9 Dumbest Gun-Control Quotes from Politicians and Celebrities


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1) "The Second Amendment only protects the people who want all the guns they can have. The rest of us, we've got no Second Amendment. What are we supposed to do?"
-- D-New York Rep. Louise Slaughter

2) "What bothers me most about today is that we're getting used 2 it. ENOUGH. 2nd amendment must go. Violence has 2 stop. Culture MUST change."
-- Actor Jay Mohr

*** What makes Mohr's comment STUPID is that this is his reaction to the Boston Marathon Bombings ... in which Rice Cooker Bombs were used, NOT GUNS! :p

3) "Congressman Giffords' life was saved and so many others' when very valiant folks stood up to defend themselves and protect themselves, and they did it with ballpoint pens."
-- Colorado State Sen. Jessie Ulibarri (D-Adams County)

*** No wonder Giffords ended up getting shot - you can't hide behind a ballpoint pen very well.

4) "Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door."
-- Former VP Joe Biden

** 'Uncle' Joe was just giving Americans a little bit of illegal advice guaranteed to send them to jail! :p

5) "The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans. A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that's what the genesis of the Second Amendment is."
-- Actor Danny Glover


6) "We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it's legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines."
-- Dianne Feinstein (D-California)

Did Democrats sneak that law onto the books at the same time they rammed the ACA into law.
-- 'We have to pass the 'Hunting Humans Legalization Act' before you can find out what's in it!" :p

7) "If you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available."
-- Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colorado)

Oh dear Lord, put down the bong, dear.....
-- She went on to predict this would happen shortly after Guam tipped over from having too many US troops on it, as D-Hank Johnson had predicted :p

8) "It's the kind of turn that happened to the great country of Germany, when Nazis came over and created tragic things, and they had to be told off. And if we continue this kind of violence and accept it in our country, the rest of the world's going to really take care of us, in a very bad way."
-- Singer Tony Bennett

'Nuff said....

9) "If there was special interests affecting police work, I believe that would be called corruption. So, if it has do with donating money versus a popular vote, I think we have a bigger problem in this country and somebody's gotta wake up to that."
-- Chicago Police Commissioner Garry McCarthy

*** The fact that more than 500 people were killed in gun-related homicides in 2012 in a city that banned legal gun ownership until July 9, 2013 (following a 2010 Supreme Court order) is not, apparently, a danger to public safety, according to McCarthy, who blames "government-sponsored racism" and Sarah Palin for Chicago's gun violence.

9 Dumbest Gun-Control Quotes from Politicians and Celebrities
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