I favor Universal Health Coverage (read: socialized medicine, and since we're Americans we can do it better than any other country has - i.e. without the problems from which their systems suffer), but what the Democrats and Obama administration have come up with is the same kind of weak-spined Democrat compromise that Democrats have always made (see Clinton's welfare reforms).
Obama said "Universal Healthcare" but because we are a politically right-leaning country and the Democrats are always under threat of losing power, they sort of kowtow to conservatives and compromise their principles in order not to alienate themselves politically. Which instead pisses off actual liberals (Democrats are not liberals, they just look like it to conservatives) who then vote independent (think Green Party, Nader, 2000 Presidental elections) which then gets a conservative into the White House and a conservative Congress, and then all of a sudden we're invading two countries, we're torturing people, we're setting up secret prison camps, we're passing unconstitutional bills like the Patriot Act, there a numerous tax cuts for the rich but defense spending and corporate welfare sky-rockets, and then the economy tanks. And look where it's gotten us. Hilary and Bill did this shit back in the '90s and it didn't work.
Fuckin' spineless Democrats. That's the thing about Republicans. They get shit done. The shit they get done sucks, but they don't fuck around, worrying about people's feelings, and just shove the whiney Democratic opposition outta the way while walking their bills into the Oval Office. And their President just signs Executive Order after Executive Order (which may or may not be technically legal, but whose gonna stop him?), handing out no-bid contracts to his friends with one hand while flipping off the "nice-guy" Democrats with the other.