the narratives of; white supremacy, racism, respectability politics, cancel culture, and reparations, while supporting the criminal activities of looting, violence, thugs and gangs.

And maybe a curse deserved. I know some don't want to hear that. But we took humans, regardless of who was selling them, regardless of how slavery was rampant all over the world, and used them for economical gains. That was wrong. But, we are no longer those people. We can take the liberty that our founding fathers created, pass that to all men and woman, regardless of race. Which we have. We have abolished so many un-civil rights and created opportunities.

The ball is the Black communities hands. Problem as I see it, they want to play an entirely different sport and want to change the rules however they see fit.
No one is citing one crime. You see the data and you choose to ignore it because it doesn't fit this biased mantra you clench onto.
Blacks commit more murders than whites period. Yet, Blacks are 18% of the population. So who has the bigger problem?
Blacks are only about 13% of the population.
And crime regardless of race is a problem. There are entirely too many murders by all races. But when the black community ignores the crimes, ignores the destructive behavior, ignores the gang and urban culture in the big cities, you're guilty by association. You're like the parent who can't believe that your little Jamal is a bully at school. Or you justify Jamal's behavior because there are 3 white kids that bully too so therefore you so no reason to correct the behavior.

Even worse, we have black racists on this forum who blame WHITES for their own crimes.
One day, the tolerance that society has for all people, regardless of race, to live and act like animals, will stop and the decry of racism from the black community will fall on deaf ears. Maybe not our lifetime, but one can only hope.
I hope it comes soon. The last two images - the savages attacking the defenseless white lady, and the miscreants rampaging a store in Compton - reminded me of Lord of the Flies.

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