5/8 Americans Agree: Nation Going in Wrong Direction


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Democrats have united America!

That Afghanistan shit show is Biden’s Waterloo.

The left wing power elite thought it would be blamed on Trump.


DUMB FUCKS.:laughing0301:
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
yes! It has nothing to do with inflation, the horrible pull out of afghanistan, abuse of power etc
Its orange man bad! Its his supporters whop have no power :lol: DERP
Goddamn, get out of the house or something. Meet some people, you miserable twat.
There is the "thanks" from ol mac. Now he will scurry along because he cant back up his illogical, asinine ramblings.
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.

You know this is not the reason. It's not valid nor rationale to suggest that the guy who has NO power is the person, or even the Party to blame.

ALL if this is on Biden, good or bad, failure or success. He and his followers wanted to reverse as many Trump decisions as possible regardless of the effectiveness or common sense of such policies. He obliged.

For instance, can any single person in your entire country explain to me why they would reverse a hard won battle to have the Mexican government house illegal immigrants during their asylum process? I can't think of any single benefit for America to reverse this. Quite the contrary.

That's just one major policy of many that were reversed in rapid order. It really surprised people, even people on CNN and elsewhere were outspoken about the rapid Executive Orders.
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You know this is not the reason. It's not valid nor rationale to suggest that the guy who has NO power is the person, or even the Party to blame.

ALL if this is on Biden. He and his followers wanted to reverse as many Trump decisions as possible regardless of the effectiveness or common sense of such policies. He obliged.

For instance, can any single person in your entire country explain to me why they would reverse a hard won battle to have the Mexican government house illegal immigrants during their asylum process? I can't think of any single benefit for America to reverse this. Quite the contrary.

That's just one major policy of many that were reversed in rapid order. It really surprised people, even people on CNN and elsewhere were outspoken about the rapid Executive Orders.
Since a D took the wheel, the buck doesnt stop with the oval office anymore. It stops with someone that has no control over anything.
You must listen to Mac. He is self righteous and condescending for a reason. He is always right.
Despite how illogical or wrong he is.
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
Mail in Ballots, Illegal Changes to Voting Laws, and Dominion Voting Machines.

When a Truck backs up to a DemNazi controlled polling location in the dead of night after observers were sent home and all the fake ballots are for Faux Xiden, it's The Democrat Party (CCP-USA) that is destroying our electoral system.

You can return to being Putin's little butt plug now.
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
First I don't think supporting trump qualifies you as an extremeist nor does supporting Biden. Trump can be kind of a self centered asshole but we don't need a buddy or big brother. We simply need someone not due and owing to the two faced Donkephant bipartisian swamp. Policy is dictated by the sale of influence not the needs of the country. The reason despite promises from both sides immigration never gets fixed because both "major gangs" get secondary gain from the way things are. But it's our fault of course. One of the most dissappointing observations of the masses is that even when one "side" or the other has full control plus the proliferatio of EO's we STILL let them get away with blaming the other guy. And curiously campaign promises never seem to end with "if the other side doesn't resist"
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
The Taliban and Iran are Celebrating the Faux Xiden Administration everyday.

Faux Xiden being elected was like giving Xi and Putin Viagra.

Truth is, most liberals hated Trump because he exposed how effeminate and weak minded they are.

The Left is filled with a bunch of feminized Estrogen charged Soy Boys who would be ostracized as sissies just 50 years ago.

They are the soft headed and soft handed, limp wristed remnant of what the gene pool should have allowed to drown long ago.

They don't think, they barely work, and they always have some fictitious cause to whine about.

They are one step removed from needing a maxipad.
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Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
Why dont you guys try holding elections that are above suspicion?

every election reform since 2000 has made it easier for democrats to cheat

just because its difficult to prove doesnt mean conservatives have to accept it

end mail-in voting, require official picture IDs and you’d be amazed at how much repubs will accept the results
Since a D took the wheel, the buck doesnt stop with the oval office anymore. It stops with someone that has no control over anything.
You must listen to Mac. He is self righteous and condescending for a reason. He is always right.
Despite how illogical or wrong he is.

The more wrong you are, the more arrogant you should act.

Thats soy boy logic.
Why dont you guys try holding elections that are beyond suspicion?

every election reform since 2000 has made it easier for democrats to cheat

just because its difficult to prove doesnt mean conservatives have to accept it

end mail-in voting, require official picture IDs and you’d be amazed at how much repubs will accept the results

Commies want NO ID to vote, but they want you to prove you are vaccinated in order to leave your home. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Why dont you guys try holding elections that are above suspicion?

every election reform since 2000 has made it easier for democrats to cheat

just because its difficult to prove doesnt mean conservatives have to accept it

end mail-in voting, require official picture IDs and you’d be amazed at how much repubs will accept the results
They want you to prove you are vaccinated but refuse to allow Voter ID to prove you are legally able to vote.
If we had honest elections trump would be president and republicans would control both houses of congress

and thats why libs cheat

Because their policies are BAD for citizens And cannot stand up to reasonable discourse and scrutiny…so they lie to conceal their true intentions.

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