60Min Lied About Trump Storming Out... I Just Watched The Interview

Lesley Stahl asked Trump why he attacks the press. Trump responded, “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”
Lesley Stahl asked Trump why he attacks the press. Trump responded, “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”
Yeah... because that is exactly what he said.... :rolleyes:
Lesley Stahl asked Trump why he attacks the press. Trump responded, “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”
Yeah... because that is exactly what he said.... :rolleyes:
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
You did not just watch the interview. It hasn't been broadcast yet.

Trump released the unedited version.

[WATCH] Trump Releases Raw Video of '60 Minutes' Interview and It's Everything You Thought It Would Be
Thanks. Everything I thought it would be? I'm guessing it's his same tired riffs that he uses at all the pressers and rallies. Denying he's anti-mask, lying about everything. Am I right?

Haven't watched it yet. What it does show is that Trump didn't "storm out" of the interview.
Who said he did?
Lesley Stahl asked Trump why he attacks the press. Trump responded, “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”
Yeah... because that is exactly what he said.... :rolleyes:
It is exactly what he said - in his 2016 60 Minutes interview
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
You did not just watch the interview. It hasn't been broadcast yet.

Trump released the unedited version.

[WATCH] Trump Releases Raw Video of '60 Minutes' Interview and It's Everything You Thought It Would Be
Thanks. Everything I thought it would be? I'm guessing it's his same tired riffs that he uses at all the pressers and rallies. Denying he's anti-mask, lying about everything. Am I right?

Haven't watched it yet. What it does show is that Trump didn't "storm out" of the interview.
Who said he did?

Trump Walks Out On 60 Minutes Interview
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
All Fake News MSM outlets LIE.

If someone was watching 60min thinking something different .... then they are an Useful Idiot.
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
All Fake News MSM outlets LIE.

If someone was watching 60min thinking something different .... then they are an Useful Idiot.

Yes. U.S. journalism is dead!
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
But you never see things right, so 60 Minures must have been spot on.
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
But you never see things right, so 60 Minures must have been spot on.

If this is all you got, Biden is in big trouble!
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
But you never see things right, so 60 Minures must have been spot on.

If this is all you got, Biden is in big trouble!
I do not think he is counting on me that much.
Turns out that they made it all up.
It wasn't over a mask.
Trump was notified he had to be in a meeting in 5 minutes....and Trump simply said that 60 Minutes had enough and apparently Leslie Stahl agreed because I saw her stand up and start taking her wires off.
But you never see things right, so 60 Minures must have been spot on.

If this is all you got, Biden is in big trouble!
I do not think he is counting on me that much.

Yes he is.
And you fail.
Here it is, in all its fifth columnist gaslighting, nagging, and reality-denying glory.

Watch it while you still can.

At around the 34:00 mark he starts getting perturbed and dodges. He can't take hard questions. Hannity isn't there to throw out softballs. And besides that, Trump had a hard time with the Hannity softball questions in the past.

You are so wrong oddyboy. Get a dose of reality. He ended because he was getting mad. It would be honest if Trump was honest.
Here it is, in all its fifth columnist gaslighting, nagging, and reality-denying glory.

Watch it while you still can.

At around the 34:00 mark he starts getting perturbed and dodges. He can't take hard questions. Hannity isn't there to throw out softballs. And besides that, Trump had a hard time with the Hannity softball questions in the past.

You are so wrong oddyboy. Get a dose of reality. He ended because he was getting mad. It would be honest if Trump was honest.

You're being a partisan idiot, it ended because one of his staff told him he had five minutes, and he said that Lesley already had enough material, she agreed, and got up first.

I think both of them are old, and had just had enough of debating each other. . . now she wants to be dishonest about that and start to spin, to build up excitement for the Sunday broadcast, she forced his hand, it is quite clear, stahp already. . . :rolleyes:
Leslie Stall is a delusional, lying Fake News broadcaster who should have stopped having nose jobs after the first one. There is literally less nose left than the late Micheal Jackson's.

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