54% say Trump should resign if Russian collaboration happened

PPP poll to be released tomorrow
Keep on clinging to them polls. You lefties suffer from a political variant of "battered women's syndrome"... You just keep coming back for more; and no one feels sorry for you when you do...
Polls are meaningless and real leaders don't bow to them.
Obviously clowns like Drumpf dont bow to polls either. Anyway 54% doesnt mean much especially since everyone was complaining about how crooked Clinton was. Must be the silent whites supporting him.

Must be you Obama n*****s opposing him.
Obama neurosurgeons?

If you want to play games, that's fine. Let real white men get the work done your fellow ****** couldn't do.
Polls are meaningless and real leaders don't bow to them.
Obviously clowns like Drumpf dont bow to polls either. Anyway 54% doesnt mean much especially since everyone was complaining about how crooked Clinton was. Must be the silent whites supporting him.

Must be you Obama n*****s opposing him.
Obama neurosurgeons?

If you want to play games, that's fine. Let real white men get the work done your fellow ****** couldn't do.
White men know nothing about work. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be retaught after the dark ages.
Polls are meaningless and real leaders don't bow to them.
Obviously clowns like Drumpf dont bow to polls either. Anyway 54% doesnt mean much especially since everyone was complaining about how crooked Clinton was. Must be the silent whites supporting him.

Must be you Obama n*****s opposing him.
Obama neurosurgeons?

If you want to play games, that's fine. Let real white men get the work done your fellow ****** couldn't do.
White men know nothing about work. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be retaught after the dark ages.

What? Do you even know how retarded that sounds? Where are the magnificent stone cathedrals, works of art, and monumental buildings and structures in Africa?

They're still putting tires over each others heads and lighting them on fire there. They're still hacking each other to death with machetes, worshiping animals, and living in mud huts.
Obviously clowns like Drumpf dont bow to polls either. Anyway 54% doesnt mean much especially since everyone was complaining about how crooked Clinton was. Must be the silent whites supporting him.

Must be you Obama n*****s opposing him.
Obama neurosurgeons?

If you want to play games, that's fine. Let real white men get the work done your fellow ****** couldn't do.
White men know nothing about work. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be retaught after the dark ages.

What? Do you even know how retarded that sounds? Where are the magnificent stone cathedrals, works of art, and monumental buildings and structures in Africa?

They're still putting tires over each others heads and lighting them on fire there. They're still hacking each other to death with machetes, worshiping animals, and living in mud huts.
They are in Benin, Ghana, Timbuktu, Egypt, and Nubia.

You seem to be another illiterate cave chimp that doesnt know much.
Must be you Obama n*****s opposing him.
Obama neurosurgeons?

If you want to play games, that's fine. Let real white men get the work done your fellow ****** couldn't do.
White men know nothing about work. There is a reason they were last to civilization and had to be retaught after the dark ages.

What? Do you even know how retarded that sounds? Where are the magnificent stone cathedrals, works of art, and monumental buildings and structures in Africa?

They're still putting tires over each others heads and lighting them on fire there. They're still hacking each other to death with machetes, worshiping animals, and living in mud huts.
They are in Benin, Ghana, Timbuktu, Egypt, and Nubia.

You seem to be another illiterate cave chimp that doesnt know much.

So where is this imaginary Empire State Building, World Trade Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, or exquisitely-painted Sistine Chapel
in Benin, Ghana, Timbuktu, Egypt, and Nubia? Where are all the scientific laboratories, huge corporations, and massive universities found in the Western world?

I look at Africa, and all I see is poverty, starvation, disease, and an utter disregard for human life.
The 54% and their fake Russian BS can go screw themselves. Trump is President. Deal with it, or not.
Keyword being if.

Still not one iota of proof. Going on 11 months now:rolleyes:
sounds kinda like the Birther Conspiracy that went on for a decade.
So why did Obama, when he was a nobody, tell his publisher, before he even had any books ghostwritten, that he was "born in Kenya"
You are an idiot. What fairy tale have you been reading? His editor stated specifically that she made a mistake you ignorant monkey.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

"The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:"

Well what about michelle claiming Kenya is his "home country"? Did she make a mistake? Pay attention to the 45 second mark little baboon...

Sengal is my home country and i was born in the states little cave monkey.

It's SENEGAL, dipshit.
Keyword being if.

Still not one iota of proof. Going on 11 months now:rolleyes:
sounds kinda like the Birther Conspiracy that went on for a decade.
So why did Obama, when he was a nobody, tell his publisher, before he even had any books ghostwritten, that he was "born in Kenya"
You are an idiot. What fairy tale have you been reading? His editor stated specifically that she made a mistake you ignorant monkey.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

"The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:"

Well what about michelle claiming Kenya is his "home country"? Did she make a mistake? Pay attention to the 45 second mark little baboon...

Sengal is my home country and i was born in the states little cave monkey.

Steven Segal is your home country?

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