A case study in the cultural destruction of the Left


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Were did the left go wrong, in the 60's with drugs? Nasty people...

A case study in the cultural destruction of the Left.
May 9, 2017

Dennis Prager


The reason he didn't let on where he stood politically is he believed that he had a much greater responsibility: to offer Americans of all political persuasions an island of good-natured fun, a place where all Americans could laugh together every night.

And, of course, it is inconceivable that he would have used the language Colbert used. Kids could watch "The Tonight Show" because he — and we — lived in a pre-left age, when grown-ups thought they had a responsibility to be good models to young people — in other words, a responsibility to be adults. But the left has never been comfortable with growing up.

Those who mock the Trump motto, "Make America Great Again," who claim they don't understand how anyone could think America was ever great, might begin to understand what many of us mean, in at least this one way: Prior to the Age of the Left, during which we have lived since the mid-1960s, there were places in America where Americans could enjoy life and one another without politics intruding, not to mention hate-filled politics like Colbert's.


The universities, the news media, the entertainment media, the fine arts, the courts, the high schools and the elementary schools (and soon, the preschools — once they're government-funded and universal) — all ruined wherever leftism has achieved dominance.


From Johnny Carson to Stephen Colbert
I thought the very same things. What would Johnny Carson think of the late show scene these days? He would be appalled! I was a big fan of his, watched him for decades and to this day still have no idea what his politics were and I don't care. Back then, people were two sides of the same coin, but today, the Left have moved so far to the extreme far side that they see everyone else as to the extreme other. They polarize everything. There is no agreeing with them on anything. Just look at the many lefties on this board who don't merely discuss or debate Trump, they act like Trump has personally ruined their lives and are out to ruin his! But they ignore all of Hillary's foibles. It isn't even a discussion with them anymore. It is irrational. The vitriol is sickening. And the guy isn't even all that conservative. The Left have created a Trump Derangement Syndrome to escape the fact that they can't deal with an election they thought they had to win and could not lose, but did.
I thought the very same things. What would Johnny Carson think of the late show scene these days? He would be appalled! I was a big fan of his, watched him for decades and to this day still have no idea what his politics were and I don't care. Back then, people were two sides of the same coin, but today, the Left have moved so far to the extreme far side that they see everyone else as to the extreme other. They polarize everything. There is no agreeing with them on anything. Just look at the many lefties on this board who don't merely discuss or debate Trump, they act like Trump has personally ruined their lives and are out to ruin his! But they ignore all of Hillary's foibles. It isn't even a discussion with them anymore. It is irrational. The vitriol is sickening. And the guy isn't even all that conservative. The Left have created a Trump Derangement Syndrome to escape the fact that they can't deal with an election they thought they had to win and could not lose, but did.

Check this out HERE...
Better fucking respect my rights and treat people like me fairly under the law.

It isn't destruction...It is choice and personal freedom.

Who said it wasn't?
BTW..I have rights as well. And I have the right not to want the BS in my face. ;) (backatcha)
Following Complaints About Trump/Putin Joke, FCC Won't Take Action Against Colbert
Source: Mediaite

by Justin Baragona | 5:53 pm, May 23rd, 2017

Earlier this month, late-night host Stephen Colbert caused all kinds of outrage — especially among the right — when he delivered an anti-Trump monologue that included a joke about the president’s mouth being Vladimir Putin’s “c*ckholster.”

Well, following the Late Show broadcast, the FCC received more than five thousand complaints with concerns over indecency and hate speech, among other objections. Today, the agency let it be known that no action will be taken against the host or the program.

In a statement obtained by Variety, the FCC noted that there was the joke didn’t break any rules:

“Consistent with standard operating procedure, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has reviewed the complaints and the material that was the subject of these complaints,” the FCC statement said. “The Bureau has concluded that there was nothing actionable under the FCC’s rules.”

Read more: Following Complaints About Trump/Putin Joke, FCC Won’t Take Action Against Colbert
Were did the left go wrong, in the 60's with drugs? Nasty people...

A case study in the cultural destruction of the Left.
May 9, 2017

Dennis Prager


The reason he didn't let on where he stood politically is he believed that he had a much greater responsibility: to offer Americans of all political persuasions an island of good-natured fun, a place where all Americans could laugh together every night.

And, of course, it is inconceivable that he would have used the language Colbert used. Kids could watch "The Tonight Show" because he — and we — lived in a pre-left age, when grown-ups thought they had a responsibility to be good models to young people — in other words, a responsibility to be adults. But the left has never been comfortable with growing up.

Those who mock the Trump motto, "Make America Great Again," who claim they don't understand how anyone could think America was ever great, might begin to understand what many of us mean, in at least this one way: Prior to the Age of the Left, during which we have lived since the mid-1960s, there were places in America where Americans could enjoy life and one another without politics intruding, not to mention hate-filled politics like Colbert's.


The universities, the news media, the entertainment media, the fine arts, the courts, the high schools and the elementary schools (and soon, the preschools — once they're government-funded and universal) — all ruined wherever leftism has achieved dominance.


From Johnny Carson to Stephen Colbert
The (semi-)Religous Right would inspire more confidence in their sincerity, if we only had Ten Commandments from a God, and not alleged Wars on Crime, Drugs, and Terror, that the right believes we can win by lowering taxes and not raising taxes to actually meet that alleged exigency.

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