9/11, Mind Manipulation, and Dumb Sheep

Apr 8, 2009
Folks, I wrote the following article five years ago, and posted it on several boards at the time. It is one of several articles I wrote on the subject of 'Terrorism'. Thought I would re-post this particular one again in support of Mr. '9/11 inside job' and some others on the board who have demonstrated the guts to question the official story. Have fun.


By LanceofBeowulf

I have often pointed out, when referring to the disinformation ‘Matrix’ which encases the American public (and indeed the bulk of humanity) within its altered version of reality, that this illusional cocoon stands on a tripod, the legs of which we understand as politics, economics, and religion. While the majority of my readers are able to relate the ‘Matrix’ to politics and economics, and accept that segment of my explanation, many are uncomfortable with its connection to that sacred preserve called religion. However, my own experiences and research have led me to believe that all religions are forms of group mind control, designed to manipulate large masses of people into not thinking for themselves, and moving like sheep to the will of the Controllers. In my opinion, any adult that has not woken up to this fact by now is fast asleep.

Most people are brought up to believe in the ‘accidental flow’ of history----meaning that history is the result of a series of random events strung together to produce a time line, and human beings are simply swept up in the tide. Whereas, my own understanding has led me to adopt a tangential view; i.e. to believe in the ‘conspiratorial view’ of history----meaning that the major events which produce ‘turning points’ in history are not random at all, but are planned and directed by powerful human forces with a deliberate agenda. These controlling forces work slowly and methodically from a global perspective to accomplish their goals. They plan the pattern in such a way as to purposefully disorient the masses, while they alone see the destination and order of life. Essentially, the masses are led to believe that haphazard events amid chaos shape their existence. It is no accident that the Illuminati motto is: Order out of Chaos.

It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that Americans cannot see the blatant manipulation of their existence by these invisible puppeteers operating behind their visible government. It literally slaps them in the face every single day, but they are too distracted to see beyond the cacophony of television, radio, and the print media, which these powerful forces control. For example, precious few observers of the 9/11 phenomenon noticed that the American public was being subjected to massive, intensive mind control as they sat transfixed before their TV sets gawking at the bloody imagery of the Twin Towers collapsing over and over and over—over a period of several days, with reporters droning on and on about how 19 Arab highjackers affiliated with Al-Qaeda were responsible. Within days of the event, intrepid European journalists had uncovered that at least seven of the so-called ‘highjackers’ on the FBI’s official list were alive and well in places like Morocco, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and that none of them had anything whatsoever to do with either ‘terrorism’ or Al-Qaeda. But this simple fact was never relayed to the American people by our vaunted ‘free press’.
[Note also that the FBI’s phoney list has remained intact. And why not? No one in any position of authority in Congress or elsewhere, who is not an actor in the scam, has the gumption to question it. If gumption had existed anywhere in Congress to start with, the liberty-destroying Patriot Act would never have been foisted on the American people].

One other thing those intrepid journalists uncovered was that, three months before the events of 9/11, Pakistani Intelligence Chief, Mahmoud Ahmed, had wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta’s bank account in the States. Now, it is common knowledge to educated observers on Planet Earth that Pakistan’s ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) is the CIA’s flunkie in Central Asia, and is virtually financed by it, so it does not require much brainstorming to make the link back to Langley. The CIA’s George Tenet came through like a champion when he unloaded lie after lie on the American people in the wake of 9/11, while his boss, the half-witted George Bush, looked on, and his Zionist Neo-Con advisers laughed and giggled just beyond the range of the news cameras.

The Zionist propaganda apparatus in the United States is so effective and so in control of our information channels that many citizens today still believe that Iraq had a connection to 9/11, and that the illegal and immoral American invasion of that country in 2003 was proper punishment for Saddam’s involvement in it. The rank-and-file Jews who constitute the backbone of the Zionist political movement in America continually reinforce this, and other illusions, about Iraq. People such as these ‘Jews’ also constitute an important component of the disinformation ‘Matrix’, although they have little understanding of the forces which manipulate them and their leaders behind the veil of religion. But beyond the Zionist-induced hype on mainstream television and radio, it is important to remember that there is not a single shred of evidence linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11. All of the video tapes purportedly showing him taking responsibility for that atrocity have been proven to be fake. Not a single court in the United States has officially charged Osama Bin Laden with that crime, and this is also true of the International Court of the Hague. If OBL was indeed responsible for the 9/11 atrocity, why have no criminal charges been filed? Surely, at the very least, his own country of Saudi Arabia would charge him for the crime and issue a warrant for his arrest to demonstrate its commitment to ‘fighting terror’ on the side of the United States? But none of that has happened, for the simple reason that, despite the involvement of Arab dupes (street boys) in this heinous act, there is no real evidence linking Bin Laden to it.

So back to the original question: Who was responsible? We could start by asking why close to 100 Mossad agents, apprehended by the FBI immediately after 9/11, were quietly ex-filtrated out of the United States on orders of the White House in the days following the Twin Tower collapse? Many of these Mossad agents were posing as ‘art students’ who spent considerable time shadowing Mohammed Atta and his merry men at a flight school in Venice, Florida in the weeks leading up to 9/11. If the Israelis knew what was ‘going down’, they certainly were not jumping up and down to warn us about it. So what exactly was the Israelite role in this bloody affair? Those of you interested in pursuing the Israelite angle can pick up Justin Raimundo’s book titled ‘The Terror Enigma’ for a deeper analysis of the Mossad role in America’s ‘New Pearl Harbor’.

The Mossad is a leading candidate for architect of the 9/11 attacks. The following suppressed German Intelligence Document reveals how senior Israeli officials knew in advance about the attacks and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks. Here's a longer quote:

1. It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the Federal Republic as well as interceptions of Israeli diplomatic communication from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has successfully penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the United States. These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, through their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.
That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attacks is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks. Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American intelligence community that some kind of an attack might be possible, at no time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli officials) to be given to the Americans.
The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August 1, 2001, between the Israeli Military Attaché in the Federal Republic to a member of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that Israel believed an attack on the continental United States would so inflame American public opinion that they would permit Israel to cleanse their state of Arab terrorists and those who support such terrorists . This cleansing was explained as the expulsion of all Arabs, and even Christian groups, from the Palestine area.
[Source: 9/11: Synthetic Terror by Webster Tarpley. Read also 'Enemies By Design' by Greg Felton]

Note that, although the Mossad has been caught perpetrating fake terrorist operations on several occasions in the Middle East and Europe, the entertainment-gorged American public is blissfully unaware of it. America’s ‘free press’ and its Zionist-Illuminati overseers see to it that our citizens remain fat, dumb, and happy, and living contentedly in La-La Land. The U.S. Army War College already acknowledges that the Mossad ‘has the capability to target U.S. Forces and make it look like an Arab or Palestinian act’.

We could follow-up those initial questions with another important and pertinent question: Why was nobody at Andrews Air Force Base court-martialed for negligence (i.e. sleeping at the wheel) on 9/11? After all, Andrews was constructed for the specific purpose of defending the Capital, and it failed horribly in that duty when it allowed an unauthorized aircraft to approach the Pentagon unchallenged and strike it. It is simply inconceivable, under normal circumstances, that the Commander of an important defense installation like Andrews would not be brought before a court-martial for negligence after an enemy aircraft had struck at the heart of America’s Command-and-Control. Inconceivable—yet Andrews was hardly factored into the terrorist equation after 9/11, and barely got a mention in the mainstream press. Strange indeed. An intelligent, detached observer would wonder who ordered our military to ‘stand down’ on that day. Unfortunately, America is composed of mindless drones, not independent thinkers who would pose such questions to their leaders in Washington.

The advent of television in the late 1940's gave our ruling elite a potent mind drug, which they could administer to the vast majority of the populace for the purpose of control. George Orwell foresaw the dark uses to which this new medium would be put, and tried to warn people with his novel ‘1984'. Studies have shown that television actually induces a trance state which, with years of watching, becomes permanent. Researcher Susan Bryce, writing in Nexus Magazine, aptly describes what takes place during television watching. She wrote:
“There is so much information coming at viewers over a short time that they sit lethargically staring blankly at the screen. This is precisely what you are supposed to do. In this lethargic mode, when people are almost snoozing, more is taken in subconsciously by the mind. Have you ever wondered why people fall asleep in front of the TV? Viewers become passive recipients, on the treadmill of mindless consumerism, routed endlessly from one shopping center to another, buying, buying, buying. Many become absorbed in the pursuit of media popularized roles or fashions, in the vain hope of becoming loved, respected, rich, socially popular, or sexually desirable. By such steady programming, compulsive neurotic behavior becomes normal and desirable.”

Television is, without a doubt, the most potent societal soporific in the mind control arsenal. According to Tri-lateralist and New World Order proponent, Zbigniew Brzezinski, we are all headed toward a ‘technotronic era’. That’s the societal new order that is coming into ascendance as the nations move toward world government. In his book ‘Between Two Ages’, he states:
“In the technotronic society, the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”

Hmmm—could Zbig have been any more straight-forward in referring to mind control? Such mind control manipulation ensures that people do not evolve spiritually as individuals, but will devolve into a lower-level group-mind, or ‘herd mentality’, where everyone follows the leader. And anyone who does not follow will be ‘singled out’ by the mob. The Reverend Al Sharpton, his followers, and his tactics of intimidation are a classic example of how mob rule works today, and will work in the future. Al Sharpton and the Zionist thugs who blackmail our politicians into supporting the destructive Zionist-Bolshevist-Illuminist agenda are unlikely ‘comrades’ in this conspiracy to reduce America to third-world status by marginalizing and nullifying its constitutional principles. This undoing of America from within is aided mightily by the indiscriminate and unrestricted immigration of uneducated people from backward countries, who have nothing in common with native-born Americans, and who are quite comfortable living with tyranny and mob rule, so long as they get a slice of the pie. Are my fellow citizens so stupid as to believe that this is all happenstance; that our mis-leaders in Congress are really doing all they can in the face of ‘opposition’; that history is unfolding by accident? And will they continue to go to the polls on election day and do what they have always done, thinking that what they are doing counts for something?

Some of my readers will say that my articles are too negative, always focusing on the ‘dark scenario’ and ignoring the positive impact America has on the world. But all I am attempting to do with these articles, folks, is remove the ‘blindfold’ that prevents citizens from seeing where they are being led. There is a cliff up ahead, with a very sharp drop, that very few people are aware of, and which will suddenly materialize out of the fog while these same people are jogging and chatting, in blissful ignorance, about their latest material acquisitions. There is no ‘world’ out there that will come to their rescue when the lemmings fall. There is only a new ‘Dark Age’. Servants of the ruling elite have been telling us about this ‘New Order’ for some time now, but no one is listening.

According to a recent documentary report on Al-Queida, there are now Al-Queida ‘cells’ in over 80 countries, and this all-round ‘bogeyman’ is branching out to cover the globe like some sort of Japanese Kudzu. Western security experts can’t keep up with this ‘monster’ that seems to have access to unlimited funds, and be able to go where it wants and do what it wants. So what’s behind this massive, worldwide proliferation of terrorism all of a sudden? Are Osama bin Laden and his ‘evil genius’ adviser, Ayman al-Zawahri, behind it all? Or are these two guys just as bewildered by these developments as we are? I believe that the latter conclusion is true. I believe that the American and British people are being set up to accept the concept of ‘perpetual war’, and this proliferation of terror is designed to focus public attention on eliminating this manufactured behemoth. What is being sought here is the sort of ‘focus’ and ‘all-out’ support that it took to eliminate the Nazi threat back in WW2, and it took a ‘Pearl Harbor’ type sneak attack on 9/11 to get it going.

It is highly likely that another major atrocity is being planned for America; an atrocity that will so inflame the public mind that the further militarization of America is inevitable. There is also a high probability that the ‘draft’ will be brought back to make up for the shortfall in military enlistments. Increasingly, your children are going to be sacrificed in these manufactured wars on foreign soil. How successful these back-stage manipulators will be in killing our young is going to depend on how willing Americans are going to be in offering their children as ‘cannon fodder’ for these wars. Will our people succumb as they always have? The manipulators are betting that they will. The idiotic ‘support our troops’ mentality still prevails throughout the 48 states, and does not appear to be abating, even in the face of all the lies and myths that have been exposed about Iraq and Afghanistan, and the atrocious destruction of lives on both sides of this needless conflict.

The History Channel and other ‘documentary’ channels like it, are major propaganda tools in this endeavor to turn the public mind toward war. Few Americans are alert to this on-going mental conditioning, or to the subtle ‘glorification’ of the military that is being promoted by these same channels with increasing frequency. On a separate level, Zionist agents are laboring like Trojans (on the internet, print media, etc.) to convince Americans that the Islamic world is a monster that threatens their existence. The new myth goes like this: Muslims want to kill the Jews and take over the world, and install a global caliphate, and force all Christians to convert to Islam–or, they will have us all beheaded. Americans are being put upon by outside forces like never before, and are under tremendous pressure to acquiesce to plans and programs which will prove damaging to their future well-being. It is definitely a time for thinking Americans to ponder the old Roman question: Cui Bono? Who benefits?

In closing, let me present you with an example of a probable future scenario: Either the President, or the Mayor of your city, declares that citizens should display the American flag at their homes and work places during Memorial Day week (or some other week) to demonstrate ‘support for our troops’ fighting wars on foreign soil. Everyone on your residential block responds to the call and displays the flag during that week, but you do not, for whatever reason. What do you think the consequences will be? A stone or shot fired through your window one fine evening as you are having dinner with the family? Or--a threatening letter in your mailbox? Or perhaps your boss threatening you with dismissal the following Monday for lack of patriotism? It is a sobering scenario, but all too real in the coming ‘New Order’. This is the same ‘New Order’ that Hitler raved about at the Nuremberg rallies of the 1930's. The very same.

Folks, I can tell you that you know nothing about the tragedy of 9/11 if you have not read the following books:

'Welcome to Terrorland' by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker (absolute must read)
'The Terror enigma' by Justin Raimundo
'Enemies By design' by Canadian Mid-East scholar Greg Felton
9/11: Synthetic Terror' by historian Webster Tarpley
How do we know if the presidential briefing that warned of bin laden determined to attack America, wasn't actually intelligence that we got from the mosad/ infiltrated art students, or whomever... and our intelligence agencies just refused to heed the warning, for some reason?
You are beginning to think for yourself, Care4all. Keep the process going. if I get a good reception to this article (meaning: people are beggining to truly wake up and question), I may post other articles I have written on the subject that will clarify the issue even further, and draw you deeper into this very important epoch in American history.
How do we know if the presidential briefing that warned of bin laden determined to attack America, wasn't actually intelligence that we got from the mosad/ infiltrated art students, or whomever... and our intelligence agencies just refused to heed the warning, for some reason?

there where multiple warnings..all ignored to the point people quit there jobs...only to die in the attacks.....for some reason

Update- April 12, 2004: In the week that the 9/11 Commission holds hearings scrutinizing the FBI's actions in the years prior to the terrorist attack, FRONTLINE rebroadcasts the remarkable story of John P. O'Neill, the FBI's counterterrorism expert who long warned of Al Qaeda's threat. A summary of this FRONTLINE report follows:

When the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001, among the thousands killed was the one man who may have known more about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda than any other person in America: John O'Neill.

frontline: the man who knew | PBS

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, U.S. Army Reserve – Commander of Special Troops Battalion, 9th Theater Support Command. Former Chief of the Army’s Controlled HUMINT (Human Intelligence) Program, overseeing Army Intelligence and Security Command’s global controlled HUMINT efforts. A former member of the Able Danger data mining program that targeted Al Qaeda’s global structure. Awarded the Bronze Star for bravery. Fellow, Center for Advanced Defense Studies. 23-year military intelligence career.

Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee 2/15/06: Regarding the Able Danger project - "... basic law enforcement investigative techniques, with 21st Century data mining and analytical tools ... resulted in the establishment of a new form of intelligence collection – and the identification of Mohammed Atta and several other of the 9-11 terrorists as having links to Al Qaeda leadership a full year in advance of the attacks. ...

After contact by two separate members of the ABLE DANGER team, … the 9-11 [Commission] staff refused to perform any in-depth review or investigation of the issues that were identified to them. … It was their job to do a thorough investigation of these claims – to not simply dismiss them based on what many now believe was a "preconceived" conclusion to the 9-11 story they wished to tell. … I consider this a failure of the 9-11 staff – a failure that the 9-11 Commissioners themselves were victimized by – and continue to have perpetrated on them by the staff as is evidenced by their recent, groundless conclusion that ABLE DANGER’s findings were "urban legend". http://www.abledan

Interview Fox News 8/24/05: "Why did this operation, which was created in '99 to target Al Qaeda globally, offensively, why was that turned off in the Spring of 2001, four months before we were attacked? I can't answer that, either. I can tell you I was ordered out of the operation directly by a two-star general. But I don't know what the bigger picture was of why you'd want to stop an operation going after the very target who attacked us, in advance, why you'd want to turn it off."

at 3:00 into the video at Google Video

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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Hi Lance:

While I would like to take your side in these “9/11, Mind Manipulation, and Dumb Sheep” deliberations, I must stand against much of the disinformation propaganda that appears in your work that has no basis in reality at all.


By LanceofBeowulf

We agree that the USA and the world is currently drunk on Official Gov’t Cover Story wine and DoD/FBI/CIA Cover Story dope and Media Circus narcotics, but your work appears to be icing on the Counterintelligence/Disinformation cake. Your work tries to cover FAR too much ground under a poorly-defined thesis and claims that include practically nothing in the way of third-party evidentiary support for your many assumptions.

I have often pointed out, when referring to the disinformation ‘Matrix’ which encases the American public (and indeed the bulk of humanity) within its altered version of reality, that this illusional cocoon stands on a tripod, the legs of which we understand as politics, economics, and religion.

At the rate that the US Government is buying up AIG, banks and every failing component of the US Economy (story), then the New World Order Fascist Religion has become the politicizing of US and Global economics where the media itself plays the vital role of selling this nonsense to We The People and the world.

While the majority of my readers are able to relate the ‘Matrix’ to politics and economics, and accept that segment of my explanation, many are uncomfortable with its connection to that sacred preserve called religion. However, my own experiences and research have led me to believe that all religions are forms of group mind control, designed to manipulate large masses of people into not thinking for themselves, and moving like sheep to the will of the Controllers. In my opinion, any adult that has not woken up to this fact by now is fast asleep. [snip unsupported rhetoric]

Your OP paper is more ‘crap’ than anything else by the way you attempt to drag Christianity into your Matrix, because your ‘conclusion’ here precedes any thesis statement, claims and support from whatever Lance considers ‘credible evidence.’ Placing this ‘conclusion’ about ‘all religion’ into the opening of your too-long OP paper is the kiss of death in my book. I write about Bible Truth (Two Gospels, Two Churches, Baptisms) ‘and’ 911Truth (Flight 93, Pentagon, WTC-7 = and others) and on the Economy/Politics (Coming Economic Implosion, Coming Greatest Depression, Obama Deception), but would NEVER in a kabillion years try to combine those thesis papers together under any single proposal that would only work to confuse and overcomplicate the hypothesis and claims for each individual case. In short, your OP paper asks the readers to swallow a blue whale whole in a single gulp ‘and’ without bothering to clean, skin, or chew anything at all. No sir. Your OP paper was deliberately tailored for your perception of loyal readers who question nothing and simply take your unsupported opinion as ‘the gospel.’

It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that Americans cannot see the blatant manipulation of their existence by these invisible puppeteers operating behind their visible government. It literally slaps them in the face every single day, but they are too distracted to see beyond the cacophony of television, radio, and the print media, which these powerful forces control.

We agree. Lance is describing the many Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic and pic) who run around this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Board with their heads buried in the sand (pic).

For example, precious few observers of the 9/11 phenomenon noticed that the American public was being subjected to massive, intensive mind control as they sat transfixed before their TV sets gawking at the bloody imagery of the Twin Towers collapsing over and over and over—over a period of several days, with reporters droning on and on about how 19 Arab highjackers affiliated with Al-Qaeda were responsible. Within days of the event, intrepid European journalists had uncovered that at least seven of the so-called ‘highjackers’ on the FBI’s official list were alive and well in places like Morocco, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and that none of them had anything whatsoever to do with either ‘terrorism’ or Al-Qaeda. But this simple fact was never relayed to the American people by our vaunted ‘free press’.

Actually at least 9 of the Loyal Bushie Cover Story hijackers were discovered to be alive and well (story), but this is common knowledge to these jokers with their heads jammed as far as possible into the sand. :0)

[Note also that the FBI’s phoney list has remained intact. And why not? No one in any position of authority in Congress or elsewhere, who is not an actor in the scam, has the gumption to question it. If gumption had existed anywhere in Congress to start with, the liberty-destroying Patriot Act would never have been foisted on the American people].

Congress knows full well that the 9/11 attacks were part of a carefully orchestrated Inside Job, but they are Loyal Bushie accomplices and loyal athletic supporters. :0)


Tell me that you cannot see the differences between a real 100-ton crashed Jetliner ‘and’ this little empty hole. :0)




All the pictures taken in the empty field outside Shanksville show the same little empty hole that cannot even begin to hold any . . .


. . . real 100-ton Jetliner. The fact that this little empty hole continues to represent a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner is just one reason that the USA is worthy of the coming destruction.


This is a picture of the very location where Senor Bushie and Senor Obama say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour.


Now try to tell me that our congressional representatives cannot tell the difference between a standing E-ring wall and a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0) The evidence does NOT match the Official Gov’t Cover Story by any stretch of the imagination, but We The People run after LIES and allow murders to sit in the White House and run things for eight long years anyway. Then you wonder why the USA is going to hell in a hand basket. :0)

One other thing those intrepid journalists uncovered was that, three months before the events of 9/11, Pakistani Intelligence Chief, Mahmoud Ahmed, had wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta’s bank account in the States.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The 800-pound gorilla standing on your head is the fact that Lance is supporting NOTHING from the evidence and is just ‘talking’ to what he perceives as a DUMB reading audience willing to swallow his opinion like DUPES swallowing the Official Cover Stories. I know for a fact that we are surrounded by Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES to our eyeballs, but I shall continue supporting my thesis statements, claims and conclusions from the ‘EVIDENCE’ and allow the unbiased third-party reader to make up his own mind one way or the other.

Go back and support your assertions with verifiable third-party resources and perhaps we will have something to debate.


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Civilization is mind control.

Therefore it behooves us to make god damned sure that we understand the minds of those who control civilization.

I think I DO understand what's on the minds of those currently in control and I have to tell you, I don't think they're very civil people.

As to 9-11?

We will never unravel that mystery, or we have already unraveled that mystery.

Take your pick because this is just another of those Kennedy assassination type events which we laymen depend on experts to explain to us.

What you believe depend on WHO you believe.
Hi Editec:

Civilization is mind control.

Therefore it behooves us to make god damned sure that we understand the minds of those who control civilization.

I think I DO understand what's on the minds of those currently in control and I have to tell you, I don't think they're very civil people.

As to 9-11?

We will never unravel that mystery, or we have already unraveled that mystery.

Take your pick because this is just another of those Kennedy assassination type events which we laymen depend on experts to explain to us.

What you believe depend on WHO you believe.

Nonsense! Editec's foolishness is very easy to disprove using a few pictures:


Go ahead and try to prove that this little hole represents a real 100-ton Jetliner crash! Good Luck.


Ditto! All we see in all the Shanksville photos are pictures of THE EMPTY HOLE, which says the Gov't is LYING. Period. In fact, this little hole was already part of a strip mine test that went sour 'before' April 20, 1994, which we know for A FACT from the US Geological Survey photographs (pic).

This stuff is not rocket science, but Editec is simply unwilling to make up his convoluted mind. Here you got hotshot (pic): Insert head and just keep on mumbling . . .


When it comes to engineering issues I confess that I depend on experts.

When the experts disagree, as they certainly do in this case?

I stop listening.
Hi Editec:

When it comes to engineering issues I confess that I depend on experts.

When the experts disagree, as they certainly do in this case?

I stop listening.

The listening stops from all the sand getting in those ears (pic). :0)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA]All Of These Experts Agree![/ame]

Show us 'your' official sources that prove a 757 hit the Pentagon . . .


You seem to be under the impression that I am going to engage in a debate about this subject.

The only thing I can tell you is that ---even if you are 100% right -- you are wasting your time.

If you are 100% right, then this government is so bent that the guilty players will NEVER be brought to task for it.

And if it is that bent, then you time is better spent finding a way to unbend it that doesn't depend on you proving something that you will never prove.
No, she's only saying what most of us thinking people have been telling conspiracy nuts all along ...

yeah like the conspiracy nuts that believe the official conspiracy theory that muslims and bin laden were behind the 9/11 attacks.
No, she's only saying what most of us thinking people have been telling conspiracy nuts all along ...

yeah like the conspiracy nuts that believe the official conspiracy theory that muslims and bin laden were behind the 9/11 attacks.

You are correct when you say we believe in a conspiracy. And each one of us may be nuts, but not because we believe bin laden and 19 hijackers killed 3000 people on September 11.
You seem to be under the impression that I am going to engage in a debate about this subject.

The only thing I can tell you is that ---even if you are 100% right -- you are wasting your time.

If you are 100% right, then this government is so bent that the guilty players will NEVER be brought to task for it.

And if it is that bent, then you time is better spent finding a way to unbend it that doesn't depend on you proving something that you will never prove.

one thing that needs to be pointed out Editec is that we dont need EXPERTS to tell us that the towers fell from controlled demolitions.we know thats a fact because not only does the laws of science and physics tell us that those towers should never have fallen at free fall speed since towers only collapse GRADUALLY from fires at slow speeds-obviously theres many people here that flunked out of science class because anybody who knows anything about science, knows the facts are jet fuel only burns at 1800 degrees and steel doesnt even beging to weaken till 2700 degrees.not only that,but the witness testimonys and the videos you can hear explosions going off before the towers collapse.To believe the official version that fires caused the collapse,you got to disregard the laws of physics that scientisits have gone by for thousands of years and conclude sir issac newton was an idiot.So we dont need to depend on experts,we have the laws of science and the video footgate and pics to prove they are lying and it was an inside job.we dont need to reply on what EXPERTS say to tell us the government is lying and covering up the truth.The experts who DO agree,thats because they wont get future work if they dont go along with the official version so they are participating in the coverup.

your right about one thing though in the fact that its another kennedy assassination thing where were not going to get them to ever print the truth.Not as the long as the american people keep their heads buried in the sand and keep letting these autrocities happen and only worry about their own petty little problems.They let the kennedy assassination happen and were paying for it today with events like 9/11.Until the people get off their lazy asses and start a revolution and demand that a third party is created,then yeah were wasting our time cause the truth will never be told till that day comes.Until a third party is created,there isnt any hope for the future of the world.
You seem to be under the impression that I am going to engage in a debate about this subject.

The only thing I can tell you is that ---even if you are 100% right -- you are wasting your time.

If you are 100% right, then this government is so bent that the guilty players will NEVER be brought to task for it.

And if it is that bent, then you time is better spent finding a way to unbend it that doesn't depend on you proving something that you will never prove.

one thing that needs to be pointed out Editec is that we dont need EXPERTS to tell us that the towers fell from controlled demolitions.we know thats a fact because not only does the laws of science and physics tell us that those towers should never have fallen at free fall speed since towers only collapse GRADUALLY from fires at slow speeds-obviously theres many people here that flunked out of science class because anybody who knows anything about science, knows the facts are jet fuel only burns at 1800 degrees and steel doesnt even beging to weaken till 2700 degrees.not only that,but the witness testimonys and the videos you can hear explosions going off before the towers collapse.To believe the official version that fires caused the collapse,you got to disregard the laws of physics that scientisits have gone by for thousands of years and conclude sir issac newton was an idiot.So we dont need to depend on experts,we have the laws of science and the video footgate and pics to prove they are lying and it was an inside job.we dont need to reply on what EXPERTS say to tell us the government is lying and covering up the truth.The experts who DO agree,thats because they wont get future work if they dont go along with the official version so they are participating in the coverup.

your right about one thing though in the fact that its another kennedy assassination thing where were not going to get them to ever print the truth.Not as the long as the american people keep their heads buried in the sand and keep letting these autrocities happen and only worry about their own petty little problems.They let the kennedy assassination happen and were paying for it today with events like 9/11.Until the people get off their lazy asses and start a revolution and demand that a third party is created,then yeah were wasting our time cause the truth will never be told till that day comes.Until a third party is created,there isnt any hope for the future of the world.

No, she's only saying what most of us thinking people have been telling conspiracy nuts all along ...

yeah like the conspiracy nuts that believe the official conspiracy theory that muslims and bin laden were behind the 9/11 attacks.

You are correct when you say we believe in a conspiracy. And each one of us may be nuts, but not because we believe bin laden and 19 hijackers killed 3000 people on September 11.

if you believe THAT theory, your nuts.:cuckoo:
how come obama hasn't told us the truth ... he promised change....

Dude the only difference between Obama and all the other evil bastard presidents we have had since kennedy-the last good president,is that he is the first black CEO president.Other than that,there is no difference between him and those others.I talked about that in my PICK YOUR POISON obama or mccain thread where it did not matter which one of those jerks got in office,NEITHER one of them represent the people like ron paul or dennis kucinich do.they are BOTH evil and corrupt.they are both CFR members.Both of them voted to reinstate Bushs patriot act.Thats what I was saying in my last post is that neither party is for the people.they are the same party.their BOTH corrupt.Obama has lied about everything he said he was going to do_Obama is actually a 9th cousin of Bushs.At first i did not believe that but he even told David Lettermen on his show that its true,that he is his cousin.so he isnt going to do anything about Bush or his administration.we were screwed the moment Paul or Kucinich did not get elected.
yeah like the conspiracy nuts that believe the official conspiracy theory that muslims and bin laden were behind the 9/11 attacks.

You are correct when you say we believe in a conspiracy. And each one of us may be nuts, but not because we believe bin laden and 19 hijackers killed 3000 people on September 11.

if you believe THAT theory, your nuts.:cuckoo:

What about my nuts? Is there something you're not telling us?

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