81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Drill them again, and test them again. Eventually, they'll get tired of the process and learn the stuff.

Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

And these are generally the arguments conservatives have. "It worked when I was in school."

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Good for him! It is amazing what kids can do to overcome a stupid parent!
Home schooled kids run circles around publk edjewkated kidz
Drill them again, and test them again. Eventually, they'll get tired of the process and learn the stuff.

Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.
Ah, the old teachers don’t get paid enough bullshit.

That’s why 300 qualified applicants apply for one teachers job.
Their best interest? I thought we were a community according to the left????

So only if it's in the best interest of the left and screw the law and screw the Constitution that makes America work somehow?
Such a drama queen

Drama queen my butt, you prove it that the left only cares about themselves and not some Bible thumper in Oklahoma..

You sound like Bill Maher last night bitching why Wyoming is even a state and gets two senators .


I don't care for any bible thumpers and why oh why does Wyoming get 2 Senators? They should get one, and CA take the second. They are overly represented.

Because big states were not supposed to be able to push little states around. It was part of the deal from the beginning.

You would think that anyone with even a rudimentary education would know that.

MOre important than exact dates of events, important principles and ideas like that, are, imo, what a student should retain long term.
It's not needed in the work world and it's not on any of the beloved standardized tests. The people who know it are those that become citizens here through the process. It's basically useless after that.
You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Good for him! It is amazing what kids can do to overcome a stupid parent!
Home schooled kids run circles around publk edjewkated kidz

You would think they would, but why do so many parents use home schooling as a way to skirt mandatory attendance laws so they can raise morons? Home school supporters always seem to forget those students.
Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.
Ah, the old teachers don’t get paid enough bullshit.

That’s why 300 qualified applicants apply for one teachers job.

Oh, the old bullshit claim with our any proof! I left a school 3 years ago and they still have not found anyone that will stay in the job.
You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

And these are generally the arguments conservatives have. "It worked when I was in school."


What reason that it could not work now?
You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

And these are generally the arguments conservatives have. "It worked when I was in school."


What reason that it could not work now?

You wouldn't believe us anyway. Your mind is a closed book, just like it apparently was in school.

Why don't you take some education psychology classes and learn why?

We did!
Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

And these are generally the arguments conservatives have. "It worked when I was in school."


What reason that it could not work now?

You wouldn't believe us anyway. Your mind is a closed book, just like it apparently was in school.

Why don't you take some education psychology classes and learn why?

We did!

Perhaps that's why you're as hard-headed as you are.
Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Excellent....another homeschool family.
Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Good for him! It is amazing what kids can do to overcome a stupid parent!
Home schooled kids run circles around publk edjewkated kidz

You would think they would, but why do so many parents use home schooling as a way to skirt mandatory attendance laws so they can raise morons? Home school supporters always seem to forget those students.
I personally know over two dozen home schooled kids. All of them run circles intellectually, morally and socially than the other kids.
You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.

You have to change society first! You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

Yes. For starters, stop mixing all levels of abilities. Academics have their own classes. Those not academically inclined go to vocational classes. Those who have special needs go to special needs classes. Those who are unmotivated and cause a disturbance go to the disturbed school. ESL students go to ESL classes until their English becomes proficient enough to attend the above mentioned regular classes.

Just for starters. This is how it was done when I was in school. At that time, America was ranked #1 in the world.

Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.
Ah, the old teachers don’t get paid enough bullshit.

That’s why 300 qualified applicants apply for one teachers job.

Oh, the old bullshit claim with our any proof! I left a school 3 years ago and they still have not found anyone that will stay in the job.
Two years ago my high school district had one opening for a teacher. After weeding thru the applications they had over 300 qualified teachers applying.

Another district has a teacher who calls in sick every Monday. Every Monday. They can’t fire her.

Teaching is just another non productive government job. Hell, kids can’t even read or write cursive or read a watch with hands. The other day I saw a document from the Revolutionary war were the locals signed an oath to the cause. And each signature was in perfect handwriting, over 300 backwoods Virginians in 1777.
Mixing levels of abilities? Then why are you demanding such high performance out of kids? That ranking is not going to improve is some kids only take Math of Dummies instead of the Algebra II currently required in most states. Also, last time I checked, vocational classes involved some fairly complicated math such as geometry and algebra.

Who are you going to get to teach these juvenile delinquents in training? Teachers don't get paid enough already and now you want them to put up with classes comprised of derelicts?

If you want ESL students taken care of, tell that to Congress who thinks they should be fluent in English in only two years when all research says it takes a good 7 years. If we do as you propose, the students will not learn any other subjects until they master English? Great plan!

Why don't you run for your local school board with that plan and see how far you get? You might get one vote if you vote for yourself. I doubt your family and friends are that dumb.

Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Good for him! It is amazing what kids can do to overcome a stupid parent!
Home schooled kids run circles around publk edjewkated kidz

You would think they would, but why do so many parents use home schooling as a way to skirt mandatory attendance laws so they can raise morons? Home school supporters always seem to forget those students.
I personally know over two dozen home schooled kids. All of them run circles intellectually, morally and socially than the other kids.

How many millions do you not know?

As a teacher in Florida, I had numerous students who were taken out of public schools in their freshman or sophomore year, many with learning disabilities who simply struggled in school. How many of those students do you think actually completed their high school diploma?

How many kids are being homeschooled by parents who either dropped out of high school or attained a GED?

The lack of data on this topic lies right at the feet of homeschools because they have fought any and all accountability for their actions.

If you can homeschool and be successful, more power to you! I just hate seeing all of the homeschoolers with their arms in slings because they hurt themselves patting themselves on the back!

My own daughter-in-law homeschooled my granddaughter for a short time with my full support. She has a BA degree, and was one of the best students I ever had! It worked for its purpose and then my granddaughter returned to public school when her classmates grew up and started treating her disability as something not to laugh at.
Not my rabbit. My son was homeschooled, is grown and is becoming ridiculously successful in what he does.

Good for him! It is amazing what kids can do to overcome a stupid parent!
Home schooled kids run circles around publk edjewkated kidz

You would think they would, but why do so many parents use home schooling as a way to skirt mandatory attendance laws so they can raise morons? Home school supporters always seem to forget those students.
I personally know over two dozen home schooled kids. All of them run circles intellectually, morally and socially than the other kids.

How many millions do you not know?

As a teacher in Florida, I had numerous students who were taken out of public schools in their freshman or sophomore year, many with learning disabilities who simply struggled in school. How many of those students do you think actually completed their high school diploma?

How many kids are being homeschooled by parents who either dropped out of high school or attained a GED?

The lack of data on this topic lies right at the feet of homeschools because they have fought any and all accountability for their actions.

If you can homeschool and be successful, more power to you! I just hate seeing all of the homeschoolers with their arms in slings because they hurt themselves patting themselves on the back!

My own daughter-in-law homeschooled my granddaughter for a short time with my full support. She has a BA degree, and was one of the best students I ever had! It worked for its purpose and then my granddaughter returned to public school when her classmates grew up and started treating her disability as something not to laugh at.
Ah, the old blame it on stupid kids rant.

Funny how recently a school district learned that giving kids extra recess time (wearing them out) resulted in significant test score improvements.

Public education is a disgrace. Time to bust all teacher unions.
Yes, and I would also indoctrinate and recruit them into homosexuality.
Gawd you dumb

What is that suppose to mean, come on tell us how the United States would of got the slave states to join with out the Electoral college???

The Constitution worked just fine -------- WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN

And it still does to this day.

No not really - ....

Yes, really, it works just fine.

No document in the world can stand the test of 250 years time.
Go ahead - make a rule of some sort just for fun and put it in a time capsule.
Instruct your heirs to open for a good laugh around 2270
What is that suppose to mean, come on tell us how the United States would of got the slave states to join with out the Electoral college???

The Constitution worked just fine -------- WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN

And it still does to this day.

No not really - ....

Yes, really, it works just fine.

No document in the world can stand the test of 250 years time.
Go ahead - make a rule of some sort just for fun and put it in a time capsule.
Instruct your heirs to open for a good laugh around 2270

YOu libs claim to care about civil rights, but constantly attack the very document that protect them.

You are so dishonest, words cannot describe it.
Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

My discontent with education is government involvement in it.

Do you teach the unconstitutionality of government involvement where it lacks authority to be involved in History and Civics class? Serious question.
The Constitution worked just fine -------- WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN

And it still does to this day.

No not really - ....

Yes, really, it works just fine.

No document in the world can stand the test of 250 years time.
Go ahead - make a rule of some sort just for fun and put it in a time capsule.
Instruct your heirs to open for a good laugh around 2270

YOu libs claim to care about civil rights, but constantly attack the very document that protect them.
You are so dishonest, words cannot describe it.

Civil rights? Those have been trashed by SCOTUS and they'll now be eroded even further.
And you are so dumb, you'll think it's great ... UNTIL they come for YOU.

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