6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year!

I put no more wieght on your claims on the internet than I do anyone elses.

It is of no evidencial value

Bring it - asswipe

What part of that is unclear?

You want to question my 20+ years of miltary service to our nation ?

Then fucking bring it bitch .

Need it dumbed down more ?
I think you're wrong, and frankly to get down right to it, from what I have read, you have some case on, so I take what you infer or say with a huge grain of , well, salt. no pun intended.

I have no "case on". I am liberal on most topics and I am pro-military. What I don't do is sugarcoat the military or it's members. Every military member is not a hero. Alcohol abuse is rampant, spouse abuse is rampant, divorce is rampant, adultery is rampant and a large number of members have financial hardships. Coupled with longer deployments and 2 wars and you doubt the numbers? Sugarcoat away.

You're right....hey i'm conservative and we agree on this!! :)
My son is a Sgt, married with 2 kids (one on the way) and he's just getting set up at his new duty station at Bragg. Part of his in-processing was to go to some kind of suicide class today before he could go on. He's been to Iraq 3 times, he knows of quite a few soldiers that have committed suicide. Mostly from what they experienced in Iraq....so sad.
I put no more wieght on your claims on the internet than I do anyone elses.

It is of no evidencial value

Bring it - asswipe

What part of that is unclear?

You want to question my 20+ years of miltary service to our nation ?

Then fucking bring it bitch .

Need it dumbed down more ?

I never believe something someone I dont know tells me without a shred of proof.

I have had posters tell me all sorts of crap about WHO they are.

It bears no wieght and you getting all huffy and suggesting violence is real brave through a computor screen.

Grow up
In the work that I do, I see a lot of psychiatric issues with active military, including attempted suicide.......A lot are suffering from PTSD from one deployment or multiple. These young men and women, some of whom not long ago, were high school students, their biggest concern was passing a test or who to take the the prom, go into these siutations having learned to fight and defend, but are unprepared for the degree of hate and visciousness they encounter from the very people we are there trying to assist, at least according to the government spin on things. They are unprepared for the unevitable atrocities of war, some so horrid no one should be expected to wrap their head around and live with it.

Thank you for your work with helping our veterans, Lilbug.
I wish more expressed as true concern about their welfare as you do and did at least half as much.
I put no more wieght on your claims on the internet than I do anyone elses.

It is of no evidencial value

Bring it - asswipe

What part of that is unclear?

You want to question my 20+ years of miltary service to our nation ?

Then fucking bring it bitch .

Need it dumbed down more ?

You don't want anyone to question your "20+ years of miltary service to our nation", yet you and your ilk will question other's.
those tha commit suicide have the will to die, they would have done it anyway, without using their service as an excuse.

So if one commited suicide because of ptsd, he would have killed himself even if he didnt join the service and fight in a war?

Really? Do you know how dumb this sounds?
I put no more wieght on your claims on the internet than I do anyone elses.

It is of no evidencial value

Bring it - asswipe

What part of that is unclear?

You want to question my 20+ years of miltary service to our nation ?

Then fucking bring it bitch .

Need it dumbed down more ?

You are really losing this one dude. Seriously, just stop. Or continue and make yourself look like a fool. Either way is fine with me.
I put no more wieght on your claims on the internet than I do anyone elses.

It is of no evidencial value

Bring it - asswipe

What part of that is unclear?

You want to question my 20+ years of miltary service to our nation ?

Then fucking bring it bitch .

Need it dumbed down more ?

You don't want anyone to question your "20+ years of miltary service to our nation", yet you and your ilk will question other's.

I guess I struck too close to home. Neg away. You can dish it out but can't take it. Typical of your ilk.
All these Multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are starting to take their toll, even in Vietnam the troops were only asked to go once, twice tops. Its time to start bringing these conflics to a close, for the sake of our men and women in uniform.
All these Multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are starting to take their toll, even in Vietnam the troops were only asked to go once, twice tops. Its time to start bringing these conflics to a close, for the sake of our men and women in uniform.

We seriously need to get out of A-stan.
All these Multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are starting to take their toll, even in Vietnam the troops were only asked to go once, twice tops. Its time to start bringing these conflics to a close, for the sake of our men and women in uniform.

We seriously need to get out of A-stan.

I would like to see the Taliban crushed but we have been there 10 years and this conflict is really taking a toll on our men and women, I think things in Iraq and Afghanistan are as good as they are going to get, realistically. We need to withdraw our troops and get them ready for the next war thats going to pop off and I have a feeling its going to be a big one.
All these Multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are starting to take their toll, even in Vietnam the troops were only asked to go once, twice tops. Its time to start bringing these conflics to a close, for the sake of our men and women in uniform.

We seriously need to get out of A-stan.

Agreed on getting out of Afghanistan, but it's important to do it correctly so we won't have to go back.

My brother is in the middle of his third year long tour, first to Iraq now twice to Afghanistan. That's rough on our troops and their families.

One difference between Viet Nam and the current WOT is the draft. Most Viet vets only did one tour because they got out after their hitch. My dad, who was career Army, did two tours as did many who were career military.
All these Multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are starting to take their toll, even in Vietnam the troops were only asked to go once, twice tops. Its time to start bringing these conflics to a close, for the sake of our men and women in uniform.

We seriously need to get out of A-stan.

Agreed on getting out of Afghanistan, but it's important to do it correctly so we won't have to go back.

My brother is in the middle of his third year long tour, first to Iraq now twice to Afghanistan. That's rough on our troops and their families.

One difference between Viet Nam and the current WOT is the draft. Most Viet vets only did one tour because they got out after their hitch. My dad, who was career Army, did two tours as did many who were career military.

Thank you to your brother!!! I know how it feels to have a loved one over there!

Where the majority of military in Viet Nam were drafted, there were a few...including my husband who was only 17 at the time, enlisted! His parents had to give him permission...that HAD to be hard! My son was in Iraq 3 times, but the only time i was really worried about him was in 2006. He spend a year in Baghdad, and the stories he told me when he got back just sent shivers all over! I was worried the whole year, but if i'd really known what he was doing i would have been a complete basket case! I sat with my 26 yr old son while he cried over what he'd seen :(

My question is tho...what is the "correct" way to leave Afghanistan??? I don't think there is one. We need to just pull everyone out, of Iraq too, and let them do their thing. They are never going to stop killing eachother and from what i've heard, nothing has really changed and those people are not going to change. We're putting our soldiers through hell, for what?
Actually this country as a whole has an abysmal record when it comes to stepping up and supporting the men and women who fight our stupid mindless wars.

The Right claims anyone who is anti-war is against our military. Yet they who support war, do even less for them.

Of course, if we'd actually fight a war where the enemy was in uniform and the purpose clear, things might be different. However we continue to wage war against impoverished nations where our military engages and mercilessly murders the inhabitants without ever really understanding why. Our failure to recognize this incongruity in our thinking adds to our growing dis-ease.

If the horrors of Viet Nam weren't enough proof that there is no honor in pursuing such endeavors, then perhaps we are too arrogant in our ignorance to accept the truth - that we have failed to comport ourselves as peaceful freedom loving people.

Viet Nam took what little was left of our innocence. Iraq and Afghanistan almost certainly will take what's left of the nation's soul. As for our conscience, we left that someplace and simply can't or won't remember where.

As for those exceptional men and women who serve in our armed forces, you deserve our undying praise, the highest commendations and our devoted support wherever you may be.

"All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal."

— John Steinbeck

"No one won the last war, and no one will win the next war."

— Eleanor Roosevelt (The Wisdom Of Eleanor Roosevelt)
North Korea ?

China has more to worry about from North Korea than us. I'm thinking either China itself or regional war in the Middle East. The Arab Spring, if it can be sustained, reduces the chances of a major war in that region of the world.

Not necessarily, it all depends on the governments that rise up to take the place of the ones that fall. New Islamic governments could rise up in Syria, Libya and Yemen and that is NOT good for us at all.
My question is tho...what is the "correct" way to leave Afghanistan??? I don't think there is one. We need to just pull everyone out, of Iraq too, and let them do their thing. They are never going to stop killing eachother and from what i've heard, nothing has really changed and those people are not going to change. We're putting our soldiers through hell, for what?

Thank you to your husband and son for their service to our nation.

The incorrect way to leave Afghanistan is to pull out quickly, leave a power vacuum that will be quickly filled with warlords and gangsters thus turning Afghanistan into another Somalia where they will start preying on their neighbors. Pakistan, a nuclear power, is already in a precarious situation with radicals splitting the country from those who want a secure nation. Pakistan could easily fall into civil war and an unruly neighbor in Afghanistan would most likely support the radicals, not the peacemakers.

One difference between Iraq and Afghanistan is that we have international support for Afghanistan whereas Iraq was equivalent to shooting ourselves in the foot. It is in interests of world peace to have these areas of conflict satisfactorily resolved and that takes an international effort. The United States should not be the World's Police Man, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be participating in helping maintain world peace.

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