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A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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I used to think you were a reasonably intelligent person, but you're just as gullible and lacking in critical thinking skills as the rest of the Trump Cult.

I NEVER thought you were a reasonable person.

You are a loon.
LOL he was about to expose the Biden corruption and bribery. you are a buffoon
So he was about to give evidence of something you believe with 100% certainty, despite never having any evidence?

I want you to think about the idiotic thing you just said and about what you just revealed about yourself.
I used to think you were a reasonably intelligent person, but you're just as gullible and lacking in critical thinking skills as the rest of the Trump Cult.
He was.

Something happened to his brain. I have been watching his steady decline for about 3 years.

What MAGA Had Planned For Pence On Jan. 6

Per the plan, swing states that Biden won were supposed to submit pro-Trump electors — a key part of a broader plan to subvert the election results by presenting Pence on Jan. 6 with a supposed choice between competing interpretations of who swing states selected for president.

By submitting those alternate slates of electors, Chesebro wrote, states would give whoever was in charge of the process the authority not only to “open” and “count” the electoral votes, but to “mak[e] judgments about what to do if there are conflicting votes.”

From there, key Senate Republicans were supposed to hold high-profile hearings from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5 about allegations of “widespread violations of law” in the election. Chesebro referenced one hearing scheduled by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during that week.

On Jan. 6 itself, Pence was to immediately announce that, as a candidate running for office, he had a “conflict of interest” and thereby recuse himself from counting the votes. The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So the plan called for Pence to recuse himself from the vote counting and allow Chuckles Grassley to take over. Then....

“He then opens the two envelopes from Arizona, and announced that he cannot and will not, at least as of that date, count any electoral votes from Arizona because there are two slates of votes, and it is clear that the Arizona courts did not give a full and fair opportunity for review of election irregularities, in violation of due process.”

One hopes the level of knowledge and participation in the plan by Individual 1 will be revealed during the public hearings coming soon to a TV near you. Then we can get a clearer picture of.......

There was no COORDINATED plan to do this. That exists only in the minds of "story-teller" fanatics appointed to that committee by Pelosi. The "alternate slates" were efforts by legislators in those swing states who believed and could not immediately prove direct ballot fraud. And they WERE BLOCKED from introducing those "alternate slates" by their own legislatures. The ONLY SLATES submitted to the ELECTORAL college were the slates APPROVED by their legislative bodies and set to the Sec State for packaging.

End of story -- without the "hype" and propaganda.

The truth is -- any security breaches or illegal changes of election laws that CONTRIBUTED to LESS security/accuracy/timeliness of the 2020 election were RAMMED THRU THE COURTS in those states just BEFORE the election -- so they could not be effectively challenged. The "die was cast" on no confidence and security of the election BEFORE the election. And now the power lusting progressives want to make those changes PERMANENT AND FEDERALIZED. It's the top item on their bucket list before their slow suicide is complete.
On 2nd thought -- didn't realize this went out 28 pages and that the last 3 or 5 pages here is mostly illegal personal poking. So this is a LAST CALL for any ON-TOPIC -- not flamey posts. Will close later tonight.
There was no COORDINATED plan to do this.
There was absolutely coordination among the various groups that attacked the Capitol. The indictments for seditious conspiracy show that

There was also a plan (several different ones) to screw with the electoral count if the above plan was successful. (the Eastman memos detail that)

Tying those two pieces together would expose the coup
There was absolutely coordination among the various groups that attacked the Capitol. The indictments for seditious conspiracy show that

There was also a plan (several different ones) to screw with the electoral count if the above plan was successful. (the Eastman memos detail that)

Tying those two pieces together would expose the coup

You didn't read or dont remember the title and topic. Aint about the demonstrators. It's about Democrat inquisition conspiracy theories about "coordinating" alternate slates of electors. A whole different topic.
There was absolutely coordination among the various groups that attacked the Capitol. The indictments for seditious conspiracy show that

There was also a plan (several different ones) to screw with the electoral count if the above plan was successful. (the Eastman memos detail that)

Tying those two pieces together would expose the coup

Nothing could come of that since the state LEGISLATURES NEED to approve "alternate slates" to CHANGE the electoral count. And all of the PRIMARY slates were legislature approved. THUS there is no "lock-up" of the election in the House. Never COULD be. Because the ONLY Electoral votes that came in were voted and passed by the legislatures.
There was absolutely coordination among the various groups that attacked the Capitol. The indictments for seditious conspiracy show that

There was also a plan (several different ones) to screw with the electoral count if the above plan was successful. (the Eastman memos detail that)

Tying those two pieces together would expose the coup
Go ahead and sell that shit down the road but not here. Without admitting to being a Trumpist of the first order just take the coward's route. You defend nearly everything he's said and done while accusing the other side of launching a witch hunt. You declare the impeachments as undeserved and a leftist plot and doing so you ignore what all of America saw and heard on national television. Trump bribing Zelenskyy by withholding congressionally approved aid to him as Russia attacked innocent civilians. Apparently, that's not a reason to hold him and his acts accountable in your limited mind. So don't sell yourself as the voice of reason and a conscientious fence sitter. That's Bullshit and you know it. Every effort to hold him personally responsible are to you, just business as usual. We should just let him and the criminals around him do what they do and conveniently keep the bogus whataboutisms handy to blame the other side. Suddenly, even in the face of everything we've seen him do and say, we have an entire list of folks we can pin blame on. We can simply ignore the multitude of connections to Putin and Russia and their role in the 2016 election. The disgraceful spectacle in Helsinki, the campaign finance crimes that others are doing time for, The in our face emoluments crimes he committed to funnel money to himself and his Royal un elected family. The communications between his staff and those who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6, His words to white supremacists to "STAND BY!" Clearly meaning for them to await further instructions from him and then his words as a follow up to instruct them to go to the Capitol specifically on January 6th and "FIGHT LIKE HELL!" And we can ignore the fact that he sat in front of his television and watched what he ordered become action for 3 1/2 long hours in sheer delight while ignoring pleas by those around him to "call it off!" "Tell them to stop!" And you're right. We didn't hear you say anything about Trump. At least I don't recall you or anyone on the lunatic right condemn him or his actions. Instead we get, "Those Fuckin' Democrats!" So tell your story walking partner. I'm not buying any of it.
I don't care what you buy and don't buy. It's your money, fool.

I'll tell you one thing and one thing only: disrespect the children (again) and I'll slice your nuts off.

(If you have any, which I doubt).
You cannot reject the ONLY VALID slates that are presented. Especially without cause. That's WHY -- there was no PATH to locking up the Electoral College.
Eastman was saying there was...and Trump was pushing to try it
Democrats are expert marksman at shooting their own feet. The "ADS" for this TV blitz all promised "a narrative".. Mind you not detailed facts, stats, testimony -- but "a story" which is what a "narrative" is.

Like the "narrative" with which Schiftless opened up the last impeachment hearings. A "dramatized FICTION" that had completely re-written Trumps words to the Ukrainian prez. And when CALLED ON THIS -- he simply said it was satirical narrative.

Narratives are phony as hell and people can smell them in all corners of America. And this thread is an example of how Democrats create whole clothe from shredded half-truth and repeated lies. Like this "COUP" that had a conspiracy to submit "alternate slates" of delegates for Trump.
Eastman was saying there was...and Trump was pushing to try it

Dont care what Eastman said. I'm listening to Kodak. Easy to SAY THINGS and get mental midgets to accept the bait that they crave. The rest of us think for ourselves and figure out the news like the folks in the old Soviet Union had to do it. By weighing the propaganda and sniffing the odors that tell us -- this is not possible.

Because WE KNOW how govt is supposed to work and a "NARRATIVE" is aimed at fooling fools.
Democrats are expert marksman at shooting their own feet. The "ADS" for this TV blitz all promised "a narrative".. Mind you not detailed facts, stats, testimony -- but "a story" which is what a "narrative" is.

Like the "narrative" with which Schiftless opened up the last impeachment hearings. A "dramatized FICTION" that had completely re-written Trumps words to the Ukrainian prez. And when CALLED ON THIS -- he simply said it was satirical narrative.

Narratives are phony as hell and people can smell them in all corners of America. And this thread is an example of how Democrats create whole clothe from shredded half-truth and repeated lies. Like this "COUP" that had a conspiracy to submit "alternate slates" of delegates for Trump.

"I hate Democrats"

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