63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

Nerve Gas Exposure in Iraq in '91 Probed [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC Community

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government miscalculated the number of U.S. troops who may have been exposed to nerve gases when Iraqi weapons were destroyed during the first Gulf War, congressional investigators say.

The General Accounting Office is expected to testify in a House hearing Monday that the Pentagon and CIA used a flawed computer model to estimate the fallout from the weapons. The models were created with inaccurate data, and the height of the plume resulting from the 1991 weapons explosions was underestimated, according to a memo sent to members of a House Government Reform subcommittee.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the memo Friday.

The data indicate that initial reports that about 100,000 troops were exposed were wrong. The memo doesn't say whether more or fewer troops were likely to have been affected.


I am surprised that DICK and W didn't have them planted...

I'm surprised that you have a brain planted in your head when you sound like a fucking moron.

Booooooooooooosh made the hurricane hit New Orleans.. it's his fault.. Booooooooooooosh planted stock piles of WMD's in Iraq.. You liberals are insane..
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN
since this was actually ignored I'll try again -
The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN

They tend to ignore facts. :eusa_whistle:

As we know, there are none so blind as those that refuse to see.
Bush 41 suckered Saddam into Kuwait by allowing April Glaspie to give him the "green light".

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 manufactured lies about Saddam's 9/11 connection, yellowcake and the scary "smoking gun" mushroom cloud.

your left wing source is hilarious and misinformed. did you even what she supposedly said?

US Ambassador Glaspie:

"I have direct instructions from President Bush to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices, the immediate cause of your confrontation with Kuwait. (pause) As you know, I have lived here for years and admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country (after the Iran-Iraq war). We know you need funds. We understand that, and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. (pause) We can see that you have deployed massive numbers of troops in the south. Normally that would be none of our business, but when this happens in the context of your other threats against Kuwait, then it would be reasonable for us to be concerned. For this reason, I have received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship - not confrontation - regarding your intentions. Why are your troops massed so very close to Kuwait’s borders?"

there was no green light liarhota

Cherry picking only part of the meeting doesn't change the "context" of the overall meeting. The "green light" was clearly given to Saddam.

that is not cherry picking. that is clearly showing that the US did not condone a kuwaiti attack. there was no green light, no matter how much you and saddam say otherwise.
The Propagandist which reside on the left side of the aisle will say anything, do anything in order to achieve their ultimate goal of Socialism.. destroying America and the principles of our Republic which make us free! The LIE, DISTORT, MOCK.. This thread is proof of the people who engage in this tactic.
The Propagandist which reside on the left side of the aisle will say anything, do anything in order to achieve their ultimate goal of Socialism.. destroying America and the principles of our Republic which make us free! The LIE, DISTORT, MOCK.. This thread is proof of the people who engage in this tactic.

America is being destroyed by football!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NalWbK_2gPo]Football is an Illuminati created distraction - YouTube[/ame]
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The Propagandist which reside on the left side of the aisle will say anything, do anything in order to achieve their ultimate goal of Socialism.. destroying America and the principles of our Republic which make us free! The LIE, DISTORT, MOCK.. This thread is proof of the people who engage in this tactic.

America is being destroyed by football!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NalWbK_2gPo]Football is an Illuminati created distraction - YouTube[/ame]

LOL!! Hell yea it is. That call was MESSED up and so are the NFL commissioners who can kiss my fine booty.
The point is: no WMDs as described for going to war were found.

End of subject.

Neo-con fail.

CaféAuLait;6057112 said:
Reality is that everybody and there mother stated he did have them.

It doesn't freaking matter what anyone _said_. There were no WMDs. Twist and squirm and scream all you want, but there were still no WMDs.

And what's more, "everbody" did not say such things. The liberals -- as opposed to the Democrats -- were universally not fooled, being that we're not morons. We said it was BS. And because of that, our entire national media and every single gullible crank like you screamed about how all the liberals were traitors.

There were no WMDs found. Bush lied. You fell for it. And instead of admitting that error, you're choosing to keep lying.

CaféAuLait;6056599 said:
But, but, but.... Either Bill Clinton and all those dems lied too or Bush was telling the truth. They want to eat their cake and have it, too.

I already told you to stop diverting with idiot stories of what some Democrat did, or what happened in the 1990s. If you were honest -- and you're not -- you wouldn't try to pull such evasions.

No WMDs were found. That's the issue you can't run from. Bush lied, and you are now lying.

LOL whatever. The democrats were making the claims past 2003 but it was only Bush who lied. Get over it. Dems claimed there were WMDs and now want to claim they were duped. In fact they clamed such up until Bush was president and after he was president, but it's all Bush's fault. The quotes are there and you all can't pretend they do not exist. :)
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Oh look, the psycho starts a smoke and mirrors thread to take away the focus from her black messiah fucking everything up.:eusa_whistle:

63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

Go ahead, pick out your source. This is how "Google" works.

Remember, 70% of Americans believed Iraq was involved in 9/11:

Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: "The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men -- the shock troops of a hateful ideology -- gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions."

washingtonpost.com: Hussein Link to 9/11 Lingers in Many Minds

How public opinion was shaped:


Oh, and 64% of Republicans believe Obama was born in another country.

The Poll:

http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The part on Demographics is hilarious. 2.5% of blacks are Republican? More than half Republicans say they are strongly religious but less than a quarter regularly attend church.

Very interesting poll.
The point is: no WMDs as described for going to war were found.

End of subject.

OP fail.

CaféAuLait;6057112 said:
It doesn't freaking matter what anyone _said_. There were no WMDs. Twist and squirm and scream all you want, but there were still no WMDs.

And what's more, "everbody" did not say such things. The liberals -- as opposed to the Democrats -- were universally not fooled, being that we're not morons. We said it was BS. And because of that, our entire national media and every single gullible crank like you screamed about how all the liberals were traitors.

There were no WMDs found. Bush lied. You fell for it. And instead of admitting that error, you're choosing to keep lying.

I already told you to stop diverting with idiot stories of what some Democrat did, or what happened in the 1990s. If you were honest -- and you're not -- you wouldn't try to pull such evasions.

No WMDs were found. That's the issue you can't run from. Bush lied, and you are now lying.

LOL whatever. The democrats were making the claims past 2003 but it was only Bush who lied. Get over it. Dems claimed there were WMDs and now want to claim they were duped. In fact they clamed such up until Bush was president and after he was president, but it's all Bush's fault. The quotes are there and you all can't pretend they do not exist. :)

Liar.. I document throughout this entire thread with direct links to the CIA and DOD websites that indeed WMD's existed and harmed US and coalition forces during Desert Storm.. too bad you're a fucking hack and a liar Fakey.
oops, gingko is your friend.

review the thread.

it was your choice to call me a liar several times.

should be like totally easy to support your opinion.

all your other input was offal.

i am telling you this, because no one else is telling you this.


seriously, do you know roland d. lebay.

do you drink pbr?

Liar...how does that work for you, LK?

you have no honour.

you could say you got carried away, and apologize, but no, you double down on the stupid.

how is that working for you, bubble boy.

A half truth is still a lie, dude. Bush couldn't have invaded Iraq without the blessings from the democrats. There is a difference between a lie and not knowing the facts. Bush was told false information...if it was false at all, because the previous administration powered down our own intel, we used other nations intel. Everybody on the left and right was telling Bush that Saddam was a threat...even Clinton and Kerry. By the way, it was all the resolutions that Suddam broke that we went in....officially.
So either play in your sandbox or get back into your bunkbed, sonny.
Preemptive war is always wrong, for all reasons, always. End of story. When the Nazi's did it was wrong. When the Japanese did it was wrong.

If a nation is the aggressor, they are in the wrong. There is no excuse. This nation used to know the difference between right and wrong. We have sunk to rationizing, making excuses for using our power, but there is no excuse. The fact of the matter is, we were never under any threat. Even if a nation has chemical weapons, we have chemical weapons, biological weapons, cyber weapons, space weapons, geological weapons, hydrospheric weapons, psychological weapons, and a whole host of weapons many on this board can neither conceive of nor would want to even know about. War was unnecessary to protect Americans. It was necessary however to secure energy resources and to force trade and enforce a finance monopoly in dollar denominated notes.
Liar...how does that work for you, LK?

you have no honour.

you could say you got carried away, and apologize, but no, you double down on the stupid.

how is that working for you, bubble boy.

A half truth is still a lie, dude. Bush couldn't have invaded Iraq without the blessings from the democrats. There is a difference between a lie and not knowing the facts. Bush was told false information...if it was false at all, because the previous administration powered down our own intel, we used other nations intel. Everybody on the left and right was telling Bush that Saddam was a threat...even Clinton and Kerry. By the way, it was all the resolutions that Suddam broke that we went in....officially.
So either play in your sandbox or get back into your bunkbed, sonny.

The enlist around and around who lied, who did not know, was it a republican or the democrats. Who didn't vote for it, who did vote for it, all this enlist diarrhea of opinions some based on the facts, a lot based on emotional feelings that the facts don't justify what you personally wanted done. If the comprehensive record isn't good enough to show you that we got absolutely nothing from the war in Iraq. What did we get from Iraq, nothing!
Oh yes we did, yes that's the right a whole lotta national debt. And for that debt what did we get nothing! Unless I missed the boat and someone can provide a list, regardless of who fault.... What did we get!, Nothing!. But please continue with the diarrhea.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onZczlPRZNc&feature=endscreen&NR=1]Why diarrhea sucks... - YouTube[/ame]
you have no honour.

you could say you got carried away, and apologize, but no, you double down on the stupid.

how is that working for you, bubble boy.

A half truth is still a lie, dude. Bush couldn't have invaded Iraq without the blessings from the democrats. There is a difference between a lie and not knowing the facts. Bush was told false information...if it was false at all, because the previous administration powered down our own intel, we used other nations intel. Everybody on the left and right was telling Bush that Saddam was a threat...even Clinton and Kerry. By the way, it was all the resolutions that Suddam broke that we went in....officially.
So either play in your sandbox or get back into your bunkbed, sonny.

The enlist around and around who lied, who did not know, was it a republican or the democrats. Who didn't vote for it, who did vote for it, all this enlist diarrhea of opinions some based on the facts, a lot based on emotional feelings that the facts don't justify what you personally wanted done. If the comprehensive record isn't good enough to show you that we got absolutely nothing from the war in Iraq. What did we get from Iraq, nothing!
Oh yes we did, yes that's the right a whole lotta national debt. And for that debt what did we get nothing! Unless I missed the boat and someone can provide a list, regardless of who fault.... What did we get!, Nothing!. But please continue with the diarrhea.

Why diarrhea sucks... - YouTube

Why don't you stick to the fucking topic ..oh and your juvenile YouTube video's are old..

There were WMD's in Iraq.. there is absolute proof of it..

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