9 Ways Fathers Can Raise Good Kids


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I don't agree with the tone and wording of much of the article, but it does make a great deal of sense. Here's the first two of the nine:

Make sure your children appreciate this nation, its founding docs and its original intent and not some wet dream Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn had back in the late ‘60s when they were high on acid, Che Guevara and Saul Alinsky. Especially be certain that they love our Armed Forces who protect us and not slice and dice their benefits.

Make certain your kids know it’s wrong to lie your butt off to people who have given you their trust. For instance, if you tell people "they can keep their health care plan and their doctors, period!” then mean that, dammit.

Read the full article @ 9 Ways Fathers, On This Father?s Day, Can Avoid Raising a Barack Obama - Doug Giles - Page 1

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