300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional aid to Israel

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!
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It seems to me Israel is more than capable of funding their own defense. Our involvement with them is what made us a terrorist target in the first place.

That little uh oh moment they had the other day at the Dimona Nuclear Weapons facility was interesting. It was just prior to any reports of incoming missiles.

I still don't quite know what to think of it.

What I gather is that either a very dangerous weakness was exposed, or the image of a very dangerous weakness was projected.

And then shortly after, we saw rockets raining down there at Camp Victory there at the Iraq airport.
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!
Enough is enough! How much more do we owe Israel?
We have been giving Israel since their inception in 1948.
Israel is like a parasite that feeds off the US, The US government keeps giving the tax payer money for no apparent reason, we get nothing out of it We give them money even after that attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 Americans. Fuck Israel
The US government keeps giving the tax payer money for no apparent reason, we get nothing out of it

Well. In terms of what 'we' get out of it, think of it in terms of 'security'

Security is such an arbitrary term these days. It's convenient. Especially if one openly deems the entire world to be their battlefield and possesses the unchallenged luxury of taxation without representation to defend their position on that battlefield.

Right? Because that's how Congress and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee are framing it. It's all about 'security' But whose specifically? And in what way? Who are they protecting themselves from?

Of, course, there really is no 'we' as it pertains to the American electorate benefitting in any way whatsoever.

So now ask yourself a random question about 'security'

Just pick one, doesn't matter. Like, for instance.....oh...I dunno...how does the United States Postal Service use technology to spy on the American electorate for the United States government?

That kind of security.

I dunno. Seems to me that every time the term 'security' gets thrown out there it's the American electorate who ends up with their drawers down around their ankles.

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What the American electorate would do very well to start doing is asking their representatives precisely how America benefits. What I mean by that is how Americans themselves benefit.

They never do. Like...ever. The entire subject is always framed from the perspective of Israeli interests. Always. It's quite a luxury to have, isn't it?

I can't speak for anyone else, but, I , for one, consent to very, very little that is done in Congress that is done in the name of 'America'.

Gotta start questioning more...
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!
Enough is enough! How much more do we owe Israel?
We have been giving Israel since their inception in 1948.
Israel is like a parasite that feeds off the US, The US government keeps giving the tax payer money for no apparent reason, we get nothing out of it We give them money even after that attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 Americans. Fuck Israel
Now take off your blinders and criticize aid to Egypt and the Palestinians
It seems to me Israel is more than capable of funding their own defense. Our involvement with them is what made us a terrorist target in the first place.
So Israel is to blame for the FACT that Islam is a terrorist cult?
Gotta agree. Giving blacks handouts doesnt make me violent. The problem is with Islam, not aid to Israel (not in that context anyway)
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!

Israel is prosperous. They should give that 3 billion to Haiti.
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!

Israel is prosperous. They should give that 3 billion to Haiti.
Not a dime to an African nation that committed true white genocide. Fuck Haiti
From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!

Israel is prosperous. They should give that 3 billion to Haiti.
Not a dime to an African nation that committed true white genocide. Fuck Haiti

Haiti isn't in Africa..

Israel has to keep the existential threat going to keep US money flowing.
Sadly, too many American people and politicians act like Israel is our 51st state, and the U.S. Constitution says we must defend Israel no matter what the cost. ... :cuckoo:
We do that for many nations. Capitalist, "democratic" and "free." Mostly I disagree with ANY foreign aid, but we will defend any democratic nation who is being attacked by tyrants
It seems to me Israel is more than capable of funding their own defense. Our involvement with them is what made us a terrorist target in the first place.

I'd rather fund Israel than Western Europe.

So...you get rid of 70% of all NATO funding the U.S. accounts for and I promise to stop supporting payments to Israel...


NATO is beneficial and pays their share.

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