A democrat governor undermines police in Ferguson...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...
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Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...
Hard to figure who is the main moron in this fiasco. The only one with a brain is the black captain.

Which is typical of most in Missouri..I thought living in Okiehoma, Texass, Alablama, South Carolina and Vagina exposed me to southern stoopidity, but Mizzouri ranks up high...
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...

In case you have not noticed, cops have more weapons to use than firearms...
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...

The truth of the situation is that the police handled this in such a ham-handed and provocative way that they share equal responsibility for the riots occurring in first place.
No, the rioters share all the blame...not the police...there are people killed by police each year and riots are not the go to answer in any of those incidents...so let's blame the people doing the rioting...
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

and there were people who wanted that video released to show the kids innocence...and were saying the cops were not showing that because of that.....so who is right?.....
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

That thought has run through my mind also.
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...

In case you have not noticed, cops have more weapons to use than firearms...

The guy was supposedly 6'5" and 300 lbs and was allegedly charging at the cop. If true, he got what he deserved. A cop would be stupid to use anything less.
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...

In case you have not noticed, cops have more weapons to use than firearms...

The guy was supposedly 6'5" and 300 lbs and was allegedly charging at the cop. If true, he got what he deserved. A cop would be stupid to use anything less.

The incident is secondary to how badly the cops handled the aftermath and the way they have continued to deal with a public that has zero trust in them to perform their duties fairly anymore.
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

That thought has run through my mind also.

I would have thought they would look at the vid and say hmmmm maybe this guy is a thug and we shouldnt be defending him...but thats just me.
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.
No, by releasing the video they are showing what kind of a punk brown truly was. Libtards are so stupid.
Hard to figure who is the main moron in this fiasco. The only one with a brain is the black captain.

Which is typical of most in Missouri..I thought living in Okiehoma, Texass, Alablama, South Carolina and Vagina exposed me to southern stoopidity, but Mizzouri ranks up high...

Plenty of stoopidity north of the mason Dixon as well. So what?
He just lost re-election. How can you smear the reputation of a scumbag?
If anything Nixon should be standing up against the federal abuse of power.

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