42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

Too bad that that 42% can't go over to Europe and live there for 6 months to a year to find out the bad things of Socialism.
Interesting story:
Back in the late sixties many of us budding socialist hippies, most of us fresh out of community colleges AKA Liberal Indoctrination Centers tapped our hard working steady REP voting parents for the money to 'see the world'. Many of us ended up in places like Tibet/China etc.
We all had vehemently shouted down wicked 'Capitalism!
What a hilarious fucking joke! Some of us stayed and started our own 'American Style' pie shops and burger joints. There was NO WAY we'd live like the ignorant peasants. I rented a beautiful hill top villa with a full time cook and a full time housekeeper for 100 US bucks a month. My 'allowance' from my parents was at the time $500 a month. Many more came home having first made agreements with local fabric business to import CHEAP!!!!!!!!!! goods from these countries. Many still are doing this decades later. ALL of them vote REP now.
Virtually ALL of us ended up being the fucking 'Capitalist Pigs' we hated before we flew from our prosperous REP voting parent's nests.
Maggie Thatcher said: "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money to spend". Give that a think all you silly LIB children.
There's nothing like living in a country living in poverty under a Socialist/Communist government to give you the 'Come To Jesus Moment'.
And I was here in the States with only what I could earn on my own. And experianced the wonders of unregulated capitalism working in places where the asbestos looked like fog in the air. But I earned a skill, and took college classes that I paid for. Did not finish then, but am taking care of that now. And I see what the Europeans, Canadians, Taiwanese, and Japanese have accomplished with socialism in health care. OK, you of the silver spoon, most of us didn't have that opportunity, and most of us would not have held those 'peasants' in contempt.
The us has been socialist for over 100 years . You don't have to be afraid of the word!
Here are 20 institutions within the U.S. that right wingers don't even realize are socialist:

1, Social Security
2. Medicare and Medicaid
3. The Post Office
4. Public Schools and Colleges and Universities
5. Libraries
6. Water Treatment Systems
7. Recreational Centers, including Gyms, Parks, Beaches
8. National Parks
9. Public Transit Systems, Trains, Subways, Buses
10.Police, Firefighters, Sanitation Services, Public Hospitals
11.Military Services and Protection
12.Labor Protections
13.Food and Drug Regulations
14.Environmental Protections
15.Financial Institutions Regulations
16.Transportation Safety Regulations
17.Housing Regulations
18.Energy Regulations
19.Military Veterans Protections
20.Homeland Security Protections

Right on cue it shows up.

All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?
The left makes the lame argument that all government is socialism and they use roads as an example but public roads, libraries, and other things do not interfere with individuals who want to do something on their own for profit. They should not share any kind of intersection with each other and the total economic(s) of individuals is free of interference from these institutions. They don't smother them into non-existence and seem to coexist side by side in a neatral kind of manor which is why no one complains about roads and libraries.
Because they are naïve and lazy
All economic/political/property theories have good aspects to them. It is the end game and how they go about it that you have to recognize.
From your link(then click on yougov link), it seems to be mostly "young adults" 18-29. Which, stands by my first point lol.
These people come up thinking everyone/thing, even the Earth, owes you something. Its bullshit.
It's because jobs no longer offer the benefits of medical coverage and pensions. Once those benefits were washed out of the labor market, people started to seek out benefits through government.

If Conservatives had not catered to the business community and looked the other way while living wages and benefits were bleached out of employment, those same Conservatives are using invectives and epithets to paint the labor force as "lazy and naïve". Such a view is itself lazy and naive.

Progressive can't even figure out how to access clean water without massive government intervention, how do you expect them to get health insurance?
Is accessing clean water something you did independently of all your neighbors, or do you live in the sticks and have a well? And is that well safe, or are you drinking your assumptions?
Here are 20 institutions within the U.S. that right wingers don't even realize are socialist:

1, Social Security
2. Medicare and Medicaid
3. The Post Office
4. Public Schools and Colleges and Universities
5. Libraries
6. Water Treatment Systems
7. Recreational Centers, including Gyms, Parks, Beaches
8. National Parks
9. Public Transit Systems, Trains, Subways, Buses
10.Police, Firefighters, Sanitation Services, Public Hospitals
11.Military Services and Protection
12.Labor Protections
13.Food and Drug Regulations
14.Environmental Protections
15.Financial Institutions Regulations
16.Transportation Safety Regulations
17.Housing Regulations
18.Energy Regulations
19.Military Veterans Protections
20.Homeland Security Protections

Right on cue it shows up.

All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?

I don't want to have to re-type all of them.
The left makes the lame argument that all government is socialism and they use roads as an example but public roads, libraries, and other things do not interfere with individuals who want to do something on their own for profit. They should not share any kind of intersection with each other and the total economic(s) of individuals is free of interference from these institutions. They don't smother them into non-existence and seem to coexist side by side in a neatral kind of manor which is why no one complains about roads and libraries.
nobody complains about basic govt services. Period.
Just a STUPID argument.
The us has been socialist for over 100 years . You don't have to be afraid of the word!
no we haven't. Dum dum
just because you use an aspect of a theory, doesn't mean you have to apply that theory.
If that was the case we would be marxicapitifascialist
Here are 20 institutions within the U.S. that right wingers don't even realize are socialist:

1, Social Security
2. Medicare and Medicaid
3. The Post Office
4. Public Schools and Colleges and Universities
5. Libraries
6. Water Treatment Systems
7. Recreational Centers, including Gyms, Parks, Beaches
8. National Parks
9. Public Transit Systems, Trains, Subways, Buses
10.Police, Firefighters, Sanitation Services, Public Hospitals
11.Military Services and Protection
12.Labor Protections
13.Food and Drug Regulations
14.Environmental Protections
15.Financial Institutions Regulations
16.Transportation Safety Regulations
17.Housing Regulations
18.Energy Regulations
19.Military Veterans Protections
20.Homeland Security Protections

Right on cue it shows up.

All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?

I don't want to have to re-type all of them.

Pick 3 !
Too bad that that 42% can't go over to Europe and live there for 6 months to a year to find out the bad things of Socialism.
Interesting story:
Back in the late sixties many of us budding socialist hippies, most of us fresh out of community colleges AKA Liberal Indoctrination Centers tapped our hard working steady REP voting parents for the money to 'see the world'. Many of us ended up in places like Tibet/China etc.
We all had vehemently shouted down wicked 'Capitalism!
What a hilarious fucking joke! Some of us stayed and started our own 'American Style' pie shops and burger joints. There was NO WAY we'd live like the ignorant peasants. I rented a beautiful hill top villa with a full time cook and a full time housekeeper for 100 US bucks a month. My 'allowance' from my parents was at the time $500 a month. Many more came home having first made agreements with local fabric business to import CHEAP!!!!!!!!!! goods from these countries. Many still are doing this decades later. ALL of them vote REP now.
Virtually ALL of us ended up being the fucking 'Capitalist Pigs' we hated before we flew from our prosperous REP voting parent's nests.
Maggie Thatcher said: "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money to spend". Give that a think all you silly LIB children.
There's nothing like living in a country living in poverty under a Socialist/Communist government to give you the 'Come To Jesus Moment'.

To bad Bernie Sanders who is an original flower power child hasn't.
Here are 20 institutions within the U.S. that right wingers don't even realize are socialist:

1, Social Security
2. Medicare and Medicaid
3. The Post Office
4. Public Schools and Colleges and Universities
5. Libraries
6. Water Treatment Systems
7. Recreational Centers, including Gyms, Parks, Beaches
8. National Parks
9. Public Transit Systems, Trains, Subways, Buses
10.Police, Firefighters, Sanitation Services, Public Hospitals
11.Military Services and Protection
12.Labor Protections
13.Food and Drug Regulations
14.Environmental Protections
15.Financial Institutions Regulations
16.Transportation Safety Regulations
17.Housing Regulations
18.Energy Regulations
19.Military Veterans Protections
20.Homeland Security Protections

Right on cue it shows up.

All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?

I don't want to have to re-type all of them.

Pick 3 !

I have a better idea. Why don't you pick one and then explain why it's socialist?
The us has been socialist for over 100 years . You don't have to be afraid of the word!
no we haven't. Dum dum
just because you use an aspect of a theory, doesn't mean you have to apply that theory.
If that was the case we would be marxicapitifascialist

We haven't ? How do you define socialism ?!

Hell, I'll go back more . I'd say the us became socialist when we opened the west for land grab expansion.
The us has been socialist for over 100 years . You don't have to be afraid of the word!
no we haven't. Dum dum
just because you use an aspect of a theory, doesn't mean you have to apply that theory.
If that was the case we would be marxicapitifascialist

We haven't ? How do you define socialism ?!

Hell, I'll go back more . I'd say the us became socialist when we opened the west for land grab expansion.
socialist aspects does not equal socialism.
We are turning into a socially Marxist population. Does that make us Marxists? The govt regulates so much shit from people to businesses. Does that make us fascists?
Right on cue it shows up.

All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?

I don't want to have to re-type all of them.

Pick 3 !

I have a better idea. Why don't you pick one and then explain why it's socialist?

Ok. Public Ed . As a society we all benefit from a well educated population / work force . As a nation , All kids are entitled to an education without being charged for it .
All of which are mediocre at best....

Really ? Like which ones? Would we be better without them?

I don't want to have to re-type all of them.

Pick 3 !

I have a better idea. Why don't you pick one and then explain why it's socialist?

Ok. Public Ed . As a society we all benefit from a well educated population / work force . As a nation , All kids are entitled to an education without being charged for it .

The kids aren't charged for it but the parents are, even local residents who don't have kids in the local school system are charged for it. And you didn't explain why it's socialist.
Here are 20 institutions within the U.S. that right wingers don't even realize are socialist:

1, Social Security
2. Medicare and Medicaid
3. The Post Office
4. Public Schools and Colleges and Universities
5. Libraries
6. Water Treatment Systems
7. Recreational Centers, including Gyms, Parks, Beaches
8. National Parks
9. Public Transit Systems, Trains, Subways, Buses
10.Police, Firefighters, Sanitation Services, Public Hospitals
11.Military Services and Protection
12.Labor Protections
13.Food and Drug Regulations
14.Environmental Protections
15.Financial Institutions Regulations
16.Transportation Safety Regulations
17.Housing Regulations
18.Energy Regulations
19.Military Veterans Protections
20.Homeland Security Protections

OK, here goes, from his/her own definition.......

1. Social security........yep, ponzi socialist scheme going broke.

2. Med and Med........Socialist ponzi scheme going broke.

3. Post Office..............in the red, just like Socialism, going broke.

4. Public Schools.........are so good and Socialist, the employees won't allow vouchers of choice for small children, or they would go broke. Can't survive with competition.

5. Libraries.........and what do they have in there, encyclopedia Britannica you can get online? Don't know if they are going broke, but in todays day and age, are useless, just like everything Socialist.

6. Water Treatment.........this is government services needed regardless of what kind of system you have. If you want to claim it is Socialist, then I say, look at Michigan-)

7. 8. Recreational centers, National Parks..............would be funded by charities better, and would then actually have better services. Gyms? Are you saying they are non-profit and a businessperson opens them just to be nice? You are seriously kidding.

9. Public transit. Always losing money and need a cash infusion. In most big cities, it is where you are most likely robbed. Lefties like them to save the planet mantra, but they mostly stink. Typical, socialist, claptrap. Also, in most cities, the biggest corruption leader.

10. Police and Firefighters. They to are government services, needed no matter what system you are under. But of course, the left is always messing with the police, telling them they are evil.

11. Military. That is funny, lol. Go up to a service man or woman and tell them they are a socialist, or belong to a socialist group, then come back, and let us know how long you were in the hospital..........which of course, you claim is Socialist too.

12. Labor protection. Now you know why everyone with a company is fleeing America. Thanks Socialists.

13. Food and Drug. FOOD-----> bang up job there, been watching the news lately on everyone getting sick at restaurants? DRUG-----> many countries are using the drugs WE developed to cure their people, and here we sit waiting for the red tape to clear. Typical socialist system.

14. EPA. Has taken over for congress, a bunch of unelected officials, who are not doing it for the enviroment, they are doing it for SOCIALISM. They are by far, the worst agency in the government, even worse than the IRS.

15 Financial regulations. Agreed! If it weren't for them and their regs, there never would have been a housing crisis and economic collapse. Socialism gave us the collapse by demanding loans to people who could not pay them back.

16. Transportation/safety regulations. Yep, agreed. Were it NOT for the Socialist CAFE standards, many of our friends, relatives, and neighbors would still be alive as they forced autos to shrink into tin cans.

17. Housing regulations. How many inspectors have contractors bought off? Want links, lol. Yep, good idea, but as usual the people put in charge line their pockets. SOCIALISM at its finest.

18. Energy regulations. You mean like the watchful eye they had on Enron, or are you talking about something else entirely? Rolling blackouts, lol.........when they had plenty of power. Bang up job Socialism did there, wouldn't you say!

19. Veterans protection/benefits. You really want to talk about that? Maybe you should listen to the debates to see what a bang up job that bastion of SOCIALISM is doing.

20. Homeland security. Thought they were private firms? Oh wait, I know, aren't those the people who convinced everyone to check little old ladies and kids instead of someone screaming Allah Akbar?

And you know what is evident in ALL of his examples? It is a FORCED contribution to support these entities, and when you discover they are stinking it out, you can't fire anyone because they are protected by a SOCIALIST, PUBLIC SECTOR, UNION! Hell, many municipalities are going with private garbage collection to escape these people.

Since NASA is gone, we will just put the military on the side with it. OK people, name me an agency of the Federal government that YOU think is doing a bang-up job! Post office anyone? Veterans administration? Medicare being constantly scammed? Social Security being scammed? Education department, lol? Obamacare administration? (whomever takes care of that) State department?

This is OUR future, this is SOCIALISM if we allow the Democrats to have their way! Your taxes will go up, and your services will go down.
They ask a whole 1,000 out of hundreds of millions and you expect people to believe the poll results are true to the actual mood of the nation?
I know the idiots will believe it..

More to the point --- did the poll even ask or define what respondents think the term means and whether they buy the McCarthyesque perversions of it?

Seems more like a poll on the terminology than on stuff like social security and public libraries.

{EDIT} Confirmed. The full poll is posted here. It gives no description or definition of the terms "socialism", captialism" or "democratic socialism", meaning the definition is left entirely to the respondent, which of course will vary tremendously according to what each respondent understands the terms to mean.

And that in turn means it's a poll about the terminology, not the ideology. It cannot mean anything else.
Bullshit. Not everyone will agree on precisely what constitutes socialism but people know socialism is government control. Capitalism has been demonized enough at this point the number is totally believable.
They ask a whole 1,000 out of hundreds of millions and you expect people to believe the poll results are true to the actual mood of the nation?
I know the idiots will believe it..

More to the point --- did the poll even ask or define what respondents think the term means and whether they buy the McCarthyesque perversions of it?

Seems more like a poll on the terminology than on stuff like social security and public libraries.

{EDIT} Confirmed. The full poll is posted here. It gives no description or definition of the terms "socialism", captialism" or "democratic socialism", meaning the definition is left entirely to the respondent, which of course will vary tremendously according to what each respondent understands the terms to mean.

And that in turn means it's a poll about the terminology, not the ideology. It cannot mean anything else.

Most of that age bracket thins a "Socialist" is someone good with Twitter and Facebook.

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