42 Reconciliation Policies That Will Wreck The US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
  1. Perpetuates labor shortage: Continues welfare benefits without work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents at a time where there are 10.1 million job openings—more openings than there are people looking for work.
  2. Commissions a climate police: Democrats stuffed $8 billion into the bill to commission a cabal of federally funded climate police called the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) who will conduct progressive activism on taxpayers’ dime (pages 8, 21, and 926).
  3. Pushes Green New Deal in our public schools: Requires funding for school construction be used largely on enrollment diversity and Green New Deal agenda items (page 55).
  4. Pushes Green New Deal in our universities: Democrats include a $10 billion “environmental justice” higher education slush fund
  5. Forces faith-based child care providers out: The bill blocks the ability of many faith-based providers from participating in the childcare system and will lead to many of their closures (page 280).
  6. Hurts small and in-home daycares: Requires pre-K staff to have a college degree. (page 303)
  7. Includes new incentives for illegal immigration: Illegal immigrants will be eligible to take advantage of Democrats’ new ‘free’ college entitlement (page 92) as well be eligible for additional student aid (page 147) and the enhanced child tax credit (page 1,946).
  8. Includes legislative hull for Biden’s vaccine mandate: Increases OSHA penalties on businesses that fail to implement the mandate up to $700,000 per violation and includes $2.6 billion in funding for the Department of Labor to increase enforcement of these penalties (page 168).
  9. Gives unions near-total control: The bill includes insane prohibitions that would bind employers’ hands in union disputes and dangerously tilt the balance of power, subjecting employers to penalties that exempt union bosses and officials… among other things this bill would prevent employers from permanently replacing striking workers (page 175). It coerces businesses to meet union boss demands by increasing Fair Labor Standards Act penalties by an astronomical 900% (page 168).
  10. Makes unions bigger and more powerful
  11. Pushes Democrats’ wasteful and confusing school lunch agenda: $643 million f
  12. Furthers radical abortion agenda: Does not include the Hyde amendment and would mandate taxpayers pay for abortions (page 198) & (page 336).
  13. Drives up costs on Americans’ utility bills: could cost the American economy up to $9.1 billion and cost 90,000 Americans their jobs (page 368).
  14. Includes dangerous & deadly green energy mandate: Effectively forces Americans to get 40% of their energy from wind, solar and other unreliable forms of energy within 8 years (page 392). Reliance on these energy sources has proven deadly.
  15. Includes kickbacks for the Left’s green energy special interest network: $5 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants”
  16. Gives wealthy Americans tax credits: $222 billion in “green energy” tax credits
  17. Furthers Democrats’ social justice agenda: Includes “equity” initiatives throughout the bill
  18. Grants amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants: House Democrats have included in their reconciliation bill a plan to grant amnesty to around 8 million illegal immigrants at a cost of around $100 billion over ten years
  19. Opens border even wider: The bill would waive many grounds for immigration inadmissibility, including infection or lack of vaccination status , etc...
  20. Increases visa limit: At least 226,000 family-preference visas each year (page 905).
  21. Grants fast-tracked green cards for those seeking middle-class careers in America:
  22. Includes pork for Nancy Pelosi: $200 million is earmarked for the Presidio Trust in Speaker Pelosi’s congressional district (page 933).
  23. Increases energy dependence on OPEC, Russia and China:
  24. Exacerbates the chip shortage: The bill would mandate the conversion of the entire federal vehicle fleet from internal combustion engines to electric engines at a time when there is a global microchip shortage and crippled supply chains (page 1,043).
  25. Democrats’ feckless China bill is included: Concepts from the insanely weak Endless Frontier Act included, including $11 billion in research funding that will likely result in American intellectual property going to China
  26. Chases green energy pipe dreams: $264 million to the EPA to conduct research with left-wing environmental justice groups on how to transition away from fossil fuels
  27. Fixes “racist” roads and bridges: Adds a nearly $4 billion slush fund
  28. Punishes red states for failing to adopt Green New Deal provisions:
  29. Includes new massive, bankrupting entitlement:
  30. Advances a totalitarian and paternalistic view of the federal government: I
  31. Further detaches individuals from employment and more reliant on government handouts: The bill spends $835 billion on welfare through manipulating the tax code
  32. Tax benefits for the top 1%:
  33. Tax credit for wealthy donors who give to woke universities:
  34. Expands worst parts of Obamacare: Obamacare’s job-killing employer mandate will become more severe by adjusting the definition of “affordable coverage” to mean coverage that costs no more than 8.5 percent of income rather than current law’s 9.5 percent of income (page 2041).
  35. Increases taxes on Americans at every income level: $2 trillion in tax hikes will fall on those making under $400,000 per year
  36. Lowers wages for working families: The corporate tax rate will increase by 5.5%, meaning American companies will face one of the highest tax burdens in the world.
  37. Penalizes marriage: The bill would permanently double the EITC’s marriage penalty on childless worker benefits (page 2036).
  38. Imposes crushing taxes on small business: Guts the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act small business deductions that reduced pass-through entity taxes to keep them comparable to taxes imposed on corporations (page 2235) as well as hammer small businesses that file as individual tax earners with the 39.6% rate (page 2221) and Obamacare’s 3.8% tax on net investment income.
  39. Crushes family businesses and farms: The bill would impose a 25% capital gains rate (page 2226) and makes alterations to the Death Tax including cutting the Death Tax exemption in half (page 2240).
  40. Violates Americans’ financial privacy: $80 billion slush fund to hire an 87,000-IRS-agent army to carry out the Biden administration’s plan to review every account above a $600 balance or with more than $600 of transactions in a year. (page 2283).
  41. Increases out of pocket costs for those who rely on prescription drugs:
  42. Imports policies from countries with socialized medicine: The bill includes healthcare policies imported from systems in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom—all countries that have government-run healthcare systems (page 2349).

No one is telling you what's in it, especially Democrats or 'Walk-Away Joe'. Here ya go - you don;t have to read it yourself, but some of these above have the actual page numbers.

  1. Perpetuates labor shortage: Continues welfare benefits without work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents at a time where there are 10.1 million job openings—more openings than there are people looking for work.

Missouri to resume Food Stamp and Temporary Assistance work requirements in August​


In July, the Department of Social Services (DSS) will notify Missourians who have a work requirement to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TA), a cash grant and/or Food Stamp/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits that those work requirements will resume in August. A household’s failure to meet the program’s work requirement could potentially mean the loss of that benefit. The Family First Coronavirus Response Act section 2301 allowed Missouri to temporarily waive the work requirement for the Food Stamp/SNAP benefit and Governor Parson approved the DSS’s request to temporarily suspend the state statute regarding TA work requirements during COVID-19.

  1. Pushes Green New Deal in our public schools: Requires funding for school construction be used largely on enrollment diversity and Green New Deal agenda items (page 55).

(III) develop and implement 16 State-level strategies for safe, healthy, 17 energy efficient, and environmentally 18 resilient public school facilities that 19 address— 20 (aa) indoor air quality; 21 (bb) water quality; 22 (cc) energy and water effi23 ciency; 24 (dd) renewable energy and 25 decarbonization;

Hardly is renewable energy the main focus along with enrollment diversity. In fact when you read the section it ask the schools to develop a plan on usage of funds which is normal for grants.
Most of the list has zero foundations of the claims through a link or quote from the source it is merely a task of projecting hate for no other reason than a political opposition because they are not the ones writing the bill....
Republican don't like infrastructure bill?!

I'm shocked!
The Democrats had to redefine / make their own definition of the word 'Infrastructure' to justify giving amnesty to 8 - 12 million illegals while still calling it 'Infrastructure' in this bill. Are you that mush of a stupid sheep, or are you just parroting propaganda?
The Democrats had to redefine / make their own definition of the word 'Infrastructure' to justify giving amnesty to 8 - 12 million illegals while still calling it 'Infrastructure' in this bill. Are you that mush of a stupid sheep, or are you just parroting propaganda?

Expansion of government is never a good thing. The last amnesty program was a sham on the citizens of this country and it is worse this time around.



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