72 Portland Rioters Arrested; Federal Crimes, 10-year Jail Sentences; George Soros Funds


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
"Federal authorities in Portland have arrested 74 demonstrators and charged 60 with federal crimes, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokeswoman Kerri Kupec announced on Monday. The DOJ spokeswoman made the announcement on Monday, providing the number of federal arrests and charged cases “related to violent opportunists & civil unrest.” Nationwide, federal authorities have made 236 arrests, with 238 defendants charged" DOJ: 72 Portland Rioters Arrested, Dozens Charged with Federal Crimes

Tools the rioters were carrying included Molotov cocktails, Sledgehammers, Pipe bombs, Mortar fireworks, Metal spikes. Some "peaceful protesters," no? You'd be correct if you guessed these items were planned to kill and maim police and federal peacekeepers.

"President Trump doubled-down on his calls for tough action against thousands of protesters damaging statues across the United States Friday; calling for “10 year prison sentences” when damaging federal property." TRUMP on DC PROTESTS: ‘Many People in Custody, Many Sought for Vandalization, 10 Year Prison Sentences! | Sean Hannity

Why are the Democrats using their minions to do this? Could be because George Soros is giving them $52 million dollars to "win" the election in November. George Soros Spends $52 Million on 2020 Election Cycle
"Federal authorities in Portland have arrested 74 demonstrators and charged 60 with federal crimes, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokeswoman Kerri Kupec announced on Monday. The DOJ spokeswoman made the announcement on Monday, providing the number of federal arrests and charged cases “related to violent opportunists & civil unrest.” Nationwide, federal authorities have made 236 arrests, with 238 defendants charged" DOJ: 72 Portland Rioters Arrested, Dozens Charged with Federal Crimes

Tools the rioters were carrying included Molotov cocktails, Sledgehammers, Pipe bombs, Mortar fireworks, Metal spikes. Some "peaceful protesters," no? You'd be correct if you guessed these items were planned to kill and maim police and federal peacekeepers.

"President Trump doubled-down on his calls for tough action against thousands of protesters damaging statues across the United States Friday; calling for “10 year prison sentences” when damaging federal property." TRUMP on DC PROTESTS: ‘Many People in Custody, Many Sought for Vandalization, 10 Year Prison Sentences! | Sean Hannity

Why are the Democrats using their minions to do this? Could be because George Soros is giving them $52 million dollars to "win" the election in November. George Soros Spends $52 Million on 2020 Election Cycle
Its a good start.
"Federal authorities in Portland have arrested 74 demonstrators and charged 60 with federal crimes, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokeswoman Kerri Kupec announced on Monday. The DOJ spokeswoman made the announcement on Monday, providing the number of federal arrests and charged cases “related to violent opportunists & civil unrest.” Nationwide, federal authorities have made 236 arrests, with 238 defendants charged" DOJ: 72 Portland Rioters Arrested, Dozens Charged with Federal Crimes

Tools the rioters were carrying included Molotov cocktails, Sledgehammers, Pipe bombs, Mortar fireworks, Metal spikes. Some "peaceful protesters," no? You'd be correct if you guessed these items were planned to kill and maim police and federal peacekeepers.

"President Trump doubled-down on his calls for tough action against thousands of protesters damaging statues across the United States Friday; calling for “10 year prison sentences” when damaging federal property." TRUMP on DC PROTESTS: ‘Many People in Custody, Many Sought for Vandalization, 10 Year Prison Sentences! | Sean Hannity

Why are the Democrats using their minions to do this? Could be because George Soros is giving them $52 million dollars to "win" the election in November. George Soros Spends $52 Million on 2020 Election Cycle

Send them all to Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.
A whole lot of nothing. Just a publicity stunt. Most cases will be thrown out dismissed or pled down to minor misdemeanors. Importantly, Trumpers are now calling his secret police Gestapo a new name, "peacekeepers". The Trumpstapo is now known as peacekeepers, even though even local police, media, leaders, and citizens credit them with being responsible for making the violence worse whenever they show up.
A whole lot of nothing. Just a publicity stunt. Most cases will be thrown out dismissed or pled down to minor misdemeanors. Importantly, Trumpers are now calling his secret police Gestapo a new name, "peacekeepers". The Trumpstapo is now known as peacekeepers, even though even local police, media, leaders, and citizens credit them with being responsible for making the violence worse whenever they show up.

Federal agents with their agency ID on their shoulders bringing those they arrest to open federal courts to be prosecuted.

A whole lot of nothing. Just a publicity stunt. Most cases will be thrown out dismissed or pled down to minor misdemeanors. Importantly, Trumpers are now calling his secret police Gestapo a new name, "peacekeepers". The Trumpstapo is now known as peacekeepers, even though even local police, media, leaders, and citizens credit them with being responsible for making the violence worse whenever they show up.

i bet they have video of a majority of the crimes.
And the left be like....

I recall all the cheering over the felonies being charged in Louisville.....then the charges were dropped.
"Federal authorities in Portland have arrested 74 demonstrators and charged 60 with federal crimes, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokeswoman Kerri Kupec announced on Monday. The DOJ spokeswoman made the announcement on Monday, providing the number of federal arrests and charged cases “related to violent opportunists & civil unrest.” Nationwide, federal authorities have made 236 arrests, with 238 defendants charged" DOJ: 72 Portland Rioters Arrested, Dozens Charged with Federal Crimes

Tools the rioters were carrying included Molotov cocktails, Sledgehammers, Pipe bombs, Mortar fireworks, Metal spikes. Some "peaceful protesters," no? You'd be correct if you guessed these items were planned to kill and maim police and federal peacekeepers.

"President Trump doubled-down on his calls for tough action against thousands of protesters damaging statues across the United States Friday; calling for “10 year prison sentences” when damaging federal property." TRUMP on DC PROTESTS: ‘Many People in Custody, Many Sought for Vandalization, 10 Year Prison Sentences! | Sean Hannity

Why are the Democrats using their minions to do this? Could be because George Soros is giving them $52 million dollars to "win" the election in November. George Soros Spends $52 Million on 2020 Election Cycle

George "RICO" Soros
"Federal authorities in Portland have arrested 74 demonstrators and charged 60 with federal crimes, Department of Justice (DOJ) spokeswoman Kerri Kupec announced on Monday. The DOJ spokeswoman made the announcement on Monday, providing the number of federal arrests and charged cases “related to violent opportunists & civil unrest.” Nationwide, federal authorities have made 236 arrests, with 238 defendants charged" DOJ: 72 Portland Rioters Arrested, Dozens Charged with Federal Crimes

Tools the rioters were carrying included Molotov cocktails, Sledgehammers, Pipe bombs, Mortar fireworks, Metal spikes. Some "peaceful protesters," no? You'd be correct if you guessed these items were planned to kill and maim police and federal peacekeepers.

"President Trump doubled-down on his calls for tough action against thousands of protesters damaging statues across the United States Friday; calling for “10 year prison sentences” when damaging federal property." TRUMP on DC PROTESTS: ‘Many People in Custody, Many Sought for Vandalization, 10 Year Prison Sentences! | Sean Hannity

Why are the Democrats using their minions to do this? Could be because George Soros is giving them $52 million dollars to "win" the election in November. George Soros Spends $52 Million on 2020 Election Cycle
corporations are also funding the violent racist hate group BLM
I recall all the cheering over the felonies being charged in Louisville.....then the charges were dropped.

what do you want to happen with this open insurrection? do you want the federal government drive from the cities? do you want the federal government to fall?

I want the government to listen to the grievences of the people.
I recall all the cheering over the felonies being charged in Louisville.....then the charges were dropped.

what do you want to happen with this open insurrection? do you want the federal government drive from the cities? do you want the federal government to fall?

I want the government to listen to the grievences of the people.

pretty vague. what would change? what change do you imagine taking place over the next say, month, that would lead to these riots stopping because their "grievances" were listened to?
A whole lot of nothing. Just a publicity stunt. Most cases will be thrown out dismissed or pled down to minor misdemeanors. Importantly, Trumpers are now calling his secret police Gestapo a new name, "peacekeepers". The Trumpstapo is now known as peacekeepers, even though even local police, media, leaders, and citizens credit them with being responsible for making the violence worse whenever they show up.

Trump should have the FBI run full surveillance on these domestic terrorists, right? Fake FISA warrants, right?

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