-91 degrees in Alaska today!!

Mea culpa, -26 F. BTW, the SF Bay Area has 77 degrees today at Mavericks Beach, 15 miles south of San Francisco!



And another Trumpist unable to differentiate weather from climate.

Don't you have some public schools to comp[lain about?

But nobody cares

The left has been screaming the weather doesn't = climate narrative for 15 years! The energy policy-makers don't give a fuck :cul2: It's a talking point nobody is caring about.

Thanks for that. I didn't bother reading because I suspected it was just more nonsense denial of the facts on global warming.
But are you sure any of the goofballs will even understand wind chill?
When Will the Grapes of Wrath Ripen?

Wind chill has been aggravated by the Clean Air Act and other toxic legislation from the privileged Unabomber Cult. Common sense (but not Commie Science) should have told us that auto emissions thicken the air and slow down the wind. The reduction in auto emissions during the Depression caused the Dust Bowl.
When Will the Grapes of Wrath Ripen?

Wind chill has been aggravated by the Clean Air Act and other toxic legislation from the privileged Unabomber Cult. Common sense (but not Commie Science) should have told us that auto emissions thicken the air and slow down the wind. The reduction in auto emissions during the Depression caused the Dust Bowl.
Are you a Christian? Most everything can make sense when science can be traded off for religious beliefs. There's really nothing that is impossible in the Christian's world.
Yep. All that extra CO2 humans have pumped into the atmosphere has absolutely and unquestionably caused massive global warming. Errr. Climate change.

Because before humans started all that industrial emission of the so-called greenhouse gasses, global climate had always been perfectly stable. There had never before ever been ice ages or the warming periods that come after ice ages prior to humanity engaging in industry!

Wait. I could be mistaken. Maybe global climate has never been stable. Maybe that’s not the way the world works.
Maybe you are just plain fucking stupid. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Against that we have dumb fucks like you posting nonsense. Did you ever finish third grade science?
Maybe you are just plain fucking stupid. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Against that we have dumb fucks like you posting nonsense. Did you ever finish third grade science?
Moldy moldy moldy cock. Gfy.

Get your inane gibberish straight.

Is it AG W?

Or is it back again to being Climate CHANGE?

ANY Event, your appeal to authority and your appeal to numbers are fallacies. You’ve been instructed many times about how much of your FAITH in Climate “Science” [sic] is undermined by false data and erroneous scientific theories. I have neither the time nor the inclination to reiterate everything you’ve already been told about.

It is your own dumbfuckery you need to address.
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Moldy moldy moldy cock. Gfy.

Get your inane gibberish straight.

Is it AG W?

Or is it back again to being Climate CHANGE?

ANY Event, your appeal to authority and your appeal to numbers are fallacies. You’ve been instructed many times about how much of your FAITH in Climate “Science” [sic] is undermined by false data and erroneous scientific theories. I have neither the time nor the inclination to reiterate everything you’ve already been told about.

It your own dumbfuckery you need to address.
What you mean is that I post articles from people who have decades of research in the discipline under discussion, instead blathering on like you do and proving yourself a complete ignoramus.
So it was cold in Alaska today. So how did the rest of the world fare?




Hmmm............... Looks like Alaska was the anomaly, overall, the Northern Hemisphere was +0.7, Arctic +0.2, Southern Hemisphere +0.2, Antarctic +3.5. Rather warm for a February day in a La Nina. LOL
What you mean is that I post articles from people who have decades of research in the discipline under discussion, instead blathering on like you do and proving yourself a complete ignoramus.
Of course that has nothing to do with what I mean. What I mean is that your irrationality leads you to reject out of hand any contrary articles. It is the same reaction some people expect from a religious zealot in the face of any blasphemy.

You’ve consistently shown your highly unscientific mind. You may not be a complete ignoramus. But you’re fucking very very close to the finish line!
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So it was cold in Alaska today. So how did the rest of the world fare?

View attachment 599840

View attachment 599844

View attachment 599846

Hmmm............... Looks like Alaska was the anomaly, overall, the Northern Hemisphere was +0.7, Arctic +0.2, Southern Hemisphere +0.2, Antarctic +3.5. Rather warm for a February day in a La Nina. LOL

No link as usual this forum wants to get sued someday for not enforcing copyright laws.

Meanwhile your chart a SINGLE day (weather) based on Anomaly.

University of Maine

Meanwhile showing the 2m temperature Maximum temperature the other chart is the Minimum temperature level shows a very different picture, it is freaking cold!




You mislead so often, and I am the only one who seems to notice it when you chronically abuse the Climate Reanalyzer for Anomaly use only while you ignore the 2M temperature which shows you the current temperature.


From Dr. Spenser's Global Warming blog,



Shows a large one month drop in temperature from December 2021 to this month of .18C

You are pathetic.
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So it was cold in Alaska today. So how did the rest of the world fare?

View attachment 599840

View attachment 599844

View attachment 599846

Hmmm............... Looks like Alaska was the anomaly, overall, the Northern Hemisphere was +0.7, Arctic +0.2, Southern Hemisphere +0.2, Antarctic +3.5. Rather warm for a February day in a La Nina. LOL

But where is the evidence that the public cares about those colorful maps? We'd like to see it :popcorn:

Links please btw.....
Which is not all that low. We have exceeded that here in Oregon.
Really? I tend to believe what you say.
My great grandfather showed me a picture taken around 1905 of the salt chuck frozen over with a horse and sleigh on it.

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