72 hours

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
My preparedness philosophy revolves around the idea that at any given point in time, you are no more than 72 hours from a complete and total collapse. This may seem extreme, but let me give a historical context.

The most recent example is Afghanistan. We spent years training their new military and they fell within 72 hours. I know what you’re thinking, “But they were at war”. Yes, the tribal areas were, but in Kabul, life was pretty much normal. 72 hours later, it was overrun and widespread violence is on-going.

For a better example, let’s examine life in Gori, Georgia on August 8th, 2008. Life was normal, the power was on, water was flowing, and everyone was working.

Sure, there was an autonomous zone to their north, but those issues never interrupted the daily routine in Gori, a modern western city with a lively nightlife.

72 hours later, there was no power or water, the police were retreating from Russian armor and infantry, and ethnic Russian militias were operating in the city. The city was receiving constant shelling and severe air attacks, despite the city not being defended by the Georgian Army. 72 hours.

In the Ukraine in 2014, protestors gathered daily in the capitol to protest the President and his alleged ties to Russia (boy, doesn’t that sound familiar?). For the rest of the country, though, it was business as usual.

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And keep it local

Cut out the basic services (and hope) and throw in a couple of atrocities and people will be willing to capitulate. It was more or less the basic strategy in WW2.

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