A bridge too far, for Republicans!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...

Neocons have been stabbing their voters in the back for decades now. What else is new?
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...

he is annoying rino republicans in congress....normal Americans want us out of the middle east, you dip shit....and the democrats want us out of the middle east too, but because Trump is doing it, they now support not removing Troops from the middle east....you moron.
With the support he got in Texas over the withdrawal I doubt there is going to be a problem in 2020.. They want our troops out of endless wars.

Yeah...which Americans, exactly, want us to go to war with Turkey over the Kurds? Which Americans want us to keep troops in the middle east?

Yeah, I hope the left wingers can explain that too us before 2020...
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...
FFS, a CNN oped?! You'd think their "news" was bad enough.
What Trump has done is turned Washington into the Jerry Springer show. Caterwauling and tribalism will be our nations discourse...
What happens when escaped members of ISIS decide they want to bring the war to America?
------------------------------- they bring the war wherever they want I guess and I hope that people are prepared . AR15's are probably on sale somewhere near you in this Greatest Nation the world has ever seen Konrad .
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...
May not be a good political move, but he did keep a campaign promise-stop endless wars.
What happens when escaped members of ISIS decide they want to bring the war to America?
------------------------------- they bring the war wherever they want I guess and I hope that people are prepared . AR15's are probably on sale somewhere near you in this Greatest Nation the world has ever seen Konrad .
----------------------------------- and if my plan was followed there would never be the possibility of an Escaped 'islamac , isis jihadi' ever escaping prison here on earth as they would all be in Paradise with a couple or 74 loose women Konrad .
What happens when escaped members of ISIS decide they want to bring the war to America?
We shoot them. Derp.
Great, after they've killed how many, short bus?
If you and your ilk would just let Trump do his job and secure the fucking borders, you won't have to worry about it. Asshat.
The border is another topic. Please stop trying to change the subject to cover your idiocy.
What happens when escaped members of ISIS decide they want to bring the war to America?
We shoot them. Derp.
Great, after they've killed how many, short bus?
If you and your ilk would just let Trump do his job and secure the fucking borders, you won't have to worry about it. Asshat.
The border is another topic. Please stop trying to change the subject to cover your idiocy.
------------------------------------------- All sorts of 'fifth column' coming across the USA Borders Konrad ,
The libtards are dreamers. President Trump isn’t going anywhere. You idiots have 5 more years of dealing with him. Clueless and brainwashed Libtards. Never learn

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