A Call to Arms?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
A few hours ago our courts gave the mastermind a platform of his own to speak. Kalied Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 terror attacks, was allowed to release a 36 page manifesto by the court, in which he states his belief that conversion to Islam through violence should be forbidden. He goes on to attack the west for its social corruption and defend the 9/11 terrorist attack as "self defense." The timing of this release should come as disturbing to most, as it coincides with a recent deal the US made with Iran regarding their nuclear program. What's even more unsettling is that this release could be a call to arms for terrorists all around the world. This could be a precursor to an attack of tragic proportions. Is this a call to arms? We will have to wait and see. One thing I know, is that the our court system has done something very dangerous this day, and that there may be someone there willing to aid this mass murderer in getting out his message.

WASHINGTON -- The mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks now says that the use of violence to spread Islam is forbidden by the Quran, a major shift away from the more militaristic view he had put forward previously.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's thinking is detailed in a first-of-its-kind 36-page manifesto obtained by The Huffington Post. In a departure from his previous stance, which led the Guantanamo Bay prisoner to tell a military commission, "it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your infidelity," KSM, as he's known in intelligence circles, instead seeks to convert the court to Islam through persuasion and theological reflection, going so far as to argue that “The Holy Quran forbids us to use force as a means of converting" and that reaching "truth and reality never comes by muscles and force but by using the mind and wisdom."

"Don’t believe the media that the Mujahedeen believe that Islam spread in the past and will prevail in the future with the sword," writes KSM, who has previously admitted to his role in the 9/11 attacks that killed thousands of Americans. He uses the bulk of the manifesto to put his newfound principle into practice, attempting to persuade his captors, prosecutors and lawyers that the path to true happiness lies in Islam.


KSM, who grew up in Kuwait and attended college in North Carolina, turns 50 this year. He has been held at the Guantanamo prison camp since 2006, after several years of being tortured by the CIA at "black sites" in undisclosed locations, and faces the death penalty for his 9/11 crimes. He also claims to have personally beheaded American journalist Daniel Pearl with his "blessed right hand," as he said at a 2007 military commission hearing -- a claim that subsequent investigative reporting has backed up. According to The Hunt for KSM, by former Los Angeles Times reporters Terry McDermott and Josh Meyer, an FBI agent who tracked KSM long before he was a household name described him as the type of guy you could have a beer with, if he wasn't one of the worst mass murderers in American history.

In his new writing, while contending that he does not believe Islam should be instituted by force, KSM justifies the terrorist attacks for which he claims credit as acts of “self defense sanctioned by every constitution and international laws as the right of everyone whose land is occupied and whose people are attacked."

Mastermind Of The Sept. 11 Attacks Wants To Convert His Captors
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He should have been executed, and buried in pig shit. :cuckoo:

Yea why the hell is he releasing manifestos? Waterboard him for a few months and then stand him up against the wall

Pretty snide, don't you think? He killed (yes HE killed) 3000 people. I'd waterboard his ass too. It did get us OBL didn't it?
Well, maybe we should stop incinerating their wives and children with drones?

Imagine if they did that to us? Oh, wait, I think they did, we responded with "Shock and Awe" by attacking the wrong country. Excellent.

Yep. But then again, this behavior could get people hurt. Doesn't matter who kills who, wouldn't you agree? We weren't incinerating their wives and children with drones when they decided to kill 3000 people on 9/11, 2AD
"claims to have personally beheaded American journalist Daniel Pearl "

So...hanging...firing squad...gas chamber...or Jesus juice?
If you weren't a noob I'd neg you. Ye be a troll.

That's OK, I've been on the boards for almost 10 years now. Neg away. :) And a comment too, if you don't mind. I like the negs will comments the most.

You have? On these boards? Nice slip up there, pretty boy.

No slip up. I am just waiting until someone can guess my name. I'm not hiding anything. The previous name was cool and all but I thought a new one would be nice. So far the best guesses have the a couple people's socks. I might be a sock yet. ;)
Uh...9-11 was because we support Israel you fucking shitbag.

Well, maybe we should stop incinerating their wives and children with drones?

Imagine if they did that to us? Oh, wait, I think they did, we responded with "Shock and Awe" by attacking the wrong country. Excellent.
Uh...9-11 was because we support Israel you fucking shitbag.

Well, maybe we should stop incinerating their wives and children with drones?

Imagine if they did that to us? Oh, wait, I think they did, we responded with "Shock and Awe" by attacking the wrong country. Excellent.

9/11 is because Cheney instructed Rice to ignore the report "Osama Determined To Attack Inside the United States." That was admitted by Rice herself on public TV.
from the link: "The mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks now says that the use of violence to spread Islam is forbidden by the Quran, a major shift away from the more militaristic view he had put forward previously."
If he is realizing violence is not right method of convincing others to follow you, then he's made some progress to being a better human being. Of course, that's assuming he's being honest about his feelings on the matter.

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