4 myths many on the right believe about liberalism -- updated


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly are some exceptions, liberals do not hate the rich in general. There are certain types of rich people we hate, but we are not against the idea of a wealthy class in general. We fully realize their importance to our economic system. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does and still is.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here. Know the difference. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear the cons on this board demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. It's not like we have a goddamn meeting every month to decide what we all believe. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives. Seriously, think about this.

3. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all. Contrary to what many on the right like to believe, Obama is very much a centrist. Creating private sector job growth? Pushing tax cuts? Consolidating the federal government by slashing public jobs to save billions? Appointing conservative members to his cabinet?...yeah Obama has done all of that.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

Don't be dense. Any idiot understands the importance of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are, but they are RARE. There is no statistical evidence that fraud is rampant. Most people who receive government assistance like SNAP need it.

This really is basic common sense. When millions of people lost their jobs due to the economic spiral of 2008, those people NEEDED relief. Being able bodied means nothing when you lose your job and have kids to support.
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Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.

You realize of course that by generalizing liberals in this way makes you just as stupid as the "group think" liberals you claim are so common.

1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

If liberals did actually hate the rich then so many of them would have given their ill-got fortunes to others. Voluntary re-distribution. Most don't. Instead they build dynasties. When they're not buying McMansions and gas-guzzling European made SUVs.

2. Liberals all think the same way.

Definitely not true. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to mouth the day's talking points. They do otherwise and they're disowned and villified. Thought doesn't come into play.

3. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

See above. Liberals (reiterated because lib memory is short) are not allowed to think, however they are encouraged to "feel" and at least feign belief.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

More untruth. It's not so much that libs believe in mooching off government; rather that its role is to confiscate the wealth of those who have it any and redistribute it according to their principles. Unfortunately this does not extend to their own wealth.

Se we are in total agreement on the main points. It's those pesky details that get in the way. Learn to see the big picture and it'll be OK.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

If liberals did actually hate the rich then so many of them would have given their ill-got fortunes to others. Voluntary re-distribution. Most don't. Instead they build dynasties. When they're not buying McMansions and gas-guzzling European made SUVs.

2. Liberals all think the same way.

Definitely not true. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to mouth the day's talking points. They do otherwise and they're disowned and villified. Thought doesn't come into play.

3. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

See above. Liberals (reiterated because lib memory is short) are not allowed to think, however they are encouraged to "feel" and at least feign belief.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

More untruth. It's not so much that libs believe in mooching off government; rather that its role is to confiscate the wealth of those who have it any and redistribute it according to their principles. Unfortunately this does not extend to their own wealth.

Se we are in total agreement on the main points. It's those pesky details that get in the way. Learn to see the big picture and it'll be OK.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound after reading liberal myth number 2? I know critical thinking is difficult, but I strongly recommend it.
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.

We will when one shows up.
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.

You realize of course that by generalizing liberals in this way makes you just as stupid as the "group think" liberals you claim are so common.


Is that what they told you to type?

Good job.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

If liberals did actually hate the rich then so many of them would have given their ill-got fortunes to others. Voluntary re-distribution. Most don't. Instead they build dynasties. When they're not buying McMansions and gas-guzzling European made SUVs.

Definitely not true. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to mouth the day's talking points. They do otherwise and they're disowned and villified. Thought doesn't come into play.

See above. Liberals (reiterated because lib memory is short) are not allowed to think, however they are encouraged to "feel" and at least feign belief.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

More untruth. It's not so much that libs believe in mooching off government; rather that its role is to confiscate the wealth of those who have it any and redistribute it according to their principles. Unfortunately this does not extend to their own wealth.

Se we are in total agreement on the main points. It's those pesky details that get in the way. Learn to see the big picture and it'll be OK.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound after reading liberal myth number 2? I know critical thinking is difficult, but I strongly recommend it.

Liberals don't hate rich people, because a lot of them are rich people. Speaking personally I just hate the plutocracy. Warren Buffett makes $37,000,000,000 every day because the American economy has been stolen from the rest of us. When this kind of shit happens, you know something is wrong.

Now I'll wait for the group-think right to tell me how this translates into 1980 dollars and how he didn't have insider information to do it.

Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.

You realize of course that by generalizing liberals in this way makes you just as stupid as the "group think" liberals you claim are so common.


Is that what they told you to type?

Good job.

That hole in the sand is waiting for your head to return.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

If liberals did actually hate the rich then so many of them would have given their ill-got fortunes to others. Voluntary re-distribution. Most don't. Instead they build dynasties. When they're not buying McMansions and gas-guzzling European made SUVs.

2. Liberals all think the same way.

Definitely not true. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to mouth the day's talking points. They do otherwise and they're disowned and villified. Thought doesn't come into play.

3. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

See above. Liberals (reiterated because lib memory is short) are not allowed to think, however they are encouraged to "feel" and at least feign belief.

4. Liberals believe in mooching off the government. They do not believe people should have jobs.

More untruth. It's not so much that libs believe in mooching off government; rather that its role is to confiscate the wealth of those who have it any and redistribute it according to their principles. Unfortunately this does not extend to their own wealth.

Se we are in total agreement on the main points. It's those pesky details that get in the way. Learn to see the big picture and it'll be OK.

Thanks - this was some funny sh*t
BillyOOO...forgot one
12 (or whatever number he is on) - Liberals are intolerant of others opinions and views. And will resort to insults and accusations to defer the conversation.

Let's sit back and watch him deny this one.
If liberals did actually hate the rich then so many of them would have given their ill-got fortunes to others. Voluntary re-distribution. Most don't. Instead they build dynasties. When they're not buying McMansions and gas-guzzling European made SUVs.

Definitely not true. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to mouth the day's talking points. They do otherwise and they're disowned and villified. Thought doesn't come into play.

See above. Liberals (reiterated because lib memory is short) are not allowed to think, however they are encouraged to "feel" and at least feign belief.

More untruth. It's not so much that libs believe in mooching off government; rather that its role is to confiscate the wealth of those who have it any and redistribute it according to their principles. Unfortunately this does not extend to their own wealth.

Se we are in total agreement on the main points. It's those pesky details that get in the way. Learn to see the big picture and it'll be OK.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound after reading liberal myth number 2? I know critical thinking is difficult, but I strongly recommend it.

Liberals don't hate rich people, because a lot of them are rich people. Speaking personally I just hate the plutocracy. Warren Buffett makes $37,000,000,000 every day because the American economy has been stolen from the rest of us. When this kind of shit happens, you know something is wrong.

Now I'll wait for the group-think right to tell me how this translates into 1980 dollars and how he didn't have insider information to do it.

Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013

So you don't hate all rich people just selective rich people, are you pissed at Buffett because his money will go to charity instead of the government or because he's just good at making it?
Thant's not true at all, conservatives believe liberals have no ablility to think for themselves so they engage in group-think, not good when so many are too stupid to breath. So just run along and see how the group wants you to reply to this and let the grown ups talk.
Yep. Liberals do not believe in the power of the individual citizen as the Founders crafted the Constitution toward...therefore they must circumvent the Constitution thus nullifying the individual.

Their HERD mentality has brought us to where we are.
All the new bs GOP has is stupid talking points and insults, and mindless obstruction. America has NEVER SEEN SUCH A HUGE BS PROPAGANDA MACHINE AS fOX, rUSH, bECK, hERITAGE, iSSA, ETC ETC ETC. all FINANACED BY GREEDY BILLIONNAIRES AND HATER DUPE ZOMBIES WHO INHABIT ANOTHER PLANET...gd shift key lol...
More stuff we conservatives believe about liberals (except this is all true):

5. Liberals feel the need to demonize the people whose money they are stealing, so liberals can assuage their guilt about taking money from those people because it is "the right thing to do".

For example, calling the people they are forcing to buy health insurance "freeloaders" so they can overcharge them for insurance and give that money to people who did nothing to earn it. It takes a serious mental twist to call the people you are stealing from "freeloaders" when you are giving the money you stole to ACTUAL freeloaders.

And then there is "you didn't build that". Used to justify making ALL rich people pay "just a little bit more" in taxes. This particular mental twist seems to think rich people are the ONLY people using bridges and roads!
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The hater dupes fighting for the freedom to continue being SCREWED by their greedy mega rich heroes and bought off charlatans...perfect, ignorant chumps lol AARRGGHHHH...
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All the new bs GOP has is stupid talking points and insults, and mindless obstruction. America has NEVER SEEN SUCH A HUGE BS PROPAGANDA MACHINE AS fOX, rUSH, bECK, hERITAGE, iSSA, ETC ETC ETC. all FINANACED BY GREEDY BILLIONNAIRES AND HATER DUPE ZOMBIES WHO INHABIT ANOTHER PLANET...gd shift key lol...

And we hear from the biggest group think freak in the basket, what took ya so long?
Do you not realize how stupid you sound after reading liberal myth number 2? I know critical thinking is difficult, but I strongly recommend it.

Liberals don't hate rich people, because a lot of them are rich people. Speaking personally I just hate the plutocracy. Warren Buffett makes $37,000,000,000 every day because the American economy has been stolen from the rest of us. When this kind of shit happens, you know something is wrong.

Now I'll wait for the group-think right to tell me how this translates into 1980 dollars and how he didn't have insider information to do it.

Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013
Buffett's wealth soared $37 million a day in 2013

So you don't hate all rich people just selective rich people, are you pissed at Buffett because his money will go to charity instead of the government or because he's just good at making it?

So Buffett is donating all that money to charity? Oh, excuse me. I didn't know that. Want to corroborate that for me? Or just blow more pixelated methane here?

But he's part of the fix and the fix is in. The top 1% owns 40% of the wealth in America. The bottom 80% owns only 7%. Do you think it was that way in the 1960s? Or even the mid-1980s?

Do you need me to attach links to the above figures? Or can you do it yourself? There's too many links here to list.

More stuff we conservatives believe about liberals (except this is all true):

5. Liberals feel the need to demonize the people whose money they are stealing, so liberals can assuage their guilt about taking money from those people because it is "the right thing to do".

For example, calling the people they are forcing to buy health insurance "freeloaders" so they can overcharge them for insurance and give that money to people who did nothing to earn it. It takes a serious mental twist to call the people you are stealing from "freeloaders" when you are giving the money you stole to ACTUAL freeloaders.

And then there is "you didn't build that". Used to justify making ALL rich people pay "just a little bit more" in taxes. This particular mental twist seems to think rich people are the ONLY people using bridges and roads!
WE did build that, and when are you assholes going to learn it ISN'T YOUR MONEY, and YOU aren't entitled to it? That make YOU and the government THIEVES that should be flogged. CRIMINALS that you are.

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