A Declaration of War?


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2011
Biden really said this?

“You are willing to fight and die for your country. You are willing to take a bullet in the head for next to nothing. Get blown to bits over in Afghanistan. But you won’t let us pump some mRNA molecules into your arm?” the president continued. “It’s time to get real. Some of you are behaving like some real wise guys here, some real dummies. Wiseguy dumb-dumb boys, as my father used to say. Enough is enough. So sit down and get the dang shot. Do what we tell you to do and continue your service to this great country. Or go without your healthcare benefits. The choice is yours.”

Tell me this is a joke.


Not that I ever liked Biden, but to think they have sunk this low.
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Illegal action by an alleged President/
Can you provide any other links or background on this?

I don't see this story anywhere else. There are no links in the story linked in the OP.

Thanks in advance.

Illegal action by an alleged President/
As well it should be.
"Ahh" this is a fake news site, as in an Onion type of news site, here's description of author of fake article,

Ricardo Paye
Ricardo Paye is a Senior Correspondent with Delaware Ohio News. Born and raised in the Delaware County Fairgrounds, he's a reporter with a deep knowledge of the streets who isn't afraid to ask tough questions. His fondest childhood memory is getting a hand job from a public utility worker in the basement of Pilsner's 5 & Dime store. He holds a bachelor's degree in Euthanasia from Ohio Wesleyan University.
Can you provide any other links or background on this?

I don't see this story anywhere else. There are no links in the story linked in the OP.

Thanks in advance.
You know as much or as little about this as I do. Feel free to research to your heart's content. Given the fact that my hard earned VA benefits are what's keeping me alive I sincerely hope that's bullshit. But I fear Biden may well be stupid enough to try this.

Illegal action by an alleged President/
i cant find that on any news sites. looks to be made up.
the VA did order its workers to be vaccinated, but not their patients. As far as i can find.
Are you a vaccinated bitch? If you are, then you are gonna die, they have killed you and you don't know it yet, its to bad you are so impossibly fucking stupid, taking every spoken word of the fascist elite as though the word of god, you are gonna die this winter, best of all is you deserve exactly the horror show you have coming your way, you haven't a clue what has been done to you, or why, but rest assured you are gonna die, and it will be a glad glad day when you do! :fu:
Yes I am fully vaccinated and I was in the NG. I'm not scared of you.

Illegal action by an alleged President/
OMGOMGOMG vets have to get innoculated to go to the hospital with other vet patients who are sick. OMGOMGOMG

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