81 Million Votes

You're right. I think we should judge Presidents on their accomplishments, not their crowd sizes.

Here are a few of Joe's "accomplishments"...

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose to 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened, pussified military, and IRS arming and training to be home invaders, using the DOJ and the FBI to harass political opponents, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens like they did to Salman Rushdie, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China being energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and China and North Korea threatening the US.
how would inflation and gasoline prices occurring WORLD WIDE had suffered if Trump were president? What magic wand did he have that would have changed the world of post Covid?
how would inflation and gasoline prices occurring WORLD WIDE had suffered if Trump were president? What magic wand did he have that would have changed the world of post Covid?
We were a producer and seller when Trump was president. Other countries bought oil from us. Poopeypants turned us into a buyer and hence affected world supply too, then bought from Russia helping fund their war with the Ukraine. The magic wand he had was putting America first, taking care of our needs, building up our reserve, and selling our surplus keeping prices low. Geez you Dimmers are brainwashed.
Other countries bought oil from us.

They still do, in fact we are exporting ore than at any time in our history. You people are fed lies and are too lazy and too stupid to check and see if they are lies.

Biden won those electoral votes, even with the small state electoral advantage, as well as the popular vote, as is the case with ALL Democratic elected Presidents....they've won both...popular and electoral votes.

Biden 306
Trump 232.

Biden won those electoral votes, even with the small state electoral advantage, as well as the popular vote, as is the case with ALL Democratic elected Presidents....they've won both...popular and electoral votes.

Biden 306
Trump 232.
Call it whatever you want. The abuse of secrecy and ballot stuffing is cheating no matter what the results say. Bicyclists caught using illegal drugs that enhance physical strength have their wins routinely invalidated whenever the tests show drugs in their system. The Democrats can't pass laws fast enough to escort voter fraud in their favor. The Constitution law that was written by the founders did not anticipate today's competitive anomalies springing from a lack of moral character to play fair play on the part of cheaters trying to foist sociocommunism in place of that Constitution. The only trouble is, other societies who have embraced communism have to murder half the population of the countries they control freak to death until they become the spectre of monarchies, the likes of which this nation conducted a Revolutionary war against, to win human rights denied them by an uncaring monarch who lived in spendor in England, and the rat couldn't be bothered to listen to any American diplomat from the colonies who needed problems to be solved for the people who lived over here. Cheating and a vaccuous approach to accepting other people starts bloody wars. We could do better than that without the hoop-de-la criminal attitude shown by the 2000 mules toward Republicans who populate the middle class of this nation and who often bring things to their communities that make local people proud.

It's common sense that a fellow who has a history of people not attending his lackluster rallies is not going to win over one who has thousands of people pushing for front row seats at his rallies. E2020 was a specter.
And what, like 12 counties total? Hahahahahahahahahaha
Trump lost rural votes compared to 2016....his gains came from cities....compare to 2016. He also got less of the White male vote than 2016.

Biden got more of the rural vote than Hillary did in 2016 and more of the white, male vote than hillary, and less of the city vote than Hillary.

Joe Biden took Trump's once solid rural and white male voters from him.
how would inflation and gasoline prices occurring WORLD WIDE had suffered if Trump were president? What magic wand did he have that would have changed the world of post Covid?
Trump wouldn't have issued EO 13990 on his 1st day in office which started this whole huge huge shitball rolling downhill. Read it, I dare you.

(All in the name of "Climate Change")
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Trump lost rural votes compared to 2016....his gains came from cities....compare to 2016. He also got less of the White male vote than 2016.

Biden got more of the rural vote than Hillary did in 2016 and more of the white, male vote than hillary, and less of the city vote than Hillary.

Joe Biden took Trump's once solid rural and white male voters from him.
Poopeypants didn't take anything, the fake leftyvirus ballots with only his name selected and fake signatures stole the election.
Biden won those electoral votes, even with the small state electoral advantage, as well as the popular vote, as is the case with ALL Democratic elected Presidents....they've won both...popular and electoral votes.

Biden 306
Trump 232.
What was the count at midnight on election night?
I’d be more worried about voters wondering if MAGA Republicans really represent America. I think Joe made a lot of people think and he looks cool in aviator glasses!
We will become what is voted in because of getting paid off. And that is what we are. If we talk privileged unions, it sounds goods but if it takes years to rebuild a hundred-foot bridge over train tracks costing massive amounts of money that could be done in a few weeks you can see how poverty and delamination of an urban area can occur.

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