A dumbed down election and stayng free.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Has average citizen intelligence in the country regressed to pre-WW1 levels? If the 2020 presidential election is seen to be on the up and up there is just no other way to explain the statistical impossibility of a Joe Biden win. A candidate who was passed over by his own party in 2012 to run Hillary Clinton ran a phantom campaign and defeated an incumbent that packed full houses at rallies nationwide. This was one for the books and most agree those books were cooked.

There is no need to resort to conspiracy theories because the astronomical odds against a Biden victory speak for themselves. Joe Biden did not need to campaign, he only needed to show up because his win was as fixed as anything Lance Armstrong or Pete Rose ever did. The strange thing is that no one is uttering “Say it ain’t so Joe”. That could be due to the cognitive decline of America that has been underway for decades on the campuses of colleges and universities. The rise in propaganda and the drop in human intelligences at America’s institutions of higher learning is so severe that life expectancy has been steadily eroding in the world’s most powerful first world country,

Those of us who had jobs and kept the country going scratched our heads when Barack Obama was handed a Nobel Prize in 2012 for “looking good”. But we mistakenly wrote it off to one of those cases where truth is stranger than fiction. Now in 2020 we come face-to-face with a fictional presidential election fabricated and engineered by the state. The forces aligned against the incumbent president were so cock sure they could pull off this swindle that they did not even try to hide it.

They enlisted a hostile actor, the US Postal Service, to aid in the scam and the rest is tragic history revealing what looks like a dumbed down population of stray cattle whipped back into the herd. Handing the unionized US Mail control of the election after it endorsed Biden sealed the fate of millions of actual, valid voters.

Please read this quickly and archive it somewhere before it is branded as hate speech. If the electoral College certifies this scheme anything you say, write, or even think could soon ostracize you or land you behind bars. This is where we are today. Take care and stay free while freedom lasts.
Has average citizen intelligence in the country regressed to pre-WW1 levels? If the 2020 presidential election is seen to be on the up and up there is just no other way to explain the statistical impossibility of a Joe Biden win. A candidate who was passed over by his own party in 2012 to run Hillary Clinton ran a phantom campaign and defeated an incumbent that packed full houses at rallies nationwide. This was one for the books and most agree those books were cooked.

There is no need to resort to conspiracy theories because the astronomical odds against a Biden victory speak for themselves. Joe Biden did not need to campaign, he only needed to show up because his win was as fixed as anything Lance Armstrong or Pete Rose ever did. The strange thing is that no one is uttering “Say it ain’t so Joe”. That could be due to the cognitive decline of America that has been underway for decades on the campuses of colleges and universities. The rise in propaganda and the drop in human intelligences at America’s institutions of higher learning is so severe that life expectancy has been steadily eroding in the world’s most powerful first world country,

Those of us who had jobs and kept the country going scratched our heads when Barack Obama was handed a Nobel Prize in 2012 for “looking good”. But we mistakenly wrote it off to one of those cases where truth is stranger than fiction. Now in 2020 we come face-to-face with a fictional presidential election fabricated and engineered by the state. The forces aligned against the incumbent president were so cock sure they could pull off this swindle that they did not even try to hide it.

They enlisted a hostile actor, the US Postal Service, to aid in the scam and the rest is tragic history revealing what looks like a dumbed down population of stray cattle whipped back into the herd. Handing the unionized US Mail control of the election after it endorsed Biden sealed the fate of millions of actual, valid voters.

Please read this quickly and archive it somewhere before it is branded as hate speech. If the electoral College certifies this scheme anything you say, write, or even think could soon ostracize you or land you behind bars. This is where we are today. Take care and stay free while freedom lasts.

Swing and a miss. Donald Trump lost the election because of his administrations inept and incompetent response to the virus outbreak. The virus has hit communities of color hard. As Trump has come across as uncaring and indifferent to not only the virus spread but also the human suffering, they held it against him at election time. Communities of color voted against Trump in significant enough numbers to swing the election for Biden. Pretty straightforward. I understand why not only is the Trump campaign looking to invalidate millions of votes in these communities of color, but why people like you constantly run back to this well of shadowy forces at work that manipulate the system you believe ultimately want to deprive you of your "freedoms". It's a little amusing. I've been trying to figure out for five years what people like you find redeeming about a former reality TV game show host when the guy has proven himself to be a fraud time and time again over his adult life. Could it be that you and others like you identify with and condone that type of behavior? If so, what does that say about your intelligence level?
Anyone who honestly doesn't understand why people voted for Biden, and/or against Trump, are willfully choosing to not understand the perspectives, life experiences, and opinions of others. This is a choice you make.

The fact remains, 25 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2016, and of that increase, more voted for Biden. Apparently, the Democrats "got out the vote", while the Republicans hit their ceiling. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.1% in 2016 and by 3.9% in 2020. The Electoral College then played out as it did.

If you truly don't know why more people voted for Biden, perhaps you should ask a few people in real life. And don't just dismiss their perspectives because you don't agree with them or because you think you're smarter than them. They are not you; they are someone else, another American, with their own lives and priorities and opinions.

This would be what an intelligent, curious adult would do. So they could better understand.
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The inanity of the OPs post is especially evident when he says the US Post Office was somehow involved in this “election fraud” when it was a Trump appointee who headed the Postal Service and was doing all he could to undermine the Postal Service prior to the election

Hey OP how many people t]does that are it involved in this alleged election fraud conspiracy? We now have:

The Judiciary
Dominion Software
Hugo Chavez
Georgia Secretary of State
Arizona Secretary of State

The OP accuses others of having low IQ, however there is no more dull witted person on the planet than the Trumper and his idiotic conspiracy theories.
Has average citizen intelligence in the country regressed to pre-WW1 levels?

If you're any indication, I'd say pre-middle school levels.

You say don't resort to conspiracy theories...right before you launch into a conspiracy theory a paragraph later.
You say don't resort to conspiracy theories...right before you launch into a conspiracy theory a paragraph later.
Evidence of the acts is factual- there has been no evidence presented for countering the presented evidence, only verbal denial by political acolytes- you can deny it all your little heart desires, it won't change the facts- everything he said is true- and I often disagree with him and was looking for something to disagree with- Public Education is a failure- of that there is no doubt- sadly, education is merely a passing on of knowledge. The knowledge not being passed on is problematic, on top of the opinions being passed on as factual or gospel.

Some call what we're seeing cognitive dissonance- I call it intellectual dishonesty- not as fancy, but, spot on, none the less-
You say don't resort to conspiracy theories...right before you launch into a conspiracy theory a paragraph later.
Evidence of the acts is factual- there has been no evidence presented for countering the presented evidence, only verbal denial by political acolytes- you can deny it all your little heart desires, it won't change the facts- everything he said is true- and I often disagree with him and was looking for something to disagree with- Public Education is a failure- of that there is no doubt- sadly, education is merely a passing on of knowledge. The knowledge not being passed on is problematic, on top of the opinions being passed on as factual or gospel.

Some call what we're seeing cognitive dissonance- I call it intellectual dishonesty- not as fancy, but, spot on, none the less-

Zero evidence was presented in the OP. Allegations that the post office was complicit is a conspiracy theory and zero proof of any such behavior exists on any massive scale.
It does not take a genius to know Trump is an asshole and a bad president nor does it take a huge unlikely conspiracy among thousands of people to defeat such a man.
If fortunate, the people from the WW 2 era will pass on before the Prog monsters take full control. The "spoiled" generations will take the fall.
Has average citizen intelligence in the country regressed to pre-WW1 levels? If the 2020 presidential election is seen to be on the up and up there is just no other way to explain the statistical impossibility of a Joe Biden win. A candidate who was passed over by his own party in 2012 to run Hillary Clinton ran a phantom campaign and defeated an incumbent that packed full houses at rallies nationwide. This was one for the books and most agree those books were cooked.

There is no need to resort to conspiracy theories because the astronomical odds against a Biden victory speak for themselves. Joe Biden did not need to campaign, he only needed to show up because his win was as fixed as anything Lance Armstrong or Pete Rose ever did. The strange thing is that no one is uttering “Say it ain’t so Joe”. That could be due to the cognitive decline of America that has been underway for decades on the campuses of colleges and universities. The rise in propaganda and the drop in human intelligences at America’s institutions of higher learning is so severe that life expectancy has been steadily eroding in the world’s most powerful first world country,

Those of us who had jobs and kept the country going scratched our heads when Barack Obama was handed a Nobel Prize in 2012 for “looking good”. But we mistakenly wrote it off to one of those cases where truth is stranger than fiction. Now in 2020 we come face-to-face with a fictional presidential election fabricated and engineered by the state. The forces aligned against the incumbent president were so cock sure they could pull off this swindle that they did not even try to hide it.

They enlisted a hostile actor, the US Postal Service, to aid in the scam and the rest is tragic history revealing what looks like a dumbed down population of stray cattle whipped back into the herd. Handing the unionized US Mail control of the election after it endorsed Biden sealed the fate of millions of actual, valid voters.

Please read this quickly and archive it somewhere before it is branded as hate speech. If the electoral College certifies this scheme anything you say, write, or even think could soon ostracize you or land you behind bars. This is where we are today. Take care and stay free while freedom lasts.
Trump lost bro, get over it.
Zero evidence was presented in the OP. Allegations that the post office was complicit is a conspiracy theory and zero proof of any such behavior exists on any massive scale.
Evidence has been presented in numerous threads, numerous times- that you choose to ignore it is on you- ignorance, it is said, is no excuse- this hi lites the lack of proper education- you wait for someone else to tell you what you want to hear instead of finding out for yourself- and posting it vs parroting what you've been told.
Post the evidence you're using to disagree with. Your opinion isn't credible as evidence- no matter how loud you cry or whine.
Zero evidence was presented in the OP. Allegations that the post office was complicit is a conspiracy theory and zero proof of any such behavior exists on any massive scale.
Evidence has been presented in numerous threads, numerous times- that you choose to ignore it is on you- ignorance, it is said, is no excuse- this hi lites the lack of proper education- you wait for someone else to tell you what you want to hear instead of finding out for yourself- and posting it vs parroting what you've been told.
Post the evidence you're using to disagree with. Your opinion isn't credible as evidence- no matter how loud you cry or whine.

The OP's opinion is just as non-credible then, right?
The OP's opinion is just as non-credible then, right?
He stated his opinion on education- your posts prove it. Opinion is non-tangible- hard evidence is tangible.
Improper education leads one to feel they are superior- a false assumption.

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