A contestant for Miss USA said health care was a “privilege,” not a right. Minutes later, she won

So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.
Tuskegee. Raymond H. Vonderlehr

You can read about it here, and by the way do you know how they do drug studies today, the people are told that some receive the sugar pill. I do suggest you read about the study.
So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.

Not true.
Tuskegee. Raymond H. Vonderlehr

You can read about it here, and by the way do you know how they do drug studies today, the people are told that some receive the sugar pill. I do suggest you read about the study.

Yes....you will point out the Tuskegee experiments and rightfully show what the government can and will do without supervision, you will see what is happening at the VA where Veterans are not getting healthcare that the system was created to provide.....

And then you morons say you want the same government to control and ration out healthcare for all of us....

That is insane.
So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.

Not true.

Absolutely true. I have posted the stories from around the world...they can't afford the care, the care is horrible and there aren't enough doctors in their systems because it has become a clock punching government job that eats up your youth to get into...for a government wage......
Tuskegee. Raymond H. Vonderlehr

You can read about it here, and by the way do you know how they do drug studies today, the people are told that some receive the sugar pill. I do suggest you read about the study.

Yes....you will point out the Tuskegee experiments and rightfully show what the government can and will do without supervision, you will see what is happening at the VA where Veterans are not getting healthcare that the system was created to provide.....

And then you morons say you want the same government to control and ration out healthcare for all of us....

That is insane.

We have better healthcare now with the ACA than before. VA's once released from acute care and rehab should go to regular hospitals and doctors, and with regular insurance, if they are disabled they should get on Medicare.. You might want to read about the study.

Yet your Republicans are closing down PP who check for VD's for men and women.

Cuba was the first country to eradicate congenital syphilis. Go figure.
So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.
It is always surprising that there are people who still believe they would get medical care with single payer. Everywhere there is single payer care is rationed. The VA, single payer system, just told some guy he had to remove sutures himself. That's single payer.
So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.
It is always surprising that there are people who still believe they would get medical care with single payer. Everywhere there is single payer care is rationed. The VA, single payer system, just told some guy he had to remove sutures himself. That's single payer.
Pure single payer, pure socialized medicine, is simply not structured for dynamic utilization.

There are people who have allowed themselves to be convinced that there would be no or little decline in either access or quality with pure single payer, and that's merely an example of the power of ideology, which causes people to intellectually avoid reason. The systems they point to are in decay and won't sustain, primarily because they lack the dynamic nature of private competition and innovation.

At the same time, the GOP has been an abject failure in providing a strong alternative, even after eight of years of swearing they had a better way. This is all why I'm very hopeful that we're moving to the best public/private partnership on the planet, the already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system. And I'm confident the rest of the world will follow.
So how is that any different than you wanting big insurance to run things?
And, for the zillionth time, you just have to jump in and prove you have no idea what either you or I are talking about.

Freakin' bizarre.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You seem to think big insurance is the solution when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

The rest of the world has single payer, they pay less and get better results.

This isn't even complicated.

The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.
It is always surprising that there are people who still believe they would get medical care with single payer. Everywhere there is single payer care is rationed. The VA, single payer system, just told some guy he had to remove sutures himself. That's single payer.

The VA, single payer system, just told some guy he had to remove sutures himself

Please supply link to the above so I can read it.
The single payer systems around the world are failing....they can't maintain them.....yet you want a failed system here.......you are an idiot.

Actually, guy, I realize that you have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist to make your idea suck less... but it does.

Most of the world has socialized medicine and gun control, and they are healthier than we are.
There are people who have allowed themselves to be convinced that there would be no or little decline in either access or quality with pure single payer, and that's merely an example of the power of ideology, which causes people to intellectually avoid reason. The systems they point to are in decay and won't sustain, primarily because they lack the dynamic nature of private competition and innovation.

Except of course, that those system spend 8-11% of GDP compared to our 17%, they live anywhere from 2-8 years longer than we do on average, and their infant mortality rate is lower than ours.

That's not "ideology", whiny Mac, those are verified metrics.
Fox broadcasts the pageant. Its expected.

Yes; take out the leftie bias and talent will always win out.

Are you saying that Kara would have lost elsewhere BECAUSE she holds the views she does?


Well last year it was also hosted by Fox and a black from DC won as well. Both work for the military. Go figure what a coincidence.
Lefties want a butch dyke who supported Hillary to win.
There are people who have allowed themselves to be convinced that there would be no or little decline in either access or quality with pure single payer, and that's merely an example of the power of ideology, which causes people to intellectually avoid reason. The systems they point to are in decay and won't sustain, primarily because they lack the dynamic nature of private competition and innovation.

Except of course, that those system spend 8-11% of GDP compared to our 17%, they live anywhere from 2-8 years longer than we do on average, and their infant mortality rate is lower than ours.

That's not "ideology", whiny Mac, those are verified metrics.
There is far more to those figures than the nature of the health system, whiny Joe, but digging into detail is a waste of time with you.

Once challenged, you'll just do The Joe Thing and start making shit up.

It's far more likely we'll end up with what I want than what you want, thankfully.

Try Cuba.
Health care is not a right. Where does it say that it is in the Bill of Rights?
And he does it again...

And I know this isn't complicated for you. Like a good little zealot (side irrelevant), you operate in a simple little binary world.

No, I live in a world where I had a big insurance company fuck me over for years when I needed health care after I had worked for insurance. I have pain in my left knee every day to remind me.

Seriously, fuck big insurance. single payer and we should harvest insurance company CEO's for transplant organs. It would be the first time they ever positively impacted health care.

Single Payer is "big insurance". The biggest.

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