9/11/2020 A Very Special Day in America


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Today, President Donald Trump awarded the Congessional Medal to Sgt Major Thomas Payne for saving 75 fellow American soldiers in 2015 by swift action and leadership who were captured by Isis who had already prepared graves for them outside of two different buildings to which they had already set fires. Payne got men to the first building opened the doors under horrific gunfire and saved 38 soldiers. He immediately got his men to double down in getting through a yet hotter fire where he kept going back in to get another and another until all 37 Americans were set free from the fate of burning to death and enemy gunfire. It was a beautiful ceremony
that brought tears to my eyes over 2 who died from enemy bullet.
Also, in NYC citizens held a memorial for those who died on this day in 2001 from planes crashing into the Twin towers and the Pentagon killing almost 3,000 World Trade Center and Pentagon workers and American flight passengers on 4 planes bound for NYC and Washington, DC. The city decided to stop observing the 9/11 ceremonies, but not only were a man whose brother, a firefighter who died saving people, organized a beautiful service for families still mourning their dead. One couple made the occasion particularly good for wounded by donating enough money to pay for mortgages of 50 widows of heroes who died in service of this country. I forgot the name of the website where people can donate a contribution to help widows of first responders this way in a time when hateful governors and mayors are defunding first responders and letting them take a beating with orders not to hurt back the criminals using peaceful protests to harm others who they hate after listening to political haters of the flag, theConstitution, the President, and equalityunder the law.
It's heartening to hear of Americans helping others in spite of those undermining every good thing President Trump does for the people of this nation. The details I witnessed are archived at foxnews.com. I apologize for not knowing how to send direct links by phone and my computer is down.
All my regards to our servicemen and servicewomen, all our nation's cops, firemen, and first responders on this very special date. They also said candidate and former Vice President Biden is headed to PA to honor the people on Flight 93 who caused the terrorists planning to destroy Congress buildings, and died when terrorists panicked and sent the plane into a PA field, killing everyone on board.
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Flashback: Donald Trump Visits Ground Zero the Day after the 9-11 Attacks and Asks How He Can Help (VIDEO)

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked New York City.
The Muslim killers flew planes into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center killing 2,606 innocent Americans.
Donald Trump visited Ground Zero the day after the attacks.
Here is Donald Trump’s first interview at Ground Zero.

Donald Trump sent down hundreds of his workers to help clean up the debris after the attacks.

Trump showed his loved for America then in the same way just as he loves America now. He took action to help those around him. He praised the firefighters/ police officers then in the same manner he does now.
He spoke about rebuilding and restoring what had been torn down and broken. In many ways, he has done and is doing the same thing now. If anything, President Trump's character has been and is consistent. His life has proven that time and time again.
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Today, President Donald Trump awarded the Congessional Medal to Sgt Major Thomas Payne for saving 75 fellow American soldiers in 2015 by swift action and leadership who were captured by Isis who had already prepared graves for them outside of two different buildings to which they had already set fires. Payne got men to the first building opened the doors under horrific gunfire and saved 38 soldiers. He immediately got his men to double down in getting through a yet hotter fire where he kept going back in to get another and another until all 37 Americans were set free from the fate of burning to death and enemy gunfire. It was a beautiful ceremony
that brought tears to my eyes over 2 who died from enemy bullet.
Also, in NYC citizens held a memorial for those who died on this day in 2001 from planes crashing into the Twin towers and the Pentagon killing almost 3,000 World Trade Center and Pentagon workers and American flight passengers on 4 planes bound for NYC and Washington, DC. The city decided to stop observing the 9/11 ceremonies, but not only were a man whose brother, a firefighter who died saving people, organized a beautiful service for families still mourning their dead. One couple made the occasion particularly good for wounded by donating enough money to pay for mortgages of 50 widows of heroes who died in service of this country. I forgot the name of the website where people can donate a contribution to help widows of first responders this way in a time when hateful governors and mayors are defunding first responders and letting them take a beating with orders not to hurt back the criminals using peaceful protests to harm others who they hate after listening to political haters of the flag, theConstitution, the President, and equalityunder the law.
It's heartening to hear of Americans helping others in spite of those undermining every good thing President Trump does for the people of this nation. The details I witnessed are archived at foxnews.com. I apologize for not knowing how to send direct links by phone and my computer is down.
All my regards to our servicemen and servicewomen, all our nation's cops, firemen, and first responders on this very special date. They also said candidate and former Vice President Biden is headed to PA to honor the people on Flight 92 who caused the terrorists planning to destroy Congress buildings, and died when terrorists panicked and sent the plane into a PA field, killing everyone on board.
We've come along ways since that day when we got caught, completely unprepared.

The Bush presidency was all about reacting to 9/11. The Obama presidency was mostly about reacting to the Bush presidency’s reaction to 9/11. Trump’s presidency has been about putting the United States in a position where things like that won’t happen.

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