$750 Billion

I guess I can't know the stock market has crashed since I have not visited the NYSE floor lately. :lol:

They just get dumber every day!
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
This has nothing to do with China.

This is about getting this crisis under control HERE.
Spin and deflection noted. Talks about how well something worked in a place he has never been to, then changes the subject.
Ah. I see the problem. You've been gaslighted by someone.
And as usual all you know how to do is spew bullshit.
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
Since I haven't been to Kirkland, Washington all those dead senior citizens are just a figment of my imagination...
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
This has nothing to do with China.

This is about getting this crisis under control HERE.
Spin and deflection noted. Talks about how well something worked in a place he has never been to, then changes the subject.
Ah. I see the problem. You've been gaslighted by someone.

How do you get the crisis under control when your beloved China is the cause of all of it?

The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...

Nobody ever said Trump should do that either.
Since I haven't been to Kirkland, Washington all those dead senior citizens are just a figment of my imagination...
Now the vermin tries to contain his BS by further compounding his claim
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
If Obama was president right now, I just know that none of you would be blaming him for any of this. You'd be making excuses for him all day, every day. You'd be hailing him as our savior.

Since I haven't been to Kirkland, Washington all those dead senior citizens are just a figment of my imagination...

There are thousands of people dead, thousands that are sick and the World Economy is collapsing and yet it is Trump fault and we should just toss 750 Billion dollars at it and tell people to stay home.

So if the U.S. has to do this then China need to pay the Bill and the Bill for every Country they allowed to be infected by a Virus they try to hide from the World!
Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
If Obama was president right now, I just now that none of you would be blaming him for any of this. You'd be making excuses for him all day, every day.

What about what about what about....
Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
If Obama was president right now, I just now that none of you would be blaming him for any of this. You'd be making excuses for him all day, every day.


Show where I blamed Obama for the Swine Flu and when you can not except in that one thread today where I asked is he at fault for it and then made a smart ass remark please note you are full of shit as usual!

China Government caused this and if Obama was President I would be writing the same goddamn thing you partisan hack!
Wow. We are seeing the full effects of 11 years of gaslighting today. Amazing.

It's like its own kind of plague.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
Ah, if you doubt Trump ignored science to downplay the virus thinking his electoral chances were buoyed, you're fellating the fat fuck.

That said, he does appear to be sending one or two hosp ships to NYC and belatedly using his powers to order more safety gear for docs and nurses. They are already running low and having to treat sick people while needlessly increasing their exposure. But at least he's not saying it's going to "blow away" anymore.
Wow. We are seeing the full effects of 11 years of gaslighting today. Amazing.

It's like its own kind of plague.

Wow, it is like you love to dent reality and when told the truth you claim people are mindless idiots for not agreeing with your retardation!

Tell us G where did the Virus start?

When the WHO learned about the Virus did the U.S. offer to help and did China Government refuse our help?

Once you answer those two questions then answer during December 1st 2019 and until the Doctor that blew the whistle on the Virus how many infected from China left that country and spread the virus around the World?

Then when you answer that question and knowing China Government failure to contain the Virus then shouldn't they have to pay for the 750 billion you want and if not why not?
Wow. We are seeing the full effects of 11 years of gaslighting today. Amazing.

It's like its own kind of plague.
Now the troll spews an even bigger lie.

go to work, go to bars, pack your stupid ass in subway cars - after the disease ravages the country and is still around Christmas, you can slobber HOAX
Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.

You do know if Trump did that the OP'ER and the left would scream Trump is a dictator and should be impeached!

The OP is on record in another thread blaming Trump for not containing the Coronavirus and preventing the spread here in the States, and in another thread the OP'ER is proud to show charts in Chinese about Chinese growth which if anyone was honest about China Charts would know they lie as much as Trump...

So let be clear those like the OP and the left will complain no matter what Trump does...
Ah, if you doubt Trump ignored science to downplay the virus thinking his electoral chances were buoyed, you're fellating the fat fuck.

That said, he does appear to be sending one or two hosp ships to NYC and belatedly using his powers to order more safety gear for docs and nurses. They are already running low and having to treat sick people while needlessly increasing their exposure. But at least he's not saying it's going to "blow away" anymore.

I am not saying Trump did not mess up on his message but if you believe Trump is the reason why this Pandemic erupted then you are a fucking moron like the Op'er and should be laughed at!

China Government is the reason why we have this Pandemic and the spread to us took longer but let not kid ourselves and play as Trump is the reason why it is spreading.

States like Washington took steps quickly to attempt to stop the spread but like in China the virus is highly contagious and spreads quickly.

So if the OP'ER want that 750 Billion dollars then he better ask China to break out their damn checkbook and pay us for it because it is their virus and not our mistake!
Wow. We are seeing the full effects of 11 years of gaslighting today. Amazing.

It's like its own kind of plague.
Now the troll spews an even bigger lie.

go to work, go to bars, pack your stupid ass in subway cars - after the disease ravages the country and is still around Christmas, you can slobber HOAX
Don't work, don't drink, don't ride subways. Eat manure.

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