911 FOX reports Flight 93 shot down by an F-16 from the US National Air Guard

Some speculate that flight 93 was destined for WTC 7 as the coup de gras. Both towers had to be out of the way first of course, hence why the "collapse" of 7 had to be "explained" by such an absurd and improbable way.

wtc7 had no value as a target
whatever it contained was either duplicated somewhere else or not valuable enough to save.
nor were there any deaths due to it's collapse..

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It's funny to watch you all ignore the fact that your OCT illusion has been exposed and torn to shreds.
You dont have the balls to address anything and your only defense is one based on ignorance and cowardice to face what has been found out. You have no courage to face anything and choose to live in a false reality, but deep inside you know your CT is full of shit and this is why you all come here. The strange thing is that most of you do not have anything to really say and instead ridicule opposing views without even providing any rational or factual reasons for it.
There is so much about your CT that has been exposed as BS it's pathetic to read and watch how supposed adults respond when the BS is exposed. You can't even provide any concrete proof of your CT's probable accuracy.
It's funny to watch you all ignore the fact that your OCT illusion has been exposed and torn to shreds.
You dont have the balls to address anything and your only defense is one based on ignorance and cowardice to face what has been found out. You have no courage to face anything and choose to live in a false reality, but deep inside you know your CT is full of shit and this is why you all come here. The strange thing is that most of you do not have anything to really say and instead ridicule opposing views without even providing any rational or factual reasons for it.
There is so much about your CT that has been exposed as BS it's pathetic to read and watch how supposed adults respond when the BS is exposed. You can't even provide any concrete proof of your CT's probable accuracy.
right....... when you're done masturbating, please clean up.
It's funny to watch you all ignore the fact that your OCT illusion has been exposed and torn to shreds.
You dont have the balls to address anything and your only defense is one based on ignorance and cowardice to face what has been found out. You have no courage to face anything and choose to live in a false reality, but deep inside you know your CT is full of shit and this is why you all come here. The strange thing is that most of you do not have anything to really say and instead ridicule opposing views without even providing any rational or factual reasons for it.
There is so much about your CT that has been exposed as BS it's pathetic to read and watch how supposed adults respond when the BS is exposed. You can't even provide any concrete proof of your CT's probable accuracy.
right....... when you're done masturbating, please clean up.

projecting you homo fantasies on other posters again I see
It's funny to watch you all ignore the fact that your OCT illusion has been exposed and torn to shreds.
You dont have the balls to address anything and your only defense is one based on ignorance and cowardice to face what has been found out. You have no courage to face anything and choose to live in a false reality, but deep inside you know your CT is full of shit and this is why you all come here. The strange thing is that most of you do not have anything to really say and instead ridicule opposing views without even providing any rational or factual reasons for it.
There is so much about your CT that has been exposed as BS it's pathetic to read and watch how supposed adults respond when the BS is exposed. You can't even provide any concrete proof of your CT's probable accuracy.
right....... when you're done masturbating, please clean up.

projecting you homo fantasies on other posters again I see
as ALLWAYS you see wrong and showcase your bigotry, one more for the trifecta of willful ignorance...
It's funny to watch you all ignore the fact that your OCT illusion has been exposed and torn to shreds.
You dont have the balls to address anything and your only defense is one based on ignorance and cowardice to face what has been found out. You have no courage to face anything and choose to live in a false reality, but deep inside you know your CT is full of shit and this is why you all come here. The strange thing is that most of you do not have anything to really say and instead ridicule opposing views without even providing any rational or factual reasons for it.
There is so much about your CT that has been exposed as BS it's pathetic to read and watch how supposed adults respond when the BS is exposed. You can't even provide any concrete proof of your CT's probable accuracy.
right....... when you're done masturbating, please clean up.

projecting you homo fantasies on other posters again I see

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Masterbation is homoerotic? You truly are every bit as silly as your AV makes you appear. :D
right....... when you're done masturbating, please clean up.

projecting you homo fantasies on other posters again I see

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Masterbation is homoerotic? You truly are every bit as silly as your AV makes you appear. :D
almost everything is homoerotic to eots... he gets major wood when in the meat department at his local grocery store perusing the polska kielbasas.
some speculate that flight 93 was destined for wtc 7 as the coup de gras. Both towers had to be out of the way first of course, hence why the "collapse" of 7 had to be "explained" by such an absurd and improbable way.

Wtc7 had no value as a target
whatever it contained was either duplicated somewhere else or not valuable enough to save.
Nor were there any deaths due to it's collapse..

your video propagates the myth...that building damage was cause of the collapses contrary to the nist report
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some speculate that flight 93 was destined for wtc 7 as the coup de gras. Both towers had to be out of the way first of course, hence why the "collapse" of 7 had to be "explained" by such an absurd and improbable way.

Wtc7 had no value as a target
whatever it contained was either duplicated somewhere else or not valuable enough to save.
Nor were there any deaths due to it's collapse..

your video propagates the myth...that building damage was cause of the collapses contrary to the nist report
that's not what it says ..
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It also states fuel tanks contributed to the collapse contrary to nist

why would you post a video full of statements that are directly opposed to the nist findings ?...
just to piss you off.. and more importantly to point out your much posted total fiction and half truth you tube clips.
which are all myth.
my clip was done before the final nist report was released ,meaning it was the most up to date info at the time.
the worst thing that can be said about it is it's not current, unlike the crap you post that has remained the same since it first appeared ...
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eots needs no assistance to make him/her look like a stupid asshole. He/she could do with an assist to make him/her appear slightly less like a stupid asshole... but it is hard to cover the reality of its stupidity.

are your panties still in a bunch cause Obama making warrior pay more for his stool softeners ??

eots is as stupid on this as on WTC and home schooling

what an idiot

He's so much more than just stupid ... he's Nazi. :D
eots is as stupid on this as on wtc and home schooling

what an idiot

he's so much more than just stupid ... he's nazi.

coming from a child molster such as yourself that means little

Like most of your "knowledge" that comes from the little voices in your head. I believe you are simply projecting your innermost desires, Princess. Get professional help before you hurt some kid.
It also states fuel tanks contributed to the collapse contrary to nist

why would you post a video full of statements that are directly opposed to the nist findings ?...

Because they don't know anything and just parrot official conspiracy rhetoric, and when fatal flaws are pointed out they have no explanation, precisely because of the fact they know absolutely nothing.
It also states fuel tanks contributed to the collapse contrary to nist

why would you post a video full of statements that are directly opposed to the nist findings ?...

Because they don't know anything and just parrot official conspiracy rhetoric, and when fatal flaws are pointed out they have no explanation, precisely because of the fact they know absolutely nothing.
speaking of projecting....

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