'A Dark Moment' In US History

I’m not a Democrat and I wonder if you’ve noticed how you’re being led around like a good little sheeple following instructions to be outraged? Have you figured it out yet?

It doesn't matter if you aren't a Democrat, because it's easily-recognizable that your standards, morals, and political ideology is perfectly aligned with theirs. I could put you and they and the same basket, and none of you would be discernible from the other.
Well now you’ve gone and done it, we are going to have to listen to them lecture us and THAT was “different”.

But it was different.

That was a Democrat who broke the law.
Aw, getting triggered there retard? So you are just some retarded then huh. That's OK I am sure he gets some more retards to go to jail for him. Lol, I bet he Jack's off to the pictures of all those he has sent to jail for him so far. Strokes his little ego I am sure. I knew you were all show and no go. Lol, run your mouth but when it comes to action just an impotent little man. Good stuff. Very entertaining for me.
Not triggered at all, alligator mouth.

Fuck about and find out, faggot.
I’m not a Democrat and I wonder if you’ve noticed how you’re being led around like a good little sheeple following instructions to be outraged? Have you figured it out yet?
Not triggered at all, alligator mouth.

Fuck about and find out, faggot.
Lol, threats from an impotent little man. So you threaten violence when you are happy then? Maybe you should not be around women and children. Lol,lol,lol listen to the retard threaten. Good stuff! Ya can't find me but what you can do is grab a pitchfork go to New York and go to jail for your lover Trumpy boy. Let's that go and less show.
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

You break the law, you go to jail.

The rule of law trumps everything. Pun intended.

There are few things more in line with the American ideal than that.
Lol, threats from an impotent little man. So you threaten violence when you are happy then? Maybe you should not be around women and children. Lol,lol,lol listen to the retard threaten. Good stuff! Ya can't find me but what you can do is grab a pitchfork go to New York and go to jail for your lover Trumpy boy. Let's that go and less show.
Not a Trumpster, dickless.....And I don't initiate aggression as a matter of principle.

So go play with your Legos, little bitch.
And…just like that…Republicans admit some people ought to be above the law.
As usual with you, no one said that, dumbass.

Isn't there a minimum IQ score or a minimum reading comprehension level required to be a Mod? Evidently not...
Not a Trumpster, dickless.....And I don't initiate aggression as a matter of principle.

So go play with your Legos, little bitch.
Lol,lol,lol sure your not a Trumpster. Hilarious Lol, to impotent to get a rise there retard? Having a good time laughing at you. Lies, lies, lies don't initiate violence but threaten it huh. Empty words from an empty man all you got? No follow through? What a miserable little existence you lead filled with nothing but hollow words. So your threats are lies? Guess it matches everything else that comes out your mouth. At least you are consistent. Good stuff
As usual with you, no one said that, dumbass.

Isn't there a minimum IQ score or a minimum reading comprehension level required to be a Mod? Evidently not...
As usual with you, you are yet,again, putting Trump above tbe law….next up excuse number 3,823 on why Trump is innocent and it is all yet another witch hunt as he calls on his cult to demonstrate.
Lol it's a great day in America. Trump goes to incite violence on what ever social media the fat loser uses today and more retard Republicans will wind up in jail over it. Trumps little ego gets stroked and I get to laugh at the idiots whose lives get ruined following a con man like Trump. Life is good.
You have a crime family in charge of the country, and you think Trump is the problem?
Lol,lol,lol sure your not a Trumpster. Hilarious Lol, to impotent to get a rise there retard? Having a good time laughing at you. Lies, lies, lies don't initiate violence but threaten it huh. Empty words from an empty man all you got? No follow through? What a miserable little existence you lead filled with nothing but hollow words. So your threats are lies? Guess it matches everything else that comes out your mouth. At least you are consistent. Good stuff
For a non-Trumpster he sure seems to support him a lot.
Well that's disappointing.
Shouldn't be....He's a serial fuck-up, who can't see traitors in his midst.....There are dozens of reasons to scoff at him as the principle-free, dilettante, windbag that he is....When all is cut and dried, he's still a federal supremacist.

His "strength" doesn't lie with him, but with how utterly deranged and emotionally incontinent that his haters are.
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Lol,lol,lol sure your not a Trumpster. Hilarious Lol, to impotent to get a rise there retard? Having a good time laughing at you. Lies, lies, lies don't initiate violence but threaten it huh. Empty words from an empty man all you got? No follow through? What a miserable little existence you lead filled with nothing but hollow words. So your threats are lies? Guess it matches everything else that comes out your mouth. At least you are consistent. Good stuff


I don't mean to be an insufferable nerd........BUT:

Your sentence structure is just fucking awful.

And you don't seem to know the language.

Lemme guess: Ilegal hire?

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