A complete clown show

Had a thread on reparations earlier in the week, but poof it disappeared. Hmmmm.

Is it that hot a topic ?

Reparations won't happen, so they might as well quit making a spectacle of themselves.

It's an unhinged Left non-starter even tho' they attempt to prime the engine.
Answer my questions and I will answer yours...

I have all day.

You haven't told me what obozo did to make this economy...

You can't because Trump made it...……...

What Has Obama Done? 14 Significant Accomplishments

Now tell me what Trump has done since all of these trends were started before he took office.

Your link of “obozo the community organizers” significant accomplishments

Is a Flucking joke.........................obozo couldn’t run a McDonalds......

1. obozo ended the recession with the stimulus package.

This was the biggest tax payer rip off in history with obozo’s lies about shovel ready jobs...
The ARRA was the 2nd biggest tax payer rip off in history...

2. obozo bailing out the Auto Companies...

Your own link says the American Tax payer lost 10.2 billion because of obozo’s ignorance.

3. obozo won the Nobel Peace Prize....

Give me a flucking break, like everything else, what did obozo do to earn it.....
It was nothing but affirmative action in action..........

4. obozo reformed healthcare all right....

He Flucked the whole system up...
Hell.. obozo couldn’t even get the web site right...

5. obozo regulated the big banks...

You Tards caused the problem by accusing the banks of redlining and then
Forcing them to loan money to people that couldn’t make the payments...
You Tards have no shame or brains.

6. Tax cuts...

I thought you Tards hated those and they never helped anything..
Make up your mind Tard...

7. Everyone knows VJ made the call to take bin laden out...

8. Just more money out of the real working man’s pocket.

9. romney was a rino pussy before he became a back stabbing POS,
I say you Tards cheated in that election.

10. Again he cost the working man more money.

11. There is no doubt obozo wanted to help his muslim brothers in Iran any way he could..
The obozo deal would have ensured Iran going Nuclear.
Why did obozo try and sneak/give a bazillion in cash to the biggest terrorist state in the world? Because he loves the fother muckers.....

12. obozo with his limited negotiating skills made stupid trade agreements that
would have had us taking it up the ass for years....
Trump is fixing all of obozos Fluck ups.
What experience does a “community organizer” have in these matters?

13. Climate Change, you Tards are ate up with stupid....
Thank God for Trump or we would be wasting bazillions here too..

14. Job Producer? You mean like bar maids and waiters....
Trump is the one with the magic wand....Wait a minute...
I forgot, that thing is up obozo’s ass.....

I am waiting for you to answer my questions now on Trump and don't give me the right wing talking lines. Be specific.

Donald Trump can be very good for the US economy

Even the honest Tards knew in 2016.....
I have all day.

You haven't told me what obozo did to make this economy...

You can't because Trump made it...……...

What Has Obama Done? 14 Significant Accomplishments

Now tell me what Trump has done since all of these trends were started before he took office.

Your link of “obozo the community organizers” significant accomplishments

Is a Flucking joke.........................obozo couldn’t run a McDonalds......

1. obozo ended the recession with the stimulus package.

This was the biggest tax payer rip off in history with obozo’s lies about shovel ready jobs...
The ARRA was the 2nd biggest tax payer rip off in history...

2. obozo bailing out the Auto Companies...

Your own link says the American Tax payer lost 10.2 billion because of obozo’s ignorance.

3. obozo won the Nobel Peace Prize....

Give me a flucking break, like everything else, what did obozo do to earn it.....
It was nothing but affirmative action in action..........

4. obozo reformed healthcare all right....

He Flucked the whole system up...
Hell.. obozo couldn’t even get the web site right...

5. obozo regulated the big banks...

You Tards caused the problem by accusing the banks of redlining and then
Forcing them to loan money to people that couldn’t make the payments...
You Tards have no shame or brains.

6. Tax cuts...

I thought you Tards hated those and they never helped anything..
Make up your mind Tard...

7. Everyone knows VJ made the call to take bin laden out...

8. Just more money out of the real working man’s pocket.

9. romney was a rino pussy before he became a back stabbing POS,
I say you Tards cheated in that election.

10. Again he cost the working man more money.

11. There is no doubt obozo wanted to help his muslim brothers in Iran any way he could..
The obozo deal would have ensured Iran going Nuclear.
Why did obozo try and sneak/give a bazillion in cash to the biggest terrorist state in the world? Because he loves the fother muckers.....

12. obozo with his limited negotiating skills made stupid trade agreements that
would have had us taking it up the ass for years....
Trump is fixing all of obozos Fluck ups.
What experience does a “community organizer” have in these matters?

13. Climate Change, you Tards are ate up with stupid....
Thank God for Trump or we would be wasting bazillions here too..

14. Job Producer? You mean like bar maids and waiters....
Trump is the one with the magic wand....Wait a minute...
I forgot, that thing is up obozo’s ass.....

I am waiting for you to answer my questions now on Trump and don't give me the right wing talking lines. Be specific.

Donald Trump can be very good for the US economy

Even the honest Tards knew in 2016.....

Can Be Very Good. Now tell me specifically what he has done.

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