78 House members decide not to show up for the final vote on the Build Back Better bill, after McCarthy's record setting diatribe


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

49 Republicans and 28 Democrats submitted letters to the House clerk Thursday and Friday explaining that they would instruct proxies to vote for them, “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” The House reconvened at 8:00 a.m., less than three hours after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy concluded the longest floor speech in chamber history. He spoke for eight hours and 32 minutes, breaking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 2018 record by 25 minutes.

McCarthy swore that he would get rid of proxy voting during the speech. Maybe he should have warned the 49 repubs?
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49 Republicans and 28 Democrats submitted letters to the House clerk Thursday and Friday explaining that they would instruct proxies to vote for them, “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” The House reconvened at 8:00 a.m., less than three hours after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy concluded the longest floor speech in chamber history. He spoke for eight hours and 32 minutes, breaking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 2018 record by 25 minutes.

McCarty swore that he would get rid of proxy voting during the speech. Maybe he should have warned the 49 repubs?
So what? McCarthy is as useless as Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell.
Sheeeee-iiiiit. The longest record for a House speech is only eight and a half hours?

What a bunch of wimps.

Strom Thurmond filibustered for 24 hours and 18 minutes.

Hell, even Trump cuck Ted Cruz filibustered for over 21 hours.

Someone send that pussy McCarthy a copy of Green Eggs and Ham.
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Our government is broken. I know that just thrills some here, but that isn't what the founders intended.

When something is broken, you should fix it. That's not happening. Our adversaries must be loving this.

I know, I know: It's all the other tribe's fault.
as long as the useless pieces of shit from both parties keep on getting voted in dont expect anything to be fixed....
Mac1958 I agree that the 2 party system is a failure for several reasons. IMO the biggest problem with the 2 party system presently is one of the parties is hell bent on blowing up the country while they have the power to do it.

49 Republicans and 28 Democrats submitted letters to the House clerk Thursday and Friday explaining that they would instruct proxies to vote for them, “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” The House reconvened at 8:00 a.m., less than three hours after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy concluded the longest floor speech in chamber history. He spoke for eight hours and 32 minutes, breaking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 2018 record by 25 minutes.

McCarthy swore that he would get rid of proxy voting during the speech. Maybe he should have warned the 49 repubs?
Voting by proxie, sucks. Sounds like they wanted a long weekend and just phone it in, lazy schmucks. Writing and voting on bills, is what they are elected and paid to do. If they are going to skip, they shouldn't get a vote.
Both parties have RIGGED government hello! Do you think you really have a representative in Washington? Hell no. Once they arrive they discover the party leadership has RIGGED and consolidated all the power into the hands of a select few. Representatives are forced to do as they are told under threats of retaliation if they dare disagree and vote in the interest of the people who elected them vs the party bosses orders.

49 Republicans and 28 Democrats submitted letters to the House clerk Thursday and Friday explaining that they would instruct proxies to vote for them, “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” The House reconvened at 8:00 a.m., less than three hours after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy concluded the longest floor speech in chamber history. He spoke for eight hours and 32 minutes, breaking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 2018 record by 25 minutes.

McCarthy swore that he would get rid of proxy voting during the speech. Maybe he should have warned the 49 repubs?
Eight solid hours of sucking tRump dick. Ole Kevin's got some stamina, I gotta admit.
Mac1958 I agree that the 2 party system is a failure for several reasons. IMO the biggest problem with the 2 party system presently is one of the parties is hell bent on blowing up the country while they have the power to do it.
It doesn't matter if it is the far left or the far right, when one side is in power they will invariably overreach. Then when they are thrown from power, they look back and ask, "How did that happen?"

But they hardly ever really take an honest look at the reason they lost. That is the way our government has worked...or rather failed to work in my lifetime.


Doesn't anyone really want to see the country succeed anymore?
Eight solid hours of sucking tRump dick. Ole Kevin's got some stamina, I gotta admit.
He could have spent 30 seconds on his knees asking trump's forgiveness for blaming him directly after the January 6th incursion. It would have saved us all a lot of pain.

McCarthy needs to build up his wind so he doesn't choke on Trump's johnson the next time he goes to Mar A Loco.
Who gives a shit how long the windbag talked.

Bottom lines is that Build Back Better got passed and word is they have the votes to pass it in the Senate
Who gives a shit how long the windbag talked.

Bottom lines is that Build Back Better got passed and word is they have the votes to pass it in the Senate
That would be excellent! trump might have a seizure.....

49 Republicans and 28 Democrats submitted letters to the House clerk Thursday and Friday explaining that they would instruct proxies to vote for them, “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” The House reconvened at 8:00 a.m., less than three hours after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy concluded the longest floor speech in chamber history. He spoke for eight hours and 32 minutes, breaking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 2018 record by 25 minutes.

McCarthy swore that he would get rid of proxy voting during the speech. Maybe he should have warned the 49 repubs?

Proxy voting should NOT be allowed.

Get your fat, over-paid ass up, get dressed, and go to work - like millions of Americans do every day - and do your fucking job. If that is too taxing / strenuous then you don't need to hold that position / job.

And if you fail to show up for a vote YOU DON'T GET TO VOTE!

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