5 Point Obama lead in Ohio...Ohio...Ohio

New poll shows Romney, Obama appear tied in Ohio | Fox News
A late surge by Mitt Romney has made the contest between him and President Obama to win Ohio too close to call, according to a poll released Sunday.

Romney and Obama appear tied at 49 percent among likely voters, according to an Ohio News Organization poll. The margin of error in the poll is 3.1 percentage points.

The biggest movement since the group’s poll in September is Romney's lead with male voters -- from 1 percentage point to 12 points.

The president held 51 percent of the vote in the September poll.
New poll shows Romney, Obama appear tied in Ohio | Fox News
A late surge by Mitt Romney has made the contest between him and President Obama to win Ohio too close to call, according to a poll released Sunday.

Romney and Obama appear tied at 49 percent among likely voters, according to an Ohio News Organization poll. The margin of error in the poll is 3.1 percentage points.

The biggest movement since the group’s poll in September is Romney's lead with male voters -- from 1 percentage point to 12 points.

The president held 51 percent of the vote in the September poll.

And of course FOX is impartial. Yet, Obama's chances of winning increase...

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

I would expect over half of the voting has already taken place in Ohio. With the looming storm, I expect most of the voting will take place before next Tuesday. Obama can win without Ohio, although I think he will win the state. Willard MUST have Ohio.
New poll shows Romney, Obama appear tied in Ohio | Fox News
A late surge by Mitt Romney has made the contest between him and President Obama to win Ohio too close to call, according to a poll released Sunday.

Romney and Obama appear tied at 49 percent among likely voters, according to an Ohio News Organization poll. The margin of error in the poll is 3.1 percentage points.

The biggest movement since the group’s poll in September is Romney's lead with male voters -- from 1 percentage point to 12 points.

The president held 51 percent of the vote in the September poll.

Just heard on CNN that Obama maintains a 3 point lead with likely voters in Ohio. It seems that little attention is being paid to the FOX numbers. I guess may it is because it is the Official GOP Flagship News Network?
To recap: JoeB puts words in my mouth I did not say.

He accuses MR of what JoeB did all through the primaries of falsifying.

That explains much about JoeB and his character.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.
keep it all in one place...

If the President were to lose Minnesota and gain Virginia...lose Colorado and keep Ohio while gaining NH... I need to go back to Cassidy's map

October 28, 2012
Cassidy’s Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio?
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker
At the local level, some of the battlegrounds have now broken firmly in one direction or another, effectively narrowing the race to eight states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Wisconsin. On The New Yorker’s electoral map, I am making three changes to reflect this. I am changing Michigan and Pennsylvania from leaning Obama to firm Obama, and I am changing North Carolina from leaning Romney to firm Romney. In all three of these states, the polls indicate that one of the candidates is now ahead by four points or more.

Of the remaining eight battlegrounds, I have one state leaning to Romney (Florida); four leaning to Obama (Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconsin); and three as toss-ups (Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia). I considered moving Virginia to Romney’s column, but decided against it. In the past few days, two polls have shown the race tied. And both of them have come from polling organizations that tend to lean a bit to the Republicans: Gravis Marketing and Purple Strategies. For Romney to reach two hundred and seventy electoral-college votes, he simply has to carry Virginia, as well as Florida and North Carolina. The fact that the race is still so tight there will be a big concern to Boston.

In the electoral college, I still have Obama with 277 votes and Romney with 235. Assuming the G.O.P. man does win Virginia, that takes him to 248, leaving him needing another 22 votes. Thats’s where the fun starts.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker



If Romney were to carry the state, he would need just four more votes. Winning New Hampshire, which has exactly four votes, or any of the other battlegrounds, would put him across the line. But increasingly, it is looking like Obama will hold onto Ohio. On Friday, three new polls were published, and they all showed the President ahead. American Research Group and Purple Strategies both put his lead at two points; CNN/Opinion Research put it at four points: 50-46. Sources tell me that the two campaigns’ internal polling also have Obama ahead, with Romney’s vote seemingly stalled in the mid-to-high forties.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker

keep it all in one place...

If the President were to lose Minnesota and gain Virginia...lose Colorado and keep Ohio while gaining NH... I need to go back to Cassidy's map

October 28, 2012
Cassidy’s Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio?
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker



If Romney were to carry the state, he would need just four more votes. Winning New Hampshire, which has exactly four votes, or any of the other battlegrounds, would put him across the line. But increasingly, it is looking like Obama will hold onto Ohio. On Friday, three new polls were published, and they all showed the President ahead. American Research Group and Purple Strategies both put his lead at two points; CNN/Opinion Research put it at four points: 50-46. Sources tell me that the two campaigns’ internal polling also have Obama ahead, with Romney’s vote seemingly stalled in the mid-to-high forties.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker


You all do realize Rasmussen and Mason-Dixon were the only pollsters to get Ohio wrong in 2008, right?
You all do realize Rasmussen and Mason-Dixon were the only pollsters to get Ohio wrong in 2008, right?

Well, I apologize. Not everybody can be a genius like you!!!!:D:D

s0n.....nobody cares.

Anyway......for months, Ive been going with these guys!!!!!!!!

Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder

Do you realize they have a 100% success rate???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

They have a 0% success rate and a 0% failure rate as this will be the first time their model is actually tested.

Do you beat off thinking about the UC model? You post about it so often that it has to be on your mind all of the time.
To recap: JoeB puts words in my mouth I did not say.

He accuses MR of what JoeB did all through the primaries of falsifying.

That explains much about JoeB and his character.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.

Not at all. YOu've been trolling the Wingnuts taunting them that Romney's going to show them when he throws teh NeoCons and TeaBaggers out and governs as a moderate.

Which means he was lying throughout the entire primary season all the way up to the debates by acting like a Teabagger and a NeoCon...

So was he lying then, or is he lying now?

And how could we ever trust him?

It's a very simple proposition, really.

Character matters. What you are saying is that Romney is a less artful Bill Clinton.

And we all know how that turned out.
To recap: JoeB puts words in my mouth I did not say.

He accuses MR of what JoeB did all through the primaries of falsifying.

That explains much about JoeB and his character.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.

Not at all. YOu've been trolling the Wingnuts taunting them that Romney's going to show them when he throws teh NeoCons and TeaBaggers out and governs as a moderate.

Which means he was lying throughout the entire primary season all the way up to the debates by acting like a Teabagger and a NeoCon...

So was he lying then, or is he lying now?

And how could we ever trust him?

It's a very simple proposition, really.

Character matters. What you are saying is that Romney is a less artful Bill Clinton.

And we all know how that turned out.

Too funny...you two are two peas in a pod, and neither of you matters at all.

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