9 Yr Olds Abortion Draws Catholic Excommunication

Physical complications of abortion vary, depending on the age of the pregnancy and the type of abortion. In general, the risk of complications increases with gestational age past eight weeks.1 Some complications appear in the first hours following the abortion, while others may take days, weeks and even years to show up. Statistics on abortion complications are inconsistent and incomplete. Most studies focus on short-term complications, while later effects on both physical and psychological health are usually neglected.2
Short-term Health Risks

AbortionInCanada.ca .:. Physical Health Effects of Abortion
Oh, that's not an impression. That's exactly what KG and Mal are saying.

I can see my daughter at age 9 in my mind's eye. Like a colt, all gangly, long and slender.

I went through 43 hours of labor, nevermind the nine months preceding, and no. I would not put a child through that.

But - but what? What's that shit Mal always spews?

"That's just me."

One miscarriage and two very difficult pregnancy's that I had to have emergency c-sections. 16 blood draws in one day, hanging upside down trying to stablize me,blood pressure out of control, Hemmoraging with the miscarriage so much I needed a couple unit's of blood and had blood clots the size of golf balls, migraines, incredible pain in my spine shooting up to my head, retained so much water I had stretch marks on my fingers and carple tunnel so bad from the swelling I couldn't lift a pencil. Sure lets let a 9 year old baby go through all that. Men are clueless when it comes to giving birth. Guys,imagine squeezing a watermelon out your ass and you pretty much have a decent comparison. I once heard something that I think describes it best.

Birth is as dangerous to women as war is dangerous to men. .

Before modern medicine, childbirth was the #1 cause of death for women and caused our average life span to be shorter than mens....that is still the case in third world countries.

But as you said, men are clueless.
Oh, that's not an impression. That's exactly what KG and Mal are saying.

I can see my daughter at age 9 in my mind's eye. Like a colt, all gangly, long and slender.

I went through 43 hours of labor, nevermind the nine months preceding, and no. I would not put a child through that.

But - but what? What's that shit Mal always spews?

"That's just me."

You'd Kill 2 Babies... One Crime Leading to another... Got it.

At least you are Proud of you want to Murder the Most Innoncent. :thup:



If the object is to save lives you have three lives here all of which would be dead if the pregnancy progresses. You can at least save one of those lives by having an abortion. Actually if the child died in child birth because of the churchs stupidity I guess that makes the church a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because it didn't opt to save her life.
Actually--it seems like I am the only man reading the board at the moment.

And, no, I don't want to think about squeezing a watermelon out of my butt.

Arrgghhh--I just did! Wait--I think I just equated that to taken a regular dump so no I probably did not.

I think maybe you need to sit down? Do you need some water?
Oh, that's not an impression. That's exactly what KG and Mal are saying.

I can see my daughter at age 9 in my mind's eye. Like a colt, all gangly, long and slender.

I went through 43 hours of labor, nevermind the nine months preceding, and no. I would not put a child through that.

But - but what? What's that shit Mal always spews?

"That's just me."

You'd Kill 2 Babies... One Crime Leading to another... Got it.

At least you are Proud of you want to Murder the Most Innoncent. :thup:



If the object is to save lives you have three lives here all of which would be dead if the pregnancy progresses. You can at least save one of those lives by having an abortion. Actually if the child died in child birth because of the churchs stupidity I guess that makes the church a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because it didn't opt to save her life.


How do you know all three would die? You have a link?

And what if the abortion had gone wrong and all three had died? I guess that would make the mother and the abortionist a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because they chose to cut her up, based on the lie that abortion is safe.
That is a good question.

How many nine year olds attempted to give birth and how many have survived.

On the other hand, I don't think many nine year olds would be allowed to give birth, let alone have sex.
This is due to their parents forbidden them to do anything that would endanger their life.

I can understand why the 9 year old had the abortion now. Too young and undeveloped to bear children--better wait until she is older so that her body can handle the stress better.

So no--the anti-abortion beliefs of the church is too restrictive to account for all situations. The 9 year should have an abortion.

I was thinking about this while taking my morning walk...I find it so very hard to believe that anyone could be so...so accepting of a 9 year being pregnant and giving birth. I think of my daughter when she was 9 and it makes me shutter with loathing at the thought. To think that someone wouldn't loath the idea and even make light of it....well...there's some pretty gruesome monsters in THAT psyche.

I have three daughters, no way were they ready for any of that at age 9. Women develop earlier then men, but not that early. I hope someone cuts this predator's dick off because he won't stop, he'll just move on to another child.
I'm not accepting of rape.
I'm not accepting of children having sex.
But if it has happened, I'm also not accepting of CUTTING THAT KID UP and the resultant child and pretending that's "better" for her than the alternative.

I don't know what it is with people who think abortion following a rape is less harmful than pregnancy and birth.

But then, what's to be expected. You people hate children anyway. It isn't amazing to me that women who think that children should be killed are okay with forcing a nine year old who has been raped to have her cervix forced open, and have metal instruments inserted into her, and to have two 4 month old babies dismembered and dragged out of her in bloody bits.

Yes, that's medicine at it's finest. Obviously, no trauma with that at all. A 9 year old girl who has been dreaming about babies...being held down by adults and chopped up, and her babies killed...and her life put at serious risk.

You guys rock.
You'd Kill 2 Babies... One Crime Leading to another... Got it.

At least you are Proud of you want to Murder the Most Innoncent. :thup:



If the object is to save lives you have three lives here all of which would be dead if the pregnancy progresses. You can at least save one of those lives by having an abortion. Actually if the child died in child birth because of the churchs stupidity I guess that makes the church a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because it didn't opt to save her life.


How do you know all three would die? You have a link?

And what if the abortion had gone wrong and all three had died? I guess that would make the mother and the abortionist a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because they chose to cut her up, based on the lie that abortion is safe.

The doctors said after 15 weeks of pregnancy the girl wouldn't make it, she'd die. She is pregnant with twins. She is underdeveloped Because she is NINE YEARS OLD, her uterus isn't big enough, I'm guessin thats why the doctors said she'd die. If a woman who is fully developed would have trouble giving birth to twins ( and many do or at least give birth early) how the hell is a nine year old gonna do it? If she dies and the kids are to early to be born they die too. Of course nature tends to take care of stuff like this and she probably would have had a miscarriage which can be just as dangerous. Why are you hell bent on putting this kid through hell for nothing? Go to a play ground and find a group of nine year old girls and take a good look at them. It's not rocket science to figure out how this will end.
That is a good question.

How many nine year olds attempted to give birth and how many have survived.

On the other hand, I don't think many nine year olds would be allowed to give birth, let alone have sex.
This is due to their parents forbidden them to do anything that would endanger their life.

I can understand why the 9 year old had the abortion now. Too young and undeveloped to bear children--better wait until she is older so that her body can handle the stress better.

So no--the anti-abortion beliefs of the church is too restrictive to account for all situations. The 9 year should have an abortion.

I was thinking about this while taking my morning walk...I find it so very hard to believe that anyone could be so...so accepting of a 9 year being pregnant and giving birth. I think of my daughter when she was 9 and it makes me shutter with loathing at the thought. To think that someone wouldn't loath the idea and even make light of it....well...there's some pretty gruesome monsters in THAT psyche.

I have three daughters, no way were they ready for any of that at age 9. Women develop earlier then men, but not that early. I hope someone cuts this predator's dick off because he won't stop, he'll just move on to another child.

Don't expect any help from the Catholic Hierarchy in that regard.
My point, again, isn't that abortion might not be necessary.

My point, again, is that ABORTION poses a huge risk as well.

And what I read didn't have all that information in there. What I read said a doctor said her life would be at risk, and I thought the abortion was performed AT 15 weeks, not that he said she'd be at risk at 15 weeks.

I'll read it again.

15 weeks is a very advanced stage of pregnancy. I don't know why suddenly the girl would die at 15 weeks, when she didn't die at 14. It makes no sense whatever. People, even children, don't spontaneously die at a certain point in pregnancy. If she were to die, it would either be due to organ failure (toxemia) or hemmorhage.
If the object is to save lives you have three lives here all of which would be dead if the pregnancy progresses. You can at least save one of those lives by having an abortion. Actually if the child died in child birth because of the churchs stupidity I guess that makes the church a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because it didn't opt to save her life.


How do you know all three would die? You have a link?

And what if the abortion had gone wrong and all three had died? I guess that would make the mother and the abortionist a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because they chose to cut her up, based on the lie that abortion is safe.

The doctors said after 15 weeks of pregnancy the girl wouldn't make it, she'd die. She is pregnant with twins. She is underdeveloped Because she is NINE YEARS OLD, her uterus isn't big enough, I'm guessin thats why the doctors said she'd die. If a woman who is fully developed would have trouble giving birth to twins ( and many do or at least give birth early) how the hell is a nine year old gonna do it? If she dies and the kids are to early to be born they die too. Of course nature tends to take care of stuff like this and she probably would have had a miscarriage which can be just as dangerous. Why are you hell bent on putting this kid through hell for nothing? Go to a play ground and find a group of nine year old girls and take a good look at them. It's not rocket science to figure out how this will end.

Yeah, as I thought, you're either just misinformed, stupid, or you're lying.

The doctors did NOT say she would spontaneously croak at 15 weeks.

"a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk. "

Well, abortion at 15 weeks MIGHT result in death as well, as any doctor will tell you. And the younger the child who is pregnant, the HIGHER the risk of complications, including DEATH from abortion.

Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

How do you know all three would die? You have a link?

And what if the abortion had gone wrong and all three had died? I guess that would make the mother and the abortionist a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because they chose to cut her up, based on the lie that abortion is safe.

The doctors said after 15 weeks of pregnancy the girl wouldn't make it, she'd die. She is pregnant with twins. She is underdeveloped Because she is NINE YEARS OLD, her uterus isn't big enough, I'm guessin thats why the doctors said she'd die. If a woman who is fully developed would have trouble giving birth to twins ( and many do or at least give birth early) how the hell is a nine year old gonna do it? If she dies and the kids are to early to be born they die too. Of course nature tends to take care of stuff like this and she probably would have had a miscarriage which can be just as dangerous. Why are you hell bent on putting this kid through hell for nothing? Go to a play ground and find a group of nine year old girls and take a good look at them. It's not rocket science to figure out how this will end.

Yeah, as I thought, you're either just misinformed, stupid, or you're lying.

The doctors did NOT say she would spontaneously croak at 15 weeks.

"a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk. "

Well, abortion at 15 weeks MIGHT result in death as well, as any doctor will tell you. And the younger the child who is pregnant, the HIGHER the risk of complications, including DEATH from abortion.

Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

We get it Allie...you are drooling for a chance to lay this 9 year old girl on the altar of your anti-choice, anti-woman, pro-Catholic Hierarchy Doctrine.
Pro-catholic, that's funny.

The ones who are willing to sacrifice her are the ones #1, lying about what the doctors said...#2, lying about the risk involved in the abortion, and #3, promoting sexual butchery of a little girl, despite the risks, because of their hatred of children in general, and very young girls in particular.
Oh, that's not an impression. That's exactly what KG and Mal are saying.

I can see my daughter at age 9 in my mind's eye. Like a colt, all gangly, long and slender.

I went through 43 hours of labor, nevermind the nine months preceding, and no. I would not put a child through that.

But - but what? What's that shit Mal always spews?

"That's just me."

One miscarriage and two very difficult pregnancy's that I had to have emergency c-sections. 16 blood draws in one day, hanging upside down trying to stablize me,blood pressure out of control, Hemmoraging with the miscarriage so much I needed a couple unit's of blood and had blood clots the size of golf balls, migraines, incredible pain in my spine shooting up to my head, retained so much water I had stretch marks on my fingers and carple tunnel so bad from the swelling I couldn't lift a pencil. Sure lets let a 9 year old baby go through all that. Men are clueless when it comes to giving birth. Guys,imagine squeezing a watermelon out your ass and you pretty much have a decent comparison. I once heard something that I think describes it best.

Birth is as dangerous to women as war is dangerous to men. .

Before modern medicine, childbirth was the #1 cause of death for women and caused our average life span to be shorter than mens....that is still the case in third world countries.

But as you said, men are clueless.

Really... Because earlier I was Observing the very same Reality.

Women Die during Childbirth...

How many of the 9 year olds that have attempted to give Birth have Died so far?...




You wouldn't happen to have a Stat on that Age Group, would you Dumptruck?


Pro-catholic, that's funny.

The ones who are willing to sacrifice her are the ones #1, lying about what the doctors said...#2, lying about the risk involved in the abortion, and #3, promoting sexual butchery of a little girl, despite the risks, because of their hatred of children in general, and very young girls in particular.

You'd Kill 2 Babies... One Crime Leading to another... Got it.

At least you are Proud of you want to Murder the Most Innoncent. :thup:



If the object is to save lives you have three lives here all of which would be dead if the pregnancy progresses. You can at least save one of those lives by having an abortion. Actually if the child died in child birth because of the churchs stupidity I guess that makes the church a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because it didn't opt to save her life.


How do you know all three would die? You have a link?

And what if the abortion had gone wrong and all three had died? I guess that would make the mother and the abortionist a murderer of an innocent 9 year old girl because they chose to cut her up, based on the lie that abortion is safe.

The murderer is the stepfather. If abortion is murder, then the stepfather has two murders on his account now for putting that little girl in the position to need an abortion.

If the little girl had died, then that would be one more murder on the stepfather's account.

It's like if a store clerk pulls out a gun to defend himself during a robbery and a shopper dies in the crossfire. The robbers are responsible for the death because it resulted from their crime.
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