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- Nov 22, 2003
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What Other Countries, Senator?
Kerry has made a big deal about America shouldering "90%" of the burden in Iraq. There's a perfectly good reason, though, as for why no other country is remotely our equal in the reconstruction. That's because there is no other country in the world that could be remotely our equal partner.
Here are some numbers I put together from the CIA World Factbook. There are 17 nations in the world whose GDP exceeds $500 billion. There are 10 nations in the world whose GDP exceeds $1 trillion. There are 5 nations in the world whose GDP exceeds $2 trillion. There are three nations whose GDP exceeds $3.5 trillion. They are:
Japan: $3.56 trllion ($28,000 per capita)
China: $6.449 trillion ($5,000 per capita)
United States $10.98 trillion ($37,800 per capita)
That means the United States exceeds the combined GDP (both total and per capita) of the two next largest economies. The US GDP exceeds the combined totals of nations #4-9 ($10.98 trillion vs. $10.163 trillion). The US GDP exceeds the combined totals of the 10 largest European economies (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, and the Ukraine) $10.98 trillion-$10.757 trillion. Let's exclude Russia and the Ukraine, and the US surpasses the combined GDP of 16 largest economies in Europe ($10.98 trillion to $10.831 trillion). The only "nation" that surpasses America in per capita GDP is Luxembourg, a grand duchy the size of Rhode Island but with half the population.
In military matters, the US spends $370.7 billion. This exceeds the next 15 largest defense budgets combined ($370.7 billion-$365.4 billion). Out of those 15, the US has assistance from 6 nations (formerly 7, before Spain Muniched out) totalling defense expenditures of $154 billion. So out of the top 16 defense spenders in the world, 7 are in Iraq. Those that are not: China, Russia, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, Spain, Canada, and Israel. Out of that list, half (China, Russia, Saudia Arabia, India, and Israel) can safely be put in the category of "We either don't won't their help, or their help would be counterproductive."
So tell me, out of France, Germany, Brazil, Spain, or Canda (total defesne budget: $110.3 billion, less than 1/3 of US defense spending), which ones would have to join before it would be a real alliance?
We have to get used to the fact that this is no longer World War II, where it took grand alliances of the largest nations to bring down alliances of nearly-as-large nations. This is a war of us versus them, and anyone who wants to join us in that fight is welcome to, but at this point we're rich enough that we can do it alone. I'm not saying we don't want allies (any money that others spend achieving our objectives is gravy), but this whole alliance talk upsets me at times. If we have to give up things to get unneeded help (attn: France, Germany), it's not worth it. We don't know what Kerry would give up, but it's hard to imagine his summits convincing them to help without giving them concessions of some sort.
posted by Apollo Morgan @ 2:30 PM