A dose of truth:

If you argue with Islamist terror to justify bombing of civilians, what exactly is the difference. I told you guys that if Israel wants to get rid of Hamas, it has to accept a Palestinian state and or destroy Hamas on the ground.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
That's just silly.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
There is no such thing as "their state". Israel has been in existence for thousands of years. Muslims are upset that Jews are living on a tiny sliver of what was originally theirs, and that the US is supporting and protecting them. Long live Israel. As for Palestine ? Neva hoid of it.
What do the Indians think that are folded in their reservations?
She is a Christian Zionist, there are millions of them in the U.S.
I see no problem with that whatsoever. Who objects to someone being a Christian or a Zionist ? The uncivilized, deranged, barbaric savages known as Muslim jihadists ? That objection could only be a compliment.
What do the Indians think that are folded in their reservations?
I don't know what you're talking about ? And I'm not sure if you do either.
I just applied your argument onto your own country. Should not be that hard to understand.
After 2000 years of absence, however, I doubt that a people has the right to come back and remove other peoples. In fact, the Jews can be very lucky that they have their own country at all. It is time to make peace now.
I just applied your argument onto your own country. Should not be that hard to understand.
After 2000 years of absence, however, I doubt that a people has the right to come back and remove other peoples. In fact, the Jews can be very lucky that they have their own country at all. It is time to make peace now.
Removed ? I see no "removed". In Israel, Jews Christians and Muslims (who are peaceful) live together without any disturbance. And the Jews left Gaza in 2005. So, what's the problem ? Why should there be any Israeli-Palestinian problem ?

That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. THERE IS NO ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PROBLEM. The problem is the same as what is the problem all over the world. It is MUSLIMS vs sane/peaceful people. It is the same as the Lebanon problem. Same as in Syria and Iraq. Same as in Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, and Nigeria. Same as in Paris, Denmark, and Australia, Same as in Moore, OK, West Orange, NJ, Garland, TX, and Chattanooga, TN.

It is idiot Muslims who think they own the world, going around trying to tell everybody else to adhere to their vile and imbecile ideology (masquerading as a religion), and telling them to convert, be a dhimmi slave, or die). These morons are lucky they have a screwball Muslim ass-kisser like Obama as president of the US. If I were president of the US, these lunatics and their fake "religion" wouldn't even exist. Khameni wouldn't be talking about "American arrogance He'd be dead. So would every other jihadist on earth. There would be no mosques, no Korans, and no Islamic centers, or Islamic anything. Period. The whole world would be happy and peaceful.
protectionist, Bleipriester, et al,

I just need a bit of clarification here. I make a distinction between Islamic Radicals (IRs --- that hijacked Islam) and the General Population of Muslims (GPMs --- that practice Islam Peacefully).

I just applied your argument onto your own country. Should not be that hard to understand.
After 2000 years of absence, however, I doubt that a people has the right to come back and remove other peoples. In fact, the Jews can be very lucky that they have their own country at all. It is time to make peace now.
Removed ? I see no "removed". In Israel, Jews Christians and Muslims (who are peaceful) live together without any disturbance. And the Jews left Gaza in 2005. So, what's the problem ? Why should there be any Israeli-Palestinian problem ?

That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. THERE IS NO ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PROBLEM. The problem is the same as what is the problem all over the world. It is MUSLIMS vs sane/peaceful people. It is the same as the Lebanon problem. Same as in Syria and Iraq. Same as in Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, and Nigeria. Same as in Paris, Denmark, and Australia, Same as in Moore, OK, West Orange, NJ, Garland, TX, and Chattanooga, TN.

It is idiot Muslims who think they own the world, going around trying to tell everybody else to adhere to their vile and imbecile ideology (masquerading as a religion), and telling them to convert, be a dhimmi slave, or die). These morons are lucky they have a screwball Muslim ass-kisser like Obama as president of the US. If I were president of the US, these lunatics and their fake "religion" wouldn't even exist. Khameni wouldn't be talking about "American arrogance He'd be dead. So would every other jihadist on earth. There would be no mosques, no Korans, and no Islamic centers, or Islamic anything. Period. The whole world would be happy and peaceful.

I think that we have to be careful not to draw big broad brush strokes over the 2 Billion+ Muslims in the world-wide international population. In any population that size, there is bound to be all types of people that collectively come to be Muslim. But only a very small percentage of them come to be radical Islamists and Jihadists (even though they may tend to cluster). Muslims (person who follows the religion of Islam) --- they are not our enemy.

Mot Respectfully,
I just applied your argument onto your own country. Should not be that hard to understand.
After 2000 years of absence, however, I doubt that a people has the right to come back and remove other peoples. In fact, the Jews can be very lucky that they have their own country at all. It is time to make peace now.
Removed ? I see no "removed". In Israel, Jews Christians and Muslims (who are peaceful) live together without any disturbance. And the Jews left Gaza in 2005. So, what's the problem ? Why should there be any Israeli-Palestinian problem ?

That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. THERE IS NO ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PROBLEM. The problem is the same as what is the problem all over the world. It is MUSLIMS vs sane/peaceful people. It is the same as the Lebanon problem. Same as in Syria and Iraq. Same as in Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, and Nigeria. Same as in Paris, Denmark, and Australia, Same as in Moore, OK, West Orange, NJ, Garland, TX, and Chattanooga, TN.

It is idiot Muslims who think they own the world, going around trying to tell everybody else to adhere to their vile and imbecile ideology (masquerading as a religion), and telling them to convert, be a dhimmi slave, or die). These morons are lucky they have a screwball Muslim ass-kisser like Obama as president of the US. If I were president of the US, these lunatics and their fake "religion" wouldn't even exist. Khameni wouldn't be talking about "American arrogance He'd be dead. So would every other jihadist on earth. There would be no mosques, no Korans, and no Islamic centers, or Islamic anything. Period. The whole world would be happy and peaceful.
If there is no problem, why is there still no Palestine?
protectionist, Bleipriester, et al,

I just need a bit of clarification here. I make a distinction between Islamic Radicals (IRs --- that hijacked Islam) and the General Population of Muslims (GPMs --- that practice Islam Peacefully).

I just applied your argument onto your own country. Should not be that hard to understand.
After 2000 years of absence, however, I doubt that a people has the right to come back and remove other peoples. In fact, the Jews can be very lucky that they have their own country at all. It is time to make peace now.
Removed ? I see no "removed". In Israel, Jews Christians and Muslims (who are peaceful) live together without any disturbance. And the Jews left Gaza in 2005. So, what's the problem ? Why should there be any Israeli-Palestinian problem ?

That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. THERE IS NO ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PROBLEM. The problem is the same as what is the problem all over the world. It is MUSLIMS vs sane/peaceful people. It is the same as the Lebanon problem. Same as in Syria and Iraq. Same as in Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, and Nigeria. Same as in Paris, Denmark, and Australia, Same as in Moore, OK, West Orange, NJ, Garland, TX, and Chattanooga, TN.

It is idiot Muslims who think they own the world, going around trying to tell everybody else to adhere to their vile and imbecile ideology (masquerading as a religion), and telling them to convert, be a dhimmi slave, or die). These morons are lucky they have a screwball Muslim ass-kisser like Obama as president of the US. If I were president of the US, these lunatics and their fake "religion" wouldn't even exist. Khameni wouldn't be talking about "American arrogance He'd be dead. So would every other jihadist on earth. There would be no mosques, no Korans, and no Islamic centers, or Islamic anything. Period. The whole world would be happy and peaceful.

I think that we have to be careful not to draw big broad brush strokes over the 2 Billion+ Muslims in the world-wide international population. In any population that size, there is bound to be all types of people that collectively come to be Muslim. But only a very small percentage of them come to be radical Islamists and Jihadists (even though they may tend to cluster). Muslims (person who follows the religion of Islam) --- they are not our enemy.

Mot Respectfully,
You didn't say anything different than I did (in Post # 266) I might add though, that if Muslims follow the ideology of Islam (pretending to be a religion), then they will be jihadists, because that is what their Koran prescribes. But they won't reform the Koran, because they believe it to be the word of God, and that the word of God cannot be changed. This is why in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has been changed.

And I'm not so sure about that "small percentage" either. BBC Radio (2015): 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative). Note that this is from a very large palestinian population in Jordan.
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah Pew Research Center

Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.
If you argue with Islamist terror to justify bombing of civilians, what exactly is the difference. I told you guys that if Israel wants to get rid of Hamas, it has to accept a Palestinian state and or destroy Hamas on the ground.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
They HAVE a governing homeland. It's called Israel. And as I said (2nd time now) Jews, Christians, and Muslims all live their peacefully, in the same country.
All your arguments vanish when a sentence like yours appear. A sentence that finally unveils that you have no interest in justice for this part of the world.
How do you arrive at that ludicrous notion ?
You are one of those who insist on Israel´s right to exist but deny the right for Palestine to exist. But there is nothing that justifies this stance.
If you argue with Islamist terror to justify bombing of civilians, what exactly is the difference. I told you guys that if Israel wants to get rid of Hamas, it has to accept a Palestinian state and or destroy Hamas on the ground.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
The West has institutions that are made for such cases. If those institutions would work like they are supposed to, Palestine would exist already.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
They HAVE a governing homeland. It's called Israel. And as I said (2nd time now) Jews, Christians, and Muslims all live their peacefully, in the same country.

I think your are in denial about the displacement caused by the creation of the State of Israel. There were areas set aside for Palestinians that were driven or left. These areas WERE administed by Egypt and Jordan..But Israel ASSUMED control of the West Bank Gaza and more during 67 war causing a SECOND displacement.

Your statement ignores the existence of all that. Israel is ADMINISTERING land and people that they NEVER INTEND to absorb as Israelis. Its an occupation gone badly, and IGNORING the mass of Palis living under occupation or sanctions is not an option.
If you argue with Islamist terror to justify bombing of civilians, what exactly is the difference. I told you guys that if Israel wants to get rid of Hamas, it has to accept a Palestinian state and or destroy Hamas on the ground.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
The West has institutions that are made for such cases. If those institutions would work like they are supposed to, Palestine would exist already.

The WEST has no cred in this deal. Waiting on solutions from the UN or the West is an excuse. Palis need their OWN institutions organizations, andd diplomacy. And all the couch bound Pali cause cheer leaders need to quitblaming everyone and realize that Palis have made a LOT of bad choices and burned damn near every bridge in their neighborhood. Need to repair those bridges. Especially to the folks that USED to own the West Bank and Gaza.. Relations btween those countries and Israel gets better every day the neighborhood gets more dangerous. Time is right Blue for Palis to capitalize on that.
If you argue with Islamist terror to justify bombing of civilians, what exactly is the difference. I told you guys that if Israel wants to get rid of Hamas, it has to accept a Palestinian state and or destroy Hamas on the ground.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
The West has institutions that are made for such cases. If those institutions would work like they are supposed to, Palestine would exist already.

The WEST has no cred in this deal. Waiting on solutions from the UN or the West is an excuse. Palis need their OWN institutions organizations, andd diplomacy. And all the couch bound Pali cause cheer leaders need to quitblaming everyone and realize that Palis have made a LOT of bad choices and burned damn near every bridge in their neighborhood. Need to repair those bridges. Especially to the folks that USED to own the West Bank and Gaza.. Relations btween those countries and Israel gets better every day the neighborhood gets more dangerous. Time is right Blue for Palis to capitalize on that.
The relationship of Palestinians and Israelis does not depend on Palestinian choices only.
Of course Israel needs to destroy Hamas. Just like ALL jihadist lunatic groups need to be destroyed all around the world. Hamas is nobody special. They're just another bunch of jihadist assholes who need to be exterminated, right along with the Taliban, ISIS, al Shabbab, etc. As for bombing of civilians, if Hamas wasn't doing their jihad thing, nobody would be getting bombed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, etc. Exterminate Hamas, and there will be peace.
Maybe. But if Israel would let the Palestinians have their state, the whole place would be more peaceful and no rockets would be fired at Israel.
You are correct. Palestinians should have a self governing homeland. Even the Amer, Indians kinda got that deal. The problem is for 100 years, Palis have lacked the organization and resposible leadership to focus on that goal. The PLO got tossed out of Jordan and then Lebanon. And even the true landlords of Palestine, Egypt and Jordan would not negotiate with a Hamas leadership. The original PA made Great progress towards the goal. Got Israel to end occupation of Gaza and talking about a normalized future. But as we see all over the Mideast today, in fighting brought that process to ahalt. And Israel will not make that mistake again.

What is required is to get Egypt and Jordan interested again in mentoring and vouching for a unified Palestine. In this day and age, you dont buy off a new country without allies and allegiances. Palestine wouldnt last a week without becoming a snack for ISIL.Because of the Hamas intervention, its now gotta be a more REGIONAL solution with alayered path to self governance.
The West has institutions that are made for such cases. If those institutions would work like they are supposed to, Palestine would exist already.

The WEST has no cred in this deal. Waiting on solutions from the UN or the West is an excuse. Palis need their OWN institutions organizations, andd diplomacy. And all the couch bound Pali cause cheer leaders need to quitblaming everyone and realize that Palis have made a LOT of bad choices and burned damn near every bridge in their neighborhood. Need to repair those bridges. Especially to the folks that USED to own the West Bank and Gaza.. Relations btween those countries and Israel gets better every day the neighborhood gets more dangerous. Time is right Blue for Palis to capitalize on that.
The relationship of Palestinians and Israelis does not depend on Palestinian choices only.

I'd agree that is historically true. But right now -- Israel has no responsible party to deal with. That's largely NOT their fault. Or my fault. or your fault. Jordan, Egypt, maybe even Turkey needs to sit down with Pali leadership and explain to them how much farther along they would be with reliable, responsible leadership. And that Hamas is a MAGNET for bringing in all of the Arab drama that exists out there right now..

Needs to be a REGIONAL transition governance for Palestine. Which may include some strange and unexplored relationships.. Like mutual EXTERNAL security agreements that could include Israel. To defend the neighborhood from the chaos and turmoil raging all around them..

Magical stuff could happen.. Like a corridor for transit and commerce between Gaza and West Bank, and Egypt and Jordan.. Seaports, Airports, economic development. Traditional Pali land OUTSIDE the occupied territories could be added to Palestine.. Some from Egypt, Jordan and Israel. These things have to MATTER and be PRIORITIES of the Palis.. You and I can't set their priorities.. Gotta quit blaming the same old scapegoats and start organizing like you want to be an internationally recognized state..

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