6 weeks of weight training


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I am following the EXACT same technique and most excercises recommended to me by a pro high level BB and PT.
I am copying his exact Ytube technique

My lower back problem makes it impossible for me to do legs or stand up and train UB

Anyways after 6 weeks or so.. I have added some lean muscle mass. My 4th grade boys chest is now looking more and more 9th grade level. My piano string arms look like a 8th grader now

I have terrible genetics lol

Funny how utterly horrible 95 percent of the folks train at my gym. Their techique is total garbage
I am following the EXACT same technique and most excercises recommended to me by a pro high level BB and PT.
I am copying his exact Ytube technique

My lower back problem makes it impossible for me to do legs or stand up and train UB

Anyways after 6 weeks or so.. I have added some lean muscle mass. My 4th grade boys chest is now looking more and more 9th grade level. My piano string arms look like a 8th grader now

I have terrible genetics lol

Funny how utterly horrible 95 percent of the folks train at my gym. Their techique is total garbage

Good to hear. I'm no longer a gym rat, just do at home though it's not nearly as productive. You're genetics are only limited by your effort, I broke though mine a long time ago as I was a very skinny (poverty does that to you), though athletic kid.

I remember in university, I was in the gym 4-5 times a week, probably overtraining looking back as I'd be there for 2 hours some days, but regardless.

Some guy comes to the bench and asks if he can work in with, "sure, no problem". At this point I'm probably doing 2+ plates a side, in my prime I'd hit approx. 3 and a quarter plates a side for reps (maybe four reps and a cheat), but that's just for context of the story.

He tells me "can you take off the plates". So we strip them off and it is just a bar, he asks for a 10 pounder on each side and I spot him for about 7 or 8 reps. It's my turn again, I don't want to look like an Ahole but I want to get in my set, so I take the slow approach and tell him, "just take a rest and I spot you another in a couple of minutes". He insists that I do my work out and not slow down for me.

So we add the 45s back on each side and he spots me (I usually didn't go to failure so him being there was good for me). We go through the motion again for my set, strip the weights down and put a 10 on each side for him. I tell him "hold on, do you want to try another 5 per side"?

He was unsure but I told him I would spot him, he was in good hands. So he has 15 per side (plus the bar weight of course). He squeezes out 5 or 6 reps with some effort and I spot him the last rep. He says "alright I'm done thanks".

He then says to me "you're probably thinking who is this weakling?" I say "not at all, it's all about personal improvement, we all work our way up from our own place and you did 10 pounds more than I will have improved today".

He thanked me and went about his way.

I meant what I said to him, in my opinion who cares wtf someone can do, it's their body not mine, I just want to improve. Some lift heavy to show off (to whom?), one should lift heavy to improve and grow.

Bottom line, do your research, workout smart and strict, increase load, eat right....prosper! Good luck.
I only work out twice per week at 1 hr

That's all you need. I don't know your goals but if it's for strength/size I would recommend reading up the philosophy of some HITT bodybuilders. I first learned from reading Mike Mentzers approach and the others like Dorian Yates. They'd work out 30-45 min. Heavy and efficient.

My working out two hours in my heyday was a case of diminishing returns. Two hours a week is plenty.
My work out
Is 50 percent dumbbell
And 50 percent machine and Rocky stuff

As long as it's increasing resistance the mode per se doesn't matter.

I preferred dumbbells for most exercises, even shoulders, except for chest and probably traps. When I tore my bicep I was forced to do dumbbell presses. It works, just can't go as heavy, but the principle is the same. Overload the muscle (safely) and/or increase overall sets, incorporate super sets etc.

Machines are great for focused approach, the big draw back is the minor supporting muscles involved in balance don't get worked. Those minor muscles can really help create a fuller look. Of late when I went to the gym I was fine with machines, but I'd also incorporate higher rep free weights to balance.

This is where the muscle memory comes into play once you do it enough. You will find you can take less rest and just doing another four reps of a weight brings you close to exhaustion. The body is an amazing creation, I sure miss the challenge.
I am following the EXACT same technique and most excercises recommended to me by a pro high level BB and PT.
I am copying his exact Ytube technique

My lower back problem makes it impossible for me to do legs or stand up and train UB

Anyways after 6 weeks or so.. I have added some lean muscle mass. My 4th grade boys chest is now looking more and more 9th grade level. My piano string arms look like a 8th grader now

I have terrible genetics lol

Funny how utterly horrible 95 percent of the folks train at my gym. Their techique is total garbage
Close to 100% of people do not know how to work out properly.
Close to 100% of people do not know how to work out properly.

Or, they learn the hard way (I was one of them).

Strict form is vital. As is cadence. Bad form not only takes away from the muscle exhaust objective, it's of course dangerous.
As long as it's increasing resistance the mode per se doesn't matter.

I preferred dumbbells for most exercises, even shoulders, except for chest and probably traps. When I tore my bicep I was forced to do dumbbell presses. It works, just can't go as heavy, but the principle is the same. Overload the muscle (safely) and/or increase overall sets, incorporate super sets etc.

Machines are great for focused approach, the big draw back is the minor supporting muscles involved in balance don't get worked. Those minor muscles can really help create a fuller look. Of late when I went to the gym I was fine with machines, but I'd also incorporate higher rep free weights to balance.

This is where the muscle memory comes into play once you do it enough. You will find you can take less rest and just doing another four reps of a weight brings you close to exhaustion. The body is an amazing creation, I sure miss the challenge.
Skull crushers is 100! Percent wrong if you go to your Skull.

This triceps exercise is done correctly if you go behind your head

6 weeks of weight training​


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