63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

A half truth is still a lie, dude. Bush couldn't have invaded Iraq without the blessings from the democrats. There is a difference between a lie and not knowing the facts. Bush was told false information...if it was false at all, because the previous administration powered down our own intel, we used other nations intel. Everybody on the left and right was telling Bush that Saddam was a threat...even Clinton and Kerry. By the way, it was all the resolutions that Saddam broke that we went in....officially.
So either play in your sandbox or get back into your bunkbed, sonny.

The enlist around and around who lied, who did not know, was it a republican or the democrats. Who didn't vote for it, who did vote for it, all this enlist diarrhea of opinions some based on the facts, a lot based on emotional feelings that the facts don't justify what you personally wanted done. If the comprehensive record isn't good enough to show you that we got absolutely nothing from the war in Iraq. What did we get from Iraq, nothing!
Oh yes we did, yes that's the right a whole Lotta national debt. And for that debt what did we get nothing! Unless I missed the boat and someone can provide a list, regardless of who fault.... What did we get!, Nothing!. But please continue with the diarrhea.

Why diarrhea sucks... - YouTube

Why don't you stick to the fucking topic ..oh and your juvenile YouTube video's are old..

There were WMD's in Iraq.. there is absolute proof of it..

Was their weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Sure not very sophisticated ones. Not worth all the trouble we've gone to for nothing. I'd truly be satisfied if actually if we found anything close to what was described by all. If there were really any substantial amounts, they were gone during gulf war 1. I think their is plenty of blame to go around. But feel free to be stuck in your personal quagmire on the realities of the facts. I can remember many, many years ago the constant Iraq news bulletins and bullshit, I wanted Saddam gone, yes DEAD!. The only thing I think of when the subject comes up is their any possible way to give them back. No, we hung him, so much for my personal desires!

So you telling me as a result of what you've seen in all of this, you still wanna go into Iraq in hindsight. Now let's be civil in the reply, and you have a list of the wonderful things that we got?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1z9NxmRTfg&feature=related]Just for Laughs - Pink Elephant - YouTube[/ame]

no not all of my my videos post are old, I know for a fact I posted one from yesterday
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The enlist around and around who lied, who did not know, was it a republican or the democrats. Who didn't vote for it, who did vote for it, all this enlist diarrhea of opinions some based on the facts, a lot based on emotional feelings that the facts don't justify what you personally wanted done. If the comprehensive record isn't good enough to show you that we got absolutely nothing from the war in Iraq. What did we get from Iraq, nothing!
Oh yes we did, yes that's the right a whole Lotta national debt. And for that debt what did we get nothing! Unless I missed the boat and someone can provide a list, regardless of who fault.... What did we get!, Nothing!. But please continue with the diarrhea.

Why diarrhea sucks... - YouTube

Why don't you stick to the fucking topic ..oh and your juvenile YouTube video's are old..

There were WMD's in Iraq.. there is absolute proof of it..

Was their weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Sure not very sophisticated ones. Not worth all the trouble we've gone to for nothing. I'd truly be satisfied if actually if we found anything close to what was described by all. If there were really any substantial amounts, they were gone during gulf war 1. I think their is plenty of blame to go around. But feel free to be stuck in your personal quagmire on the realities of the facts. I can remember many, many years ago the constant Iraq news bulletins and bullshit, I wanted Saddam gone, yes DEAD!. The only thing I think of when the subject comes up is their any possible way to give them back. No, we hung him, so much for my personal desires!

So you telling me as a result of what you've seen in all of this, you still wanna go into Iraq in hindsight. Now let's be civil in the reply, and you have a list of the wonderful things that we got?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1z9NxmRTfg&feature=related]Just for Laughs - Pink Elephant - YouTube[/ame]

You know what?? I've posted well over THIRTY fucking posts with PROOF of WMD's in this thread.. Go the fuck back on your own and actually read them.. It's not my job to educate you. Links to the CIA and DOD ADMITTING it.. showing PROOF OF IT.
Why don't you stick to the fucking topic ..oh and your juvenile YouTube video's are old..

There were WMD's in Iraq.. there is absolute proof of it..

Was their weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Sure not very sophisticated ones. Not worth all the trouble we've gone to for nothing. I'd truly be satisfied if actually if we found anything close to what was described by all. If there were really any substantial amounts, they were gone during gulf war 1. I think their is plenty of blame to go around. But feel free to be stuck in your personal quagmire on the realities of the facts. I can remember many, many years ago the constant Iraq news bulletins and bullshit, I wanted Saddam gone, yes DEAD!. The only thing I think of when the subject comes up is their any possible way to give them back. No, we hung him, so much for my personal desires!

So you telling me as a result of what you've seen in all of this, you still wanna go into Iraq in hindsight. Now let's be civil in the reply, and you have a list of the wonderful things that we got?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1z9NxmRTfg&feature=related]Just for Laughs - Pink Elephant - YouTube[/ame]

You know what?? I've posted well over THIRTY fucking posts with PROOF of WMD's in this thread.. Go the fuck back on your own and actually read them.. It's not my job to educate you. Links to the CIA and DOD ADMITTING it.. showing PROOF OF IT.

You know I did read the whole tread, and it's not like I haven't been keeping myself abreast of all the facts about this whole fucked mess. If a limited few discovered weapons of mass destruction are required. I see about 26 countries that need to be attacked now. And can you provide more tax dollars to fund this?
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Liar.. I document throughout this entire thread with direct links to the CIA and DOD websites that indeed WMD's existed and harmed US and coalition forces during Desert Storm.. too bad you're a fucking hack and a liar Fakey.
Hey dumbass, we're not talking about 1991. We didn't go into Kuwait, because Iraq had WMD's. That's not the issue, you stupid bitch! The issue is whether they had WMD's in 2003, which is one of the reason's used to invade.

You providing links from 1991, doesn't prove shit in 2003.

You need to get back on your ritilin.
Preemptive war is always wrong, for all reasons, always. End of story. When the Nazi's did it was wrong. When the Japanese did it was wrong.

If a nation is the aggressor, they are in the wrong. There is no excuse. This nation used to know the difference between right and wrong. We have sunk to rationizing, making excuses for using our power, but there is no excuse. The fact of the matter is, we were never under any threat. Even if a nation has chemical weapons, we have chemical weapons, biological weapons, cyber weapons, space weapons, geological weapons, hydrospheric weapons, psychological weapons, and a whole host of weapons many on this board can neither conceive of nor would want to even know about. War was unnecessary to protect Americans. It was necessary however to secure energy resources and to force trade and enforce a finance monopoly in dollar denominated notes.
I agree with everything you said, except the last sentence. War should be used as a last resort, when there are no other options left.

There are only 2 ways a country can legally invade another, 1) if they are attacked themselves with a significant force (or the attack is imminant) or 2) they receive UNSC authorization in the form a resolution containing the words, "member states shall use all necessary means".

Anything else, it becomes a war of choice. And wars of choice, are wars of aggression.
63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

Go ahead, pick out your source. This is how "Google" works.

Remember, 70% of Americans believed Iraq was involved in 9/11:

Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: "The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men -- the shock troops of a hateful ideology -- gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions."

washingtonpost.com: Hussein Link to 9/11 Lingers in Many Minds

How public opinion was shaped:


Oh, and 64% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country.

The Poll:

http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The part on Demographics is hilarious. 2.5% of blacks are Republican? More than half Republicans say they are strongly religious but less than a quarter regularly attend church.

Very interesting poll.

What was the size of the sample? 3????
^ loincloth cannot track his own conversation.

How do you track one post?

It IS clearly a mystery to YOU!

It's a mystery why you have such a hard time making a lucid point.

Some idiot made the claim WMD's were found in Iraq. I said, "where's the proof?" But instead of providing any proof, he made some dumbass statement with the hopes that it might appear witty, then you come in with your little cheerleading outfit, trying make something completely non-sensical, into a valid argument, with 3rd grade innuendo's.

Either provide the proof, or grow a pair. Because having a conversation, seems to scare you.
How do you track one post?

It IS clearly a mystery to YOU!

It's a mystery why you have such a hard time making a lucid point.

Some idiot made the claim WMD's were found in Iraq. I said, "where's the proof?" But instead of providing any proof, he made some dumbass statement with the hopes that it might appear witty, then you come in with your little cheerleading outfit, trying make something completely non-sensical, into a valid argument, with 3rd grade innuendo's.

Either provide the proof, or grow a pair. Because having a conversation, seems to scare you.

First of all I was saying YOU were proof of my 100% claim.

Secondly there is PLENTY of proof in this thread.

Try reading 100%er
How do you track one post?

It IS clearly a mystery to YOU!

It's a mystery why you have such a hard time making a lucid point.

Some idiot made the claim WMD's were found in Iraq. I said, "where's the proof?" But instead of providing any proof, he made some dumbass statement with the hopes that it might appear witty, then you come in with your little cheerleading outfit, trying make something completely non-sensical, into a valid argument, with 3rd grade innuendo's.

Either provide the proof, or grow a pair. Because having a conversation, seems to scare you.

You are the one who can't track a one or two post "conversation," ya dopey ass wipe.

Everything in life is a mystery to you.

Your post is a good starting point
My post is not proof of WMD's in Iraq.

Let's review.




Just about all of the democrat leadership including Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright, Ted Kennedy, Jay Rockefeller, Barabara Boxer, and Nancy said that Hussein had WMD.

The 2nd in command of Hussein's Air Force, and the chief of staff of the IDF said it was moved to Syria.

There was a tremendous amount of unaccounted for WMD that Hussein was supposed to destroy.

All these statements are backed up from the above links.

Obviously he had WMD. He used them on the Kurds.

Hussein played cat and mouse with the UN Inspectors for many years.

Hussein had many months to get rid of the evidence before the US invasion.

Why on earth would you think that Hussein didn't have WMD?

Once again, just because they weren't found, after Hussein had many months to get rid of them, doesn't mean they didn't exist in Iraq before the US invasion.

This is similar to just because a gun wasn't found, doesn't mean the gun didn't exist during the murder.
There is no lying except in the OP.

The lie rests in the argument now that WMDs as the argument for war were found in Iraq. And we can have all the reasons for going to war over UN resolutions, but without UN approval, our reasons were illegal internationally.

Bush did not lie. He believed the crap. So did quite a number of dems.

But to say the lie is that Bush was lying is a lie itself.

Liar...how does that work for you, LK?

you have no honour.

you could say you got carried away, and apologize, but no, you double down on the stupid.

how is that working for you, bubble boy.

A half truth is still a lie, dude. Bush couldn't have invaded Iraq without the blessings from the democrats. There is a difference between a lie and not knowing the facts. Bush was told false information...if it was false at all, because the previous administration powered down our own intel, we used other nations intel. Everybody on the left and right was telling Bush that Saddam was a threat...even Clinton and Kerry. By the way, it was all the resolutions that Suddam broke that we went in....officially.
So either play in your sandbox or get back into your bunkbed, sonny.

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