A former Trump supporter describes her escape

I've already pointed out the fact that the Dems have played a role in this and don't want to admit it.
Exactly, but for the Democrat's massive abuse of power and attempts at massive voter suppression, Trump would be a nobody. Democrats are doing everything they can to elect Trump but they are just far to stupid to figure that out.
  • The QAnon conspiracy theory was born on fringe messageboards in 2017.
  • The "big-tent" theory baselessly alleges Trump has been fighting a cabal of pedophiles.
  • QAnon seeped into the mainstream and became increasingly popular in 2020.
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QAnon, conspiracy theory originating in forum posts on the website 4chan in October 2017. Conspiracy adherents believed that U.S. Pres. Donald Trump was waging a secret war against a cabal of satanic cannibalistic pedophiles within Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the so-called “deep state” within the United States government. With the aid of social media platforms, the theory expanded in content and geographic reach in subsequent years and resulted in legal protests as well as several violent criminal incidents.

Over time, “bakers” and other QAnon-associated personalities expanded the conspiracy theory in response to world events and Trump’s actions, while Trump-aligned politicians and even Trump himself sometimes echoed QAnon beliefs online, at rallies, or at official appearances. For example, QAnon theorists addressed the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by suggesting that drinking industrial bleach marketed as Miracle Mineral Solution could cure COVID-19, the potentially deadly disease caused by the virus.

At a press conference in April 2020, Trump posited similar claims when he proposed that disinfectant agents like bleach could be administered by “injection inside or almost a cleaning” to combat the virus. Trump also used Twitter to boost QAnon’s reach. He retweeted scores of posts from QAnon believers and other conspiracy theorists;

You are as ignorant as one could ever be. And congrats you definitely found a suitable party - that feeds all your daily needs.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

You're an idiot.3*
Whether you know it or not, you are beginning to see why Trump is gaining supporters, because the Democrats really are that bad.
A smart person will indeed realize this.

Democrats and Republican have their fair equal share in bringing down the USA - especially it's society aka, it's socio-economic demise.

Are you aware that there is No MAGA party? - then only a moron would vote for these two established mainstream parties. Exception being solely those who will vote for anything, in order to avoid a human scumbag, loudmouth and pathetic liar like Trump to completely screw up the USA.

Trump FAILED in ALL aspects during his 4 year term. Couldn't even deliver a lousy wall.
Well, that's what this has always been about for me. 2016 showed me that America isn't what I thought it was.

It's not about the issues. I have several agreements with the Right. But there is no way that a significant portion of the country would fall for this. Or so I thought.

This isn't about politics for me, and never has been. This is about who and what we are.
Oh shut up. You are a hard core far Left loon, just like every other fucking Democrat party loyalist in this country. You don't agree with REAL Americans on any fucking thing.
I don't recall ever having seen a post by you that would actually make sense - certainly not in this thread.

Instead of enraging yourself about Trumps criminal negligence towards Covid - all you can come up with are conspiracy theories and yapping about side-effects from Covid Vaccines whilst laying blame onto senile Biden who simply picked up onto Trumps pharmacy industry enrichment - solely initiated by Trump.

what part is not clear Krustecean? The part where china worked with the DEM to create the virus? Then to launch and spread it? Go suck on it mohammed. You aren’t worth the time to educate. Worry about your own sad Malay butt.
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what are we supposed to think? rudy, a confessed serial perjurer gets a mysterious laptop from the blind computer repairman. rudy, like any patriotic american, lent the computer to lev parnas who only kept it for a few months before they , i don't know, take me through the rest of this "chain of custody??"
You’re not supposed to think, you just parrot the Talking Points
How many of your folks still believe to this day that Trump told you to drink bleach? Don’t lecture us on intelligence.
i watched the entire sordid incident live on c span. where did you not see it?
they have been sterilizing blood since the 50s’ you bag of sewage. Learn to think. Trump was brainstorming. Many great ideas come from a group brainstorming session.
america ain't got time to watch his silly "brain farting " an hour a day, desperate for information as our parents died. and died . bit i;'m sire he sold a lot if goya canned mexican crap.

"brainstorming" might,, in real life, consist of an executive listening to the experts or the game theory gurus. not babbling in tongues about his own superlative shit.
Trump didn't create anything aside from making money for himself via criminal means, misusing the naivety and desperation of "rightfully" disgruntled Americans - making an extra buck via his brand promos and ripping them of for "$ contributions".

It's a shame and frightening to see, that so many can't see through this charlatan.
There are democrat Congressmen who made more money insider trading in a month than Trump made in years as POTUS
I listened to the girl’s whole spiel and my reaction is that she likes to march in formation

What does that mean?

She is a doctrinaire lib who used to be a doctrinaire conservative

She needs a rigid set of beliefs to guide her because she has trouble thinking for herself

She merely traded Donald Trump for Taylor Swift

And her beliefs on the issues did a 180 degree flip at the same time
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what part is not clear Krustecean? The part where china worked with the DEM to create the virus? The to launch and spread it? Go suck on it mohammed. You aren’t worth the time to educate, worry about your own sad Malay butt.
You are a full blown idiot, who even fantasizes about educating others, and thus a prime example of a distorted MAGA cult member.
Scumbags like Trump need people like you - please don't start to drift, or close yourself off to him.
what part is not clear Krustecean? The part where china worked with the DEM to create the virus? The to launch and spread it? Go suck on it mohammed. You aren’t worth the time to educate, worry about your own sad Malay butt.
Total global covid deaths is approximately 3.4 million. USA deaths is about a third of that. Which means China hurt other countries and themselves more than they hurt USA. What a conspiracy you got there.
The whole thing is a metaphor for getting out from under the Rumpian Red Meat Cultist Talking Points mindset.

No small feat for a young person learning to think for herself rather than let Faux News (or even MSNBC) think for her.

True. Just as YOU fools enable and embrace and spread Rump's Big Lie because you think he'll give you what you want.

When the alternative is a fat aging ignorant arrogant narcissistic autocrat-wannabe who will do anything to hold onto power...

Sometimes a barely-functioning potato starts to look pretty darned good by comparison...

I mean... how bad do you have to be, to
LOSE an election to a barely functioning potato? :auiqs.jpg:

The whole thing is a metaphor for getting out from under the Rumpian Red Meat Cultist Talking Points mindset.

No small feat for a young person learning to think for herself rather than let Faux News (or even MSNBC) think for her.

True. Just as YOU fools enable and embrace and spread Rump's Big Lie because you think he'll give you what you want.

When the alternative is a fat aging ignorant arrogant narcissistic autocrat-wannabe who will do anything to hold onto power...

Sometimes a barely-functioning potato starts to look pretty darned good by comparison...

I mean... how bad do you have to be, to
LOSE an election to a barely functioning potato? :auiqs.jpg:
I never voted for Trump and you are stating that Trump would do anything to hold on to power, but you are going to vote for a person who has an obvious decline in mental health.

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