'A Dark Moment' In US History


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself


Well said...'nuff said.

"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

Who has been arrested?
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

Lol it's a great day in America. Trump goes to incite violence on what ever social media the fat loser uses today and more retard Republicans will wind up in jail over it. Trumps little ego gets stroked and I get to laugh at the idiots whose lives get ruined following a con man like Trump. Life is good.
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

100% truth.
Lol it's a great day in America. Trump goes to incite violence on what ever social media the fat loser uses today and more retard Republicans will wind up in jail over it. Trumps little ego gets stroked and I get to laugh at the idiots whose lives get ruined following a con man like Trump. Life is good.
Make sure to run really extra hard at that football....THIS TIME, you're FINALLY going to kick it! :laugh:
Make sure to run really extra hard at that football....THIS TIME, you're FINALLY going to kick it! :laugh:
Lol, I don't need Trump in jail to be happy. All the retards that go to jail for him is awesome. If he does go to jail I sure hope he has access to a computer so he can continue to lead more of you to the pit. Otherwise I am probably happier with him on the block. You gunna raise a pitchfork for him this time? Lol, I sure hope so! Probably not though you are all show and no go.
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

And…just like that…Republicans admit some people ought to be above the law.
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

So in 2001, when Republicans controlled the House, Senate & Executive branch ... and they went after Clinton, you were crying foul then and how it was "un-American" and a "dark moment in American history," right?
Lol, I don't need Trump in jail to be happy. All the retards that go to jail for him is awesome. If he does go to jail I sure hope he has access to a computer so he can continue to lead more of you to the pit.
He's not leading me anywhere.
Otherwise I am probably happier with him on the block. You gunna raise a pitchfork for him this time? Lol, I sure hope so! Probably not though you are all show and no go.
Fuck about and find out, punk.
So in 2001, when Republicans controlled the House, Senate & Executive branch ... and they went after Clinton, you were crying foul then and how it was "un-American" and a "dark moment in American history," right?
Well now you’ve gone and done it, we are going to have to listen to them lecture us and THAT was “different”.
As a Democrat, you shouldn't be accusing other of being "above the law." We've been putting up with your bullshit ever since your party started, and I think it's just about time your party ended.
I’m not a Democrat and I wonder if you’ve noticed how you’re being led around like a good little sheeple following instructions to be outraged? Have you figured it out yet?
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

I remember when the Democrats used to be the anti-war/free speech party.

Then Donald Trump triggered them and it's been nothing but erratic panic and hate ever since.

Love it or loathe it: Whatever the Democrat Party was in my 20s is dead and buried.

And now they re-animate their Chinese funded corpse to calm them and whisper into the mic how morally superior they are and the media repeats their lies.

But it's all gonna come crashing down.
An America-hating foreign Socialist George Soros-funded Da is attempting to do what Hillary, Obama, Biden, Mueller, Comey, Wray, Brennan, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, the Democrat Party, and the criminally partisan weaponized NSA, CIA, DOJ, ATF, DHS have been trying ... and failing ... to do for more than half a decade...

All of this proves how Democrats have already turned this country into a corrupt, criminal, Authoritarian 3rd World Nation.

Demo rats have undeniably, through violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, widespread crime and selling out to.enemies like China and Russia, illegally spying on Americans, censoring and silencing them while spreading disinformation and propaganda, surrendering our sovereignty and national security...

...and by criminally using federal, US agencies to eliminate political opponents.

The US created by our Founding Fathers is no more, as Democrats wipe their asses with and / or ignore the Constitution and law if they pose a roadblock to the their fascist authoritarian policies / agenda.
He's not leading me anywhere.

Fuck about and find out, punk.
Aw, getting triggered there retard? So you are just some retarded then huh. That's OK I am sure he gets some more retards to go to jail for him. Lol, I bet he Jack's off to the pictures of all those he has sent to jail for him so far. Strokes his little ego I am sure. I knew you were all show and no go. Lol, run your mouth but when it comes to action just an impotent little man. Good stuff. Very entertaining for me.
So in 2001, when Republicans controlled the House, Senate & Executive branch ... and they went after Clinton, you were crying foul then and how it was "un-American" and a "dark moment in American history," right?
They went after Clinton?....When?

Oh yeah...Here's a pic of when the republicans "went after Clinton"!....Forgot about that.

"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

Well, if they ARE going to do it, they has best do it NOW, and not after he has already been elected president.

If they wait till after the election, but before the inauguration, (between Nov. & Jan.?) It will send the nation into a constitutional crisis, and more than likely, we will have violence.

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