640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID-19 and How It’s Damaging Society


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The doctors admit what we've known since the start of this thing - the shutdown is a scam:

Now European doctors gather to ask how did we get here with COVID.
On July 27, 2020, a group of frontline doctors in the US held a gathering in Washington D.C. where they expressed their concerns with COVID from a frontline doctor point of view. We reported:
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
These doctors claimed HCQ worked and was saving lives. Shortly after their presentation, and after 17 million views, the videos from the doctors were taken down by Facebook and YouTube. Americans were not allowed to see the truth.
One doctor at the conference said:
We want to defend our families and our citizens. Well and to close this, this story is really quite simple. If you look behind the curtains, you’ll see ok, this medical story with COVID-19, we have the facts – IT’S A SCAM – IT’S FAKE.
So we need to ask who gets the benefit out of this and who has got the power to CREATE THIS FAKE.
Well and the target, it’s about you. You the citizens, you and the economy, it’s about the economy stupid. It’s about the economy.
The doctors concluded that we need solidarity.
Over 600 doctors in Germany and Austria have come together in an organisation, to investigate why the covid over-reaction is occurring, damaging society
Tagged here to the point where the lead doc (and ex-army officer) explains why they are doing this: 640 DOCTORS, CV19 IS A GLOBAL SCAM
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) August 12, 2020
People are dying from COVID not from catching the virus, but from electing not to have surgeries that are needed.
Note the emotion that hits hims when he says "it's for my kids". And he's a retired army officer as well as a highly-accomplished MD>
Note it – and wake up.
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) August 12, 2020
The doctors have a website where they share more on the worldwide reactions to COVID.
The world is waking up to the COVID-19 scam.
Definitely a scam. That ANYONE could be so naive to believe otherwise is mind boggling.
That said, they will continue hammering decency and freedom with 10,000 scams until they win if we simply continue to do exactly what we've done so far.
Ironically, Venezuelans CLEARLY see what is happening in he USA even though far too many Americans remain clueless.

Did Thomas Jefferson say......
"The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the whining of patriots" ?
The doctors admit what we've known since the start of this thing - the shutdown is a scam:

Now European doctors gather to ask how did we get here with COVID.
On July 27, 2020, a group of frontline doctors in the US held a gathering in Washington D.C. where they expressed their concerns with COVID from a frontline doctor point of view. We reported:
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
These doctors claimed HCQ worked and was saving lives. Shortly after their presentation, and after 17 million views, the videos from the doctors were taken down by Facebook and YouTube. Americans were not allowed to see the truth.
One doctor at the conference said:
We want to defend our families and our citizens. Well and to close this, this story is really quite simple. If you look behind the curtains, you’ll see ok, this medical story with COVID-19, we have the facts – IT’S A SCAM – IT’S FAKE.
So we need to ask who gets the benefit out of this and who has got the power to CREATE THIS FAKE.
Well and the target, it’s about you. You the citizens, you and the economy, it’s about the economy stupid. It’s about the economy.
The doctors concluded that we need solidarity.
Over 600 doctors in Germany and Austria have come together in an organisation, to investigate why the covid over-reaction is occurring, damaging society
Tagged here to the point where the lead doc (and ex-army officer) explains why they are doing this: 640 DOCTORS, CV19 IS A GLOBAL SCAM
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) August 12, 2020
People are dying from COVID not from catching the virus, but from electing not to have surgeries that are needed.
Note the emotion that hits hims when he says "it's for my kids". And he's a retired army officer as well as a highly-accomplished MD>
Note it – and wake up.
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) August 12, 2020
The doctors have a website where they share more on the worldwide reactions to COVID.
The world is waking up to the COVID-19 scam.
They can't be allowed contradict all of the Censorship Doctors at Youtube and FakeBook...this is the new Orwellian Normal
There are 10.0 mil. to 15.0 mil. doctors worldwide. 640 opinionated, politically allied, Charlatans is not even a measurable percentage of the worldwide medical professions. 4 thousandths of one percent, and not drawn at random: Offers no basis on which to rely.

The Similar Charlatans represent that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for the virus. A Country like Brazil has a negligible case and death rate, allegedly. Even the problem with that is arithmetic.
Brazil has had 100,477 virus-related deaths and 3,012,412 cases, according to the health ministry, though the numbers are believed to be much higher because of insufficient testing. Only the United States has higher figures.

The illiteracy of the Trumped-Up brand remains how it lethally created and executed baby genital mutilations among US national residents.

1. Infected Bats were alleged to have applied for Chinese passports in Wuhan.
2. Cases were noticed in Seattle, WA.
3. The Trumped-Up response was to ban any "Flying Chinese" from entering the USA.
4. Everyone else was allowed to enter, and came on in--welcome to community spread!

And bripag9643 is completely supportive of that illiteracy. Real White People, e.g., New Zealand, were more universal in their response--Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Donald John Trump--the impeached and tried, Mellania Trump, and Brandon too: Would have to pass an entry quarantine! Internal controls were in place, like face masks. Now they are reimposed, but after three months, and at 6.0 or 7.0 percent unemployment.

New Zealand went 103 days with no new cases. Real White People acknowledged the existence of the plaque,

The Trumped-Up brand of illiteracy can't even guarantee $300.00 per week to December, 2020: From its own Memorandum of last weekend, invoking a FEMA response to the disaster the Trumped-Up brand created. The numbers come out to be $100 per week, or less!

Illiteracy does not work miracles, or wonders. Strange spectacles and community spread it does support, and create.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Anyone guesses the prayers: Basis in Matt 25: 14-30!)
There are 10.0 mil. to 15.0 mil. doctors worldwide. 640 opinionated, politically allied, Charlatans is not even a measurable percentage of the worldwide medical professions. 4 thousandths of one percent, and not drawn at random: Offers no basis on which to rely.

The Similar Charlatans represent that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for the virus. A Country like Brazil has a negligible case and death rate, allegedly. Even the problem with that is arithmetic.
Brazil has had 100,477 virus-related deaths and 3,012,412 cases, according to the health ministry, though the numbers are believed to be much higher because of insufficient testing. Only the United States has higher figures.

The illiteracy of the Trumped-Up brand remains how it lethally created and executed baby genital mutilations among US national residents.

1. Infected Bats were alleged to have applied for Chinese passports in Wuhan.
2. Cases were noticed in Seattle, WA.
3. The Trumped-Up response was to ban any "Flying Chinese" from entering the USA.
4. Everyone else was allowed to enter, and came on in--welcome to community spread!

And bripag9643 is completely supportive of that illiteracy. Real White People, e.g., New Zealand, were more universal in their response--Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Donald John Trump--the impeached and tried, Mellania Trump, and Brandon too: Would have to pass an entry quarantine! Internal controls were in place, like face masks. Now they are reimposed, but after three months, and at 6.0 or 7.0 percent unemployment.

New Zealand went 103 days with no new cases. Real White People acknowledged the existence of the plaque,

The Trumped-Up brand of illiteracy can't even guarantee $300.00 per week to December, 2020: From its own Memorandum of last weekend, invoking a FEMA response to the disaster the Trumped-Up brand created. The numbers come out to be $100 per week, or less!

Illiteracy does not work miracles, or wonders. Strange spectacles and community spread it does support, and create.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Anyone guesses the prayers: Basis in Matt 25: 14-30!)
so now your complaining that the border was closed to the chinese and noone else?...a few months ago you retarded democrats were bitching because they were shut and you wanted them open...bring them foreigners in you assholes said...bitch about the wall-- but you now bitch because in your opinion the borders werent shut quick enough---wow flip flop democrats...cant even decide...about anything---thats true unity on the fucked up democrat end---no idea which way is up--but hey jump on that band wagon---wtf
WTF19 poster has no basis, grounded in literacy, on which to contend that Democrats were supportive of open borders for Covid-19 infected visitors and immigrants. White people are different from the Trumped-Up Administration. Donald John Trump has been described a pathological liar even in childhood. Press reports count the lies of just not yet four years. As the advancing age, that becomes a self-defensive dementia, in a lot of behavior assessment literature on the subject.

The Disaster rooted in the Dementia is on the books.

Recent reports support more the Republicans following that along.
Majorities in both parties say that a range of restrictions have been necessary to confront the outbreak. For instance, 94% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents and 85% of Republicans and Republican leaners say it has been necessary to close K-12 schools, according to a
Pew Research Center survey conducted March 19-24. Majorities of both groups also see steps such as restricting international travel to the U.S. and canceling major sports and entertainment events as necessary to address the coronavirus outbreak.

While there is broad bipartisan support for most measures, the shares of Democrats who say these steps are necessary tend to be even larger than the shares of Republicans who say the same.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In fact: Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!)
There are 10.0 mil. to 15.0 mil. doctors worldwide. 640 opinionated, politically allied, Charlatans is not even a measurable percentage of the worldwide medical professions. 4 thousandths of one percent, and not drawn at random: Offers no basis on which to rely.

The Similar Charlatans represent that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for the virus. A Country like Brazil has a negligible case and death rate, allegedly. Even the problem with that is arithmetic.
Brazil has had 100,477 virus-related deaths and 3,012,412 cases, according to the health ministry, though the numbers are believed to be much higher because of insufficient testing. Only the United States has higher figures.

The illiteracy of the Trumped-Up brand remains how it lethally created and executed baby genital mutilations among US national residents.

1. Infected Bats were alleged to have applied for Chinese passports in Wuhan.
2. Cases were noticed in Seattle, WA.
3. The Trumped-Up response was to ban any "Flying Chinese" from entering the USA.
4. Everyone else was allowed to enter, and came on in--welcome to community spread!

And bripag9643 is completely supportive of that illiteracy. Real White People, e.g., New Zealand, were more universal in their response--Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Donald John Trump--the impeached and tried, Mellania Trump, and Brandon too: Would have to pass an entry quarantine! Internal controls were in place, like face masks. Now they are reimposed, but after three months, and at 6.0 or 7.0 percent unemployment.

New Zealand went 103 days with no new cases. Real White People acknowledged the existence of the plaque,

The Trumped-Up brand of illiteracy can't even guarantee $300.00 per week to December, 2020: From its own Memorandum of last weekend, invoking a FEMA response to the disaster the Trumped-Up brand created. The numbers come out to be $100 per week, or less!

Illiteracy does not work miracles, or wonders. Strange spectacles and community spread it does support, and create.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Anyone guesses the prayers: Basis in Matt 25: 14-30!)
and you being a fucked up democrat that cant handle truth.. you idiots have to twist it to pleases yourselves
Anyone goes with the conspiracy theories suggestion. WTF19 can't even read the other posts.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, is often regarded the basis problem creating the Holocaust outcome--math again!)

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