82 rural hospitals have closed in the last year

Rural hospitals are reimbursed for medicaid at a lower rate than larger hospitals. This results in a greater percentage loss per medicaid patient in rural areas. Perhaps keeping the rates the same would be a good starting point. The OP has failed to show causation between a tax break and hospital closures. Not really surprised as it would require there to be such a link.

Aren't non-member private health insurance reimbursements also down?
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

And you ignore the fact that they are closing thanks to illegal immigrants bankrupting the banks and the fact that obummer care doesn't pay them anything. Thanks obummer, you asshole.
We have almost NO immigrants up here, legal or otherwise, and our hospitals and nursing homes have been closing for two decades and it's getting worse. It is EXACTLY because they are being bankrupted by the under insured and the obligation to treat them, while the ER's have become after hours walk-in clinics for the docs who now refuse to "cover" on weekends or nights.
Unbelievable that you would blame this on illegal immigrants instead of shining the spotlight where it belongs--on the under-insured working poor and the Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements that do not cover costs.

Just because they have "insurance" doesn't mean they have coverage. The overwhelming majority of people who received insurance under obummercare did so by being added to the Medicare roles. Medicare pays so poorly that most doctors won't accept Medicare patients. In ALL of northern Nevada there is a single dentist that will accept it. Guess what the wait times are to go see him. We are losing rural hospitals because they don't pay the doctors and nurses enough for them to live out there. They simply can't afford to. So the doctors and nurses don't work for them, so they close.


Medicare Dentists in Reno, NV: Book Appointments Online - ZocDoc

Glad I could help!
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

You gotta l
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.
/----/ Geee Spanky, in your glee to bash Trump you neglected to post the entire headline: Since 2010, 82 rural hospitals have closed nationally.
So who was president in 2010? Why did Obozo let this start since you seem to think the POTUS controls what hospitals stay open and those that close.
A Hospital Crisis Is Killing Rural Communities. This State Is 'Ground Zero.' | HuffPost

OUCH! Deanrd you just got your ass handed to you in your own thread. Major pain and embarrassment for you.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

False, troll. Rural hospitals have been closing for decades because of assclowns like You who supported the government passing EMTALA.

No. Tax revenues are down due to American workers making shit for wages.

Federal revenue is at a record high. Why do you lie so much?

The fiscal year 2017 federal budget outlines U.S. government revenue and spending from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. The Office of Management and Budget estimates revenue will be $3.460 trillion. That's less than the estimated $4.037 trillion in spending. That means a $577 billion budget deficit. (Source: "FY 2018 Budget, Table S-4." OMB, May 23, 2017.)

When you have a 2017 deficit of $577 billion, tax revenues are down.
How can you make a comment like that that is 100% factual untrue. I guess when you ain’t got nothing you and the rest of your ilk just lie for practice.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

And you ignore the fact that they are closing thanks to illegal immigrants bankrupting the banks and the fact that obummer care doesn't pay them anything. Thanks obummer, you asshole.
We have almost NO immigrants up here, legal or otherwise, and our hospitals and nursing homes have been closing for two decades and it's getting worse. It is EXACTLY because they are being bankrupted by the under insured and the obligation to treat them, while the ER's have become after hours walk-in clinics for the docs who now refuse to "cover" on weekends or nights.
Unbelievable that you would blame this on illegal immigrants instead of shining the spotlight where it belongs--on the under-insured working poor and the Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements that do not cover costs.

Just because they have "insurance" doesn't mean they have coverage. The overwhelming majority of people who received insurance under obummercare did so by being added to the Medicare roles. Medicare pays so poorly that most doctors won't accept Medicare patients. In ALL of northern Nevada there is a single dentist that will accept it. Guess what the wait times are to go see him. We are losing rural hospitals because they don't pay the doctors and nurses enough for them to live out there. They simply can't afford to. So the doctors and nurses don't work for them, so they close.


Medicare Dentists in Reno, NV: Book Appointments Online - ZocDoc

Glad I could help!

Dental services | Medicare.gov

Dental services
How often is it covered?
Medicare doesn't cover most dental care, dental procedures, or supplies, like cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, dentures, dental plates, or other dental devices. Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.

" style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(76, 76, 76); cursor: pointer !important;">Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
will pay for certain dental services that you get when you're in a hospital. Part A can pay for if you need to have emergency or complicated dental procedures, even though the dental care isn't covered.
When you have a 2017 deficit of $577 billion, tax revenues are down.
How can you make a comment like that that is 100% factual untrue. I guess when you ain’t got nothing you and the rest of your ilk just lie for practice.

Because like most people who hold his views he is dishonest and dishonorable.
When combined with his unfunded two trillion dollar Iraq debacle and unfunded Medicare D that is.

The War On Terror Has Cost Taxpayers $1.7 Trillion [Infographic]
Niall McCarthy , CONTRIBUTOR

Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics the Mercatus Center citing the Congressional Research Service, the cost of global "War on Terror" operations (including both Afghanistan and Iraq) since 2001 had reached about $1.6 trillion by FY2014. When war funding approved by Congress for FY2015 is taken into account, the total reaches $1.7 trillion.

The majority of that funding, some $1.562 trillion, has been allocated to the Department of Defense. The "War on Terror" is proving extremely expensive compared to past military campaigns. Putting the cost into context, the bill for the Vietnam War comes to about $686 billion when adjusted for inflation.

The War On Terror Has Cost Taxpayers $1.7 Trillion [Infographic]

Thanks, the problem I have with numbers on total cost don't include the rehabilitation and ongoing assistance on return. And don't think they include the cost of new equipment (fighter jets, artillery etc) required to replace the ones that get old or are lost. Also, a lot of that hardware provided to Iraqis ended up in the hands of ISIS when they turned tail. I think the 5 trillion estimate is gonna be closer when it's all said and done.

THIS OCTOBER MARKS 15 years since American troops entered Afghanistan. It was a precursor to the occupation of Iraq and is the longest military conflict in US history. Yet the trillions of dollars and thousands of lives expended in these wars have rated barely a mention in the presidential campaign.

The most recent estimates suggest that war costs will run to nearly $5 trillion — a staggering sum that exceeds even the $3 trillion that Joseph Stiglitz and I predicted back in 2008.

Yet the cost seems invisible to politicians and the public alike. The reason is that almost all of the spending has been financed through borrowing — selling US Treasury Bonds around the world — leaving our children to pick up the tab. Consequently, the wars have had little impact on our pocketbooks.​

IF you are counting unfunded mandates, then you need to do likewise for our National Debt.

That would mean our National Debt is NOT merely $20 TRILLION but rather $129.5 TRILLION. Works for me if that's okay with you.

Otherwise, the cost of the War on Terror from 2001 through today is $1.7 TRILLION.

Why exaggerate? Why not tell the truth? Or doesn't the truth support your phony argument?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The only educated conclusions are that yes - 80% of the cuts go to the top 1% who don't need them.


Bet ya a dollar :cool-45:

No plan has been decided on much less voting on either. Since this is no plan, your estimate has no basis.
Rural hospitals close after conglomerate hospitals buy them. or suck their profitable patients away

How does the buyer of a rural hospital, "suck 'profitable' patients away"?

What percentage of hospitals in the U.S. are non-profit hospitals?
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

False, troll. Rural hospitals have been closing for decades because of assclowns like You who supported the government passing EMTALA.

No. Tax revenues are down due to American workers making shit for wages.

Federal revenue is at a record high. Why do you lie so much?

The fiscal year 2017 federal budget outlines U.S. government revenue and spending from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. The Office of Management and Budget estimates revenue will be $3.460 trillion. That's less than the estimated $4.037 trillion in spending. That means a $577 billion budget deficit. (Source: "FY 2018 Budget, Table S-4." OMB, May 23, 2017.)

When you have a 2017 deficit of $577 billion, tax revenues are down.

More than you can comprehend. That's okay, Progressives go through life like that.
Rural hospitals close after conglomerate hospitals buy them. or suck their profitable patients away

How does the buyer of a rural hospital, "suck 'profitable' patients away"?

What percentage of hospitals in the U.S. are non-profit hospitals?

non-profit does not mean it can't make money.

The buyer takes higher paying conditions and ships those patients to its main facility. Typically that is orthopedic and coronary patients.
No plan has been decided on much less voting on either. Since this is no plan, your estimate has no basis.

House and Senate versions have been looked at by the best and brightest. You seriously should wise up and read up.

This from that bastion of liberalism - FORBES

Despite Promises To The Contrary, Trump Tax Plan Heaps Biggest Benefits On The Rich

Lost on your first position so this is the fallback. :lol:
On this point I may well side with you, after some initial benefits for the middle class, it appears those go away and we will only benefit if the cut creates more jobs with higher pay.
Rural hospitals close after conglomerate hospitals buy them. or suck their profitable patients away

How does the buyer of a rural hospital, "suck 'profitable' patients away"?

What percentage of hospitals in the U.S. are non-profit hospitals?
The hospital in our area wised up years ago and joined a conglomerate of hospitals and healthcare systems all over the state. It was a big to do at the time, new management and a lot of people screaming, very popular long-time docs quitting, etc. But it saved us from having to drive 60 miles in a medical emergency. I remember those days before this hospital had a working ER. It was not a good thing.
Lost on your first position so this is the fallback. :lol:
On this point I may well side with you, after some initial benefits for the middle class, it appears those go away and we will only benefit if the cut creates more jobs with higher pay.

Wealthy people don't "create jobs" when you give them massive tax cuts other than perhaps hiring an extra chef, maid, chauffeur or landscape boy.

Corporations don't increase capital investment either - It's a ruse.

Rural hospitals close after conglomerate hospitals buy them. or suck their profitable patients away

How does the buyer of a rural hospital, "suck 'profitable' patients away"?

What percentage of hospitals in the U.S. are non-profit hospitals?
The hospital in our area wised up years ago and joined a conglomerate of hospitals and healthcare systems all over the state. It was a big to do at the time, new management and a lot of people screaming, very popular long-time docs quitting, etc. But it saved us from having to drive 60 miles in a medical emergency. I remember those days before this hospital had a working ER. It was not a good thing.

We reorganized our hospital in the mid 90s. I was on city council at the time and we had to transfer ownership. We incorporated a countywide membership into the mix from which board members were chosen. This arrangement has kept the hospital local, the emergency room open and we even expanded services. It also kept decision making local, we were concerned about a larger hospital buying us out and creating a band-aid station.
Wealthy people don't "create jobs" when you give them massive tax cuts other than perhaps hiring an extra chef, maid, chauffeur or landscape boy.

Corporations don't increase capital investment either - It's a ruse.

It is not that it cannot happen, it is a matter of how likely. In the last twenty years, CEOs have typically invested in stock buybacks and personal pay increases, not more employees and better pay. Point is, tax breaks are written into this proposal, more jobs and higher pay are merely promises.
Those hospitals only run because of Medicaid funding Republicans are cutting so they can give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
We know this to be true.
Rural hospitals, in many areas are the largest employer so those people are getting a double whammy.
Get this. Rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Hope that works out for them.

False, troll. Rural hospitals have been closing for decades because of assclowns like You who supported the government passing EMTALA.
So let them die? That's your answer?

You are one sick puppy.

We’re they dying before?

You are one ignorant tard
Yea, before Obamacare.

Still waiting for those names, troll.

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