5 Point Obama lead in Ohio...Ohio...Ohio

bigrebnc, I know you don't get it, so I will tell you again: this is not about you.

We don't want to know about your loser hood. Or CG's for that matter.

Here's your post dumb ass you made it about me

CaliforniaGirl is right with bigrebnc. The difference is that she has some $$$ but does not know really what it is all about. bigrebnc is what he appears, from the back hills of NC.

What a pair of dooshi. :lol:
Lying sack of shit
I'll ask you again have you seen a poor plumber?
How? You are a loser and of no interest.

That's why you post on this Board and others.
And it only took 3 years!

No it's not the numbers have be manipulated. I said months ago unemployment would be below 8% before election time, anyone with a brain should have seen this coming.

i suppose that's true in the world of black helicopters and tinfoil hats.
All I know is when over a million people dropped from the unemployment rolls back in January I said unemployment would be below 8% just before election time. Call it what you want in your dream world. I call it like I see it.
And I was right.
Jillian, you are just talking. Almost all of them are moderates, who have known Mitt a long time. They put up with the Akins, Mordoushes, Rudzikas, etc, for right now because they will deliver votes. After the election, watch Mitt reach to the right wing of your party to create a new centrist coalition.

So once again, Jake, you are fighting for a guy you think is dishonest.

I'm not sure how that works, exactly.

Besides the fact that these guys will cost him votes, do you really want to vote for a guy who will get into bed with the most nasty characters in order to win? What's to keep him from getting into bed with them to actually govern?
So did everyone else, Joe. Jesus. The 2008 election was such a blowout a monkey could have called that election. Silver follow a very specific pattern and if you go back to 2010 and watch his day by day calls you can see it vey clearly. He will call it heavy for the Democrats until 2-3 days before the election and then SUDDENLY his model will start to show a stronger GOP performance. Calling an election the day before it occurs isn't real hard

Pssst.... pssst... don't look now. RCP has put Colorado back in Obama's column...

Not according to the RCP average, which has it "tied". So technically, it's in no one's column.

It's only "tied" because they are retaining 10 day old polls in Romney's favor.

Pssst...psst... VA is "tied" again, too.
:lol: Romney is going to win, and then the leading and sensible GOP leadership will destroy the power of the TP and far right wacks.

jake, when romney's closest campaign surrogates and allies are all teatards, including his VP pick, what on earth would make you think he would suddenly govern as 'moderate mitt'?

Jillian right of you is far right to the parrot. Hell he may just call you far right.
OH and jake
obama is looking for his parrot


Damn just read this post starkey made to jilian he did call her a right winger.:badgrin:

Jillian, you are just talking. Almost all of them are moderates, who have known Mitt a long time. They put up with the Akins, Mordoushes, Rudzikas, etc, for right now because they will deliver votes. After the election, watch Mitt reach to the right wing of your party to create a new centrist coalition.
You are not sure of anything, JoeB, but this: You are an atheist, a bigot, and a Mormon hater.l What you think means nothing.

Jillian, you are just talking. Almost all of them are moderates, who have known Mitt a long time. They put up with the Akins, Mordoushes, Rudzikas, etc, for right now because they will deliver votes. After the election, watch Mitt reach to the right wing of your party to create a new centrist coalition.

So once again, Jake, you are fighting for a guy you think is dishonest.

I'm not sure how that works, exactly.

Besides the fact that these guys will cost him votes, do you really want to vote for a guy who will get into bed with the most nasty characters in order to win? What's to keep him from getting into bed with them to actually govern?
quit trying to change the subject, Jake.

What you are saying is that you are voting for Romney on the hope he has been lying through his teeth for the last four years when he's been genuflecting at the altar of Norquist and Limbaugh.

Which makes me wonder about your personal integrity.

You are not sure of anything, JoeB, but this: You are an atheist, a bigot, and a Mormon hater.l What you think means nothing.

Jillian, you are just talking. Almost all of them are moderates, who have known Mitt a long time. They put up with the Akins, Mordoushes, Rudzikas, etc, for right now because they will deliver votes. After the election, watch Mitt reach to the right wing of your party to create a new centrist coalition.

So once again, Jake, you are fighting for a guy you think is dishonest.

I'm not sure how that works, exactly.

Besides the fact that these guys will cost him votes, do you really want to vote for a guy who will get into bed with the most nasty characters in order to win? What's to keep him from getting into bed with them to actually govern?
An atheist, a bigot, and an antiMormon has nothing of worth to say about these matters.

Way it is.

Blather on. No one cares.
An atheist, a bigot, and an antiMormon has nothing of worth to say about these matters.

Way it is.

Blather on. No one cares.

An athiest, a bigot, and a moron walk intoa bar. The bartender looks up and says "what'll it be Joe?"

A Liar, a hack and a scumwad walk into a bar, and the bartenders says, "Get the fuck out of my tavern, BP, we only serve decent working folks here..."
You are a hater of God, a liar, a bigot, so we are not concerned what you think about anyone else and his or her supposed failings. The way it is. Blathe on.

An atheist, a bigot, and an antiMormon has nothing of worth to say about these matters.

Way it is.

Blather on. No one cares.

Jake, you keep avoiding the subject.

Why do you support a man you hope to God is lying?
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So to recap.

Jake thinks that Romney is lying about being a right wing conservative.

And that he'll have the integrity to finally be a liberal when he gets into office.

And that either party will let him get away with it.

And he thinks this is a character point.

Explains much about Jake, who doesn't know if he's trolling the left or the right here.

You are a hater of God, a liar, a bigot, so we are not concerned what you think about anyone else and his or her supposed failings. The way it is. Blathe on.

An atheist, a bigot, and an antiMormon has nothing of worth to say about these matters.

Way it is.

Blather on. No one cares.

Jake, you keep avoiding the subject.

Why do you support a man you hope to God is lying?

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