30 % of Democrats in new poll say few or none of 2020 hopefuls share their values (?)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I guess there is STILL HOPE that there really are some DemonRATS that actually have MORALS, ETHICS & PRINCIPLES....few but some ... very few if any on USMB!

The Hill ^ | 07/30/19 | Tess Bonn

A new poll found that 30 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters say that few or none of the 2020 presidential hopefuls share their values.

In a Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday, 4 percent of Democratic voters said that none of the more than two dozen contenders running for the party's 2020 nomination share their values. Six percent of them said that all of the candidates share their values.

The poll found that there was a small difference in men and women voters, with 32 percent of female voters saying that few or none of the White House hopefuls share their values while 28 percent of men said the same.

Overall, 70 percent of the voting block said that all, most or some of the 2020 Democratic contenders do share their positions.

Younger voters were more likely to say that 2020 Democrats have the same values as they do, with 75 percent of those surveyed between the ages of 18-34 saying that at least some of the 2020 Democrats share the same views as them.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 1,000 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters. The sampling margin of error of this poll is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

The second round of primary debates kicks off this week in Detroit. Since the field consists of more than 20 candidates, the debate had to be once again randomly split into two groups and scheduled over course of two nights.

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are poised to headline Tuesday’s night debate. The two liberal heavyweights have maintained a cordial relationship, but are expected to be vying for the support of the party’s progressive base.

The two senators will also share the stage with South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke among others.

Frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden will debate on Wednesday, alongside Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who is the only other top-tier candidate to take the stage that night.

And 70% say that some of them do. It's still a while till the election. There is time to narrow the focus. You might note that more than half the country disapproves of Trump, and have since his election.
And 70% say that some of them do. It's still a while till the election. There is time to narrow the focus. You might note that more than half the country disapproves of Trump, and have since his election.

But he only had like a 36% approval rating when he was elected so he should get like 350 electors this time ;)
And 70% say that some of them do. It's still a while till the election. There is time to narrow the focus. You might note that more than half the country disapproves of Trump, and have since his election.
And 70% say that some of them do. It's still a while till the election. There is time to narrow the focus. You might note that more than half the country disapproves of Trump, and have since his election.

What a idiot....the Hildebeast won....didn't she?...ROTFLMFAO!

Hillary Clinton has a 91% chance to win - The New York Times
Oct 18, 2016 · Good morning on this, the 21st day before Election Day. Hillary Clinton's chances reached 91 percent last night — their highest point yet in this
If Democrats want to win they have to come up with a candidate that people can vote for, and so far they haven't done that.
Let's address the elephant in the room, which is it doesn't matter who they sport on the ticket, Trump is one of the best POTUS in history. Any ideas for a change-out is absurd, contrary and sour grapes.

Dems. aint going to win shit in 2020, nor should they. This group is bad.

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