Zone1 5th Most Boring Book Ever


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
For the longest time I thought it was just me. Religious people go on and on about how beautiful or inspiring the bible is. I never felt it. Glad to see I'm not along.

For the longest time I thought it was just me. Religious people go on and on about how beautiful or inspiring the bible is. I never felt it. Glad to see I'm not along.

Although Atlas Shrugged is very deserving of the title, I would take the rest of that list with a grain of salt (and that's being kind).
Ever given a moment's thought to the notion that maybe the Bible wasn't written to be an entertainment?
They should have written it so it could be understood or followed. There are well written books and books that are hard to read. The bible is hard to read. Boring, rambles, seems like it's meant to brainwash. I kept waiting to be inspired or feel like yes this story is real but I never arrived there.
Although Atlas Shrugged is very deserving of the title, I would take the rest of that list with a grain of salt (and that's being kind).
I never read Of Men and Mice. Good movie though. Especially when the guy let the other guy take his dog out and shoot it. I would have said give me the gun then told him if he ever looked cross eyed at my dog again I'd kill him. Then keep his gun.
They should have written it so it could be understood or followed. There are well written books and books that are hard to read. The bible is hard to read. Boring, rambles, seems like it's meant to brainwash. I kept waiting to be inspired or feel like yes this story is real but I never arrived there.
Irrelevant to the point that it wasn't written as entertainment.
For the longest time I thought it was just me. Religious people go on and on about how beautiful or inspiring the bible is. I never felt it. Glad to see I'm not along.

If you've ever read the Bible from cover to cover you might have a different opinion of it.
I can't imagine reading cherry-picked chapters in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
For the longest time I thought it was just me. Religious people go on and on about how beautiful or inspiring the bible is. I never felt it. Glad to see I'm not along.

Nah, when it was time to join the line to get brains, you didn’t come along.

One doesn’t have to worry about being labeled religious for noting that parts of the Bible are, in fact, beautiful.

It’s also ok to consider the Bible to be boring. Ok. You happen to think so. So what? Is anyone trying to force you to read it?
Although Atlas Shrugged is very deserving of the title, I would take the rest of that list with a grain of salt (and that's being kind).
Only about 50 pages in that dreary slog are worth reading...Great premise and plot, horrid execution.

Ditto "The Fountainhead"....Rand wrote great short stories and nonfiction....Her novels sucked on toast.

Only about 50 pages in that dreary slog are worth reading...Great premise and plot, horrid execution.

Ditto "The Fountainhead"....Rand wrote great short stories and nonfiction....Her novels sucked on toast.

She wasn’t great on dialog. She was so rigidly bound to her political philosophy, she tried to make it a kind of overall story character. But with the actual characters, she seemed unable or unwilling to flesh them out. They became very flat and only 2 dimensional. Dreary reads.
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She wasn’t great on dialog. She was so rigidly bound to her political philosophy, she tries to make it a kind of overall story character. But with the actual characters, she seemed unable or unwilling to flesh them out. They became very flat and only 2 dimensional. Dreary reads.
I used to say she had the antagonists nailed viz. the revolting establishment asswipes that we have today....I erred.

She underestimated how greedy, malignantly corrupt, and intellectually bankrupt the statist goons of today could get.
If you've ever read the Bible from cover to cover you might have a different opinion of it.
I can't imagine reading cherry-picked chapters in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
But isn't that what preachers on the radio and tv are doing? Cherry picking from their Harry Potter book? AKA The Bible?

I love listening to it. They are all over the place. And if you analyze what they said, from beginning, middle to end, they are all over the place. And the conclusion you aren't sure has anything to do with the premise. Like the story might start out about greed but then the preacher goes on to talk about all kinds of other things. I wish I had an example to share. But I do love it. What they are saying isn't convincing me of anything but i can see how it would work on simple people. They story talks about trust, hope, fear of god, using the lords name in vane, taking care of your parents, don't fuck your neighbors wife, someone who did got turned into a pillar of salt.

Something for everyone. I guess if you are talking to a room full of sinners your message has to appeal to everyone. So cover every sin. But it's okay. Jesus died on the cross so you could be a scumbag and still go to heaven.

It's so obvious the 10 commandments were written by a new cult. What's one of the rules? Don't believe any other god stories. Only through me can you go to heaven. Fuck what Mohammad says. Honor, respect and believe your elders, even if they tell you something that doesn't make sense, like religion. And don't steal my shit.
One of the worst books ever written, content and structure wise should be mandatory reading for people.

Mein Kampf.

If people are going to scream fascism they should at least read the manual first so they know what they are taking about.
The Old Testament can be dry, though understandable.

The New Testament is an entertaining, explosive end to that story.

Many people are familiar with how the Bible begins, with the creation of the world. But how does it end? Does it end when he rises from the dead?

Does the Bible predict the end of the world? Is there hope for the world or is it all “doom-and-gloom?” There are many different approaches and interpretations of how the Bible ends. From many years of study and teaching classes on this fascinating topic, here’s what I’ve found to be the highlights which are the most clear and evident from the Bible.

The Bible ends in the book of Revelation with Jesus returning as the King and Judge who cleanses the earth from all evil. Jesus’ leadership at the end of this age results in the restoration of God’s original plan for mankind, with a new heaven and a new earth.
The Old Testament can be dry, though understandable.

The New Testament is an entertaining, explosive end to that story.

is filled with forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the correct version than the claims of the liar moses and the crucifiers that wrote the 4th century c-bible ...

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

- who read beyond their version of geneses know nothing of the heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity - those in the 1st century gave their lives for.
Many people are familiar with how the Bible begins, with the creation of the world. But how does it end? Does it end when he rises from the dead?

Does the Bible predict the end of the world? Is there hope for the world or is it all “doom-and-gloom?” There are many different approaches and interpretations of how the Bible ends. From many years of study and teaching classes on this fascinating topic, here’s what I’ve found to be the highlights which are the most clear and evident from the Bible.

The Bible ends in the book of Revelation with Jesus returning as the King and Judge who cleanses the earth from all evil. Jesus’ leadership at the end of this age results in the restoration of God’s original plan for mankind, with a new heaven and a new earth.
It doesn't begin with the creation of the world. The world already existed, "formless and void."

And it doesn't predict the end of world, only Israel's end.

It has only one interpretation. Ask an Israelite from two-thousand years ago what it's about.

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