4 Million doses in One Day !!!

The Trump Shot.
Trump slowed down the vaccine. This is why our first FDA approved vaccine came from Germany.

Obama / Biden had 4 US made vaccines approved in under 5 months when viruses struck US. It took Trump twice as long to get one from a foreign country because he played politics with Hydroxychloroquine & caught Covid himself while taking it.
You're Demsplaining again; that means lying you miserable lying shitweasel!!!

This is why we elected Biden !

Cemetery owners and coroners love Biden too, they receive lot of work to do soon

This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

The same brainiac who forced J& J and Astra Zeneca to share a facility that mixed their vaccines causing over 15 million doses to have to be pulled and thrown away? And which honest Abe decided to tell the public it was only a wrong dose amount that was the cause of the recall of vaccines?
=now people mistrust the vaccine more then ever from the lack of transparency and all the lying.
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

The same brainiac who forced J& J and Astra Zeneca to share a facility that mixed their vaccines causing over 15 million doses to have to be pulled and thrown away? And which honest Abe decided to tell the public it was only a wrong dose amount that was the cause of the recall of vaccines?
=now people mistrust the vaccine more then ever from the lack of transparency and all the lying.

Of course they mistrust because know:
Anyone vaccinated will die within 1 or 2 years

With this many people getting vaccinated why does credit have to be limited to just one administration...
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

When told the news, Pinochijoe responded "zzzzzzzzz".....
The Trump Shot.
Trump slowed down the vaccine. This is why our first FDA approved vaccine came from Germany.

Obama / Biden had 4 US made vaccines approved in under 5 months when viruses struck US. It took Trump twice as long to get one from a foreign country because he played politics with Hydroxychloroquine & caught Covid himself while taking it.
Trump slowed down the vaccines? The vaccines were out in record time with little testing--------for a NEW virus which has me worried.

Hate to break the bad news to you btw---the medical staff are using the antivirals including Hydrozycholorquine to threat the the infected along with a certain std antiviral since the fascists in the Biden administration are clamping down on those using common sense which is what Trump was doing. They are using these drugs themselves to prevent the virus and to threat it thusly lowering hospitalizations down here in florida.
step right up DEMONRATS....get a shot that we know nothing about. not even the major side effects, like DEATH....
beijing xiden needs people to take the experimental, not a vaccine, shot....step right up
tell xiden you want the placebo, like it got, not an experimental shot..it is not a vaccine....DUH
The Rump Administration was, indeed, responsible for fast-tracking the first vaccine(s), and getting them approved and ready for manufacture...

Trouble is, they lacked a practical understanding of both Manufacture and Logistics, and therefore left us "all dressed up and no place to go"...

The supposed reserve of vaccine turned out to be nonexistent - not surprising given that Rump climbed into a shell and abdicated once he lost the election...

At least Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and HIS people understood the dynamics of Manufacture and Logistics and ramped-up production and reinvented its distribution...

Left in Rump's hands, we'd have 10,000,000 people vaccinated by now rather than 100,000,000... led by a power-made egomaniac who secretly made sure he got HIS...

Republicans can keep trying to defend that Orange Piece-of-$hit all they want... nobody but fellow Rump-Worshipers... and increasingly fewer REAL Republicans... believe...

Credit Rump et al for fast-tracking the research and approvals...

Everything else... including the Success that is being accomplished from that early baseline... is credited to the Biden Administration...

Rump only knew HOW to bull$hit... Biden knows how to cut THROUGH the bull$hit... big difference... and it shows... thanks be to God.
C'mon man, Biden could not have both ways. On one hand, he complained that Orange did not push the vaccine out fast enough. Then, saying there was no reserve of the vaccine. Can you show me how reinvented his distribution? I could not find it in CNN or MSNBC (the 6 for 5 did not count, and it was so stupid). :rolleyes: In the end, you are clueless about the vaccina number, when Orange moved out of the WH, this was his number.

BTW, do you have any update on the Biden's 300K missing vaccina? It seems that the news dead.
Biden inherited a program that was broken and turned it into an unparalleled success.

That makes Former Guy MAGAcreeps crazy
Vaccines were running at a million a day prior to Biden.
You would be waiting five years for the vaccine without Trump's Warp Speed.
Vaccines were running at a million a day prior to Biden.
They MAY have peaked out for a day or two at that number but on average that is nowhere near true.

What was it...60 days from the first vaccination to the Former Guy leaving office and 17 million doses administered?

How has it been going lately? 60-70 days and 140 million doses?

Yea...almost the same huh...dope

Christ sake, the vaccine wasn't available until mid-December....fricken clown.
its NOT a vaccine...if it was, there would be no more talk about more shots, just in case (it dont kill you)....DUH

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...
I'm not anti vaccine. I have taken vaccines in the past, and vaccinate my kids against measles, tetanus etc.
However, I don't think I need a vaccine for something that kills 0.01% of my age bracket.

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...
Sweetheart get your terms down correctly.

The vaccines aren't vaccines----they are genetic modifiers--mRNA inhibitors.

No one knows what the fuck these injections do long or even short term---not even their developers.

Many like yourself have no clue what the damn drug is or actually what it does.
step right up DEMONRATS....get a shot that we know nothing about. not even the major side effects, like DEATH....
beijing xiden needs people to take the experimental, not a vaccine, shot....step right up
tell xiden you want the placebo, like it got, not an experimental shot..it is not a vaccine....DUH
My 31 year old fit & active tree climbing & cutting tenant caught Covid-19 about 6 months ago, then suddenly started having heart problems that had him unable to work at his own family business. His brother just told me he found him dead in my rental house.
...The vaccines aren't vaccines----they are genetic modifiers--mRNA inhibitors. No one knows what the fuck these injections do long or even short term---not even their developers. Many like yourself have no clue what the damn drug is or actually what it does.
1. vaccine or not, the term vaccine is used broadly in the popular vernacular to hang a label off of the injection... the verbiage is immaterial to the larger issues..

2. I'll take my chances with the RNA modifier... you're free to take your changes with one of the now-spreading nastier more resistant strains of COVID-19...

3. Eighty-five percent of the 2,500 clinicians that work on my healthcare campus have chosen the vaccine... I'll defer to their competency in such matters
...The vaccines aren't vaccines----they are genetic modifiers--mRNA inhibitors. No one knows what the fuck these injections do long or even short term---not even their developers. Many like yourself have no clue what the damn drug is or actually what it does.
1. vaccine or not, the term vaccine is used broadly in the popular vernacular to hang a label off of the injection... the verbiage is immaterial to the larger issues..

2. I'll take my chances with the RNA modifier... you're free to take your changes with one of the now-spreading nastier more resistant strains of COVID-19...

3. Eighty-five percent of the 2,500 clinicians that work on my healthcare campus have chosen the vaccine... I'll defer to their competency in such matters
have at it.....

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...
Look at all the commie demonRAT freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...just in time 4 their injections
Silly, ignorant, misguided, bleating sheep...

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...
Look at all the commie demonRAT freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...just in time 4 their injections
Silly, ignorant, misguided, bleating sheep...
Yea...because anti-vaxxers are great judges of who is and isn't sane

Look at all the Anti-Vaccer freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...

Silly, ignorant, misguided fools...
Look at all the commie demonRAT freaks and geeks who escaped from the lunatic asylum...just in time 4 their injections
Silly, ignorant, misguided, bleating sheep...
Yea...because anti-vaxxers are great judges of who is and isn't sane
and you are?..... hahaha

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